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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. Nice!!! Keep those interests varied. Let me recommend you get a good quality guitar so it sounds good and is easy to play. Then you'll want to pick it up every day.
  2. Boy you got that right! My baby brudder took Scooter for a ride down along the ocean and stuffed it into a turn at max lean angle, hit a frost heave and grounded out the engine cases on the pavement. He left an incredible series of "S" shaped skid marks as he headed for the opposite ditch and rocks. He caught it before he went off the road, and came back, handed me the key and said "never EVER let me ride this *%$%@#<! again!!!" Anyone wanna buy a Li'l Scooter? I've only crashed it 4 times.....
  3. Sgtguk, for winter training you need one of these... what a hoot!
  4. DenimHead, what's that towing you? Wow what a shot, that last one!
  5. Me? I live in Alaska for a reason. Well, several. This is the place where you can be yourself, and you can pursue your passions. It's weird but here, if you're killed while doing so, you take on an almost heroic mantle. There are no commonly accepted limits to what can, or cannot be done. Go Big, or Go Home ... if you can talk the talk and then back it up... men will buy you beers until the day you die. We are *fiercely* independent here, and we enjoy camaraderie. Sometimes we just want to be left the hell alone. Other times it's right to get your friends together around a fire and share a few beers, and chances are nobody will say a word. Out loud..... lots is still being "said". So in that environment, what are my hobbies? Anything that's BIG, solitary, cold, tall or distant. Anything with barely controllable power in it. So you'll find me on a weekend sleeping in a snow cave when it's cold. The colder the better. Or riding the mtn bike down ridiculous terrain. Or backcountry XC skiing alone in the shadows with the bad sounds.... wolves, creaking ice, crunching frost, heavy close by breathing from something hairy and toothy. Playing hockey on a glacier lake. Hiking with the dog up something in time to catch sundown from the summit. Playing my Martin on the deck at midnight with a nice single malt. Teaching a kid how to do pond hockey and to shun playing with boards. Carving hunks of cottonwood bark into ridiculous sitting dogs. Sneaking up on a sweet fishing hole and enticing a fish smarter than myself to bite something. Living by wits, and respecting the memory of someone who didn't quite have it one day. Read the poem "Call of the Wild" by Robert Service, and that will explain it better.
  6. Automatico, I came *that* close to buying a Z1-R Turbo back in 1982. It was seized from a drug dealer, and had an MTC cylinder, fuel injection, magneto, and faster than stink. But man, it would NOT go around corners. Bad combination! Instead I got lucky, a friend owned the Honda shop here and he got me a CB1100F. It's about the last one they made, #3803. The story gets better... Freddie Spencer was racing the Superbike circuit and starting to get real serious about Formula, and he had two mechanics: Mike Velasco and Charlie McDonald. Charlie had left Team Honda and settled in Anchorage, and we got to be great friends. So he and I assembled the CBF and he told me how to break it in right. I did, then at 600 miles he said "change the oil and ride hell out of it". So I did, and blew up the engine. He brought his tools over and we pulled the engine, and he took it to his shop. He breathed fire into it, billed the whole thing to the Factory, and brought it back... we reinstalled it and he handed me the keys and looked me dead in the eye and said "This thing will kill you now". I laughed and thought he was just joking around... I said yeah, it was fast stock. He stopped the laughing and repeated it again, dead serious ... "THIS THING WILL KILL YOU NOW" and I was kinda startled. He's the one that built all the Daytona engines for Spencer, and the engines that beat Kenny Roberts. He said he didn't do THAT to my little Scooter, but he said I needed some serious respect for it. And boy was he right. The thing was a monster up to about 10,000 and then quit breathing. The pipe on it rotted out a year later, and I went looking. I found Kaz Yoshima, and he got all excited about making me a pipe... said he had a new idea. I told him the engine was built and he said "by who?" I told him Charlie did it, and he said "Ohhhhhh this pipe gon' work REAL good for you". It turned out he had trained Charlie and the pipe he bent for me was perfect for the engine... it let it breathe and suddenly I couldn't find the redline any more. Now the thing just screams and tries to tear your arms off, and I really, REALLY need to sell it. My reflexes can't keep up with it anymore. Before if I started to push either end I could catch it. Now? It's gonna hurt bad. Anyone want to buy a Little Scooter?
  7. Well said Ken, I was looking for the words to say the same thing. Gents who were not chosen, you would likely be surprised just how much we debated each of you before making these choices. Surrounded here at RWG with such a stellar member base, it was not easy. ..............and your number may well be up next time we add new staff. So enjoy your freedom while you have it!
  8. Just before the snow started to fall again...
  9. One trick I found with this new (horrible) version of the forum software... in the topics list of Unread Content, there's a "bullet" in front of the title. If it's a round bullet then it's new to you. If it's a "star" then click it to go to the newest unread post.
  10. Whaaaaaaat? I thought it looked sexy!
  11. If people could make lists of the orphaned links and send them to the Mods, we can edit and fix them. I know if you enter either in your browser's URL bar it's supposed to auto redirect. Unsure why it won't work the way you showed.
  12. Let's see, DenimHead in pink, that puts Andy in black, nikki6 in..... yellow?? I figured him for the black leather look. So reverse the order and nikki6 winds up in pink..... even worse! Thank goodness I was taking the picture and not IN it! Oh you have no idea.... there are plans to add a single-malt fountain and dolphin pool next. If we get ANY work done around here it'll be a miracle.
  13. Nanuq

    6202 Bezel

    Flex, do you have pencil hands for this project?
  14. Welcome aboard gents! You'll do great here. Now where did I put my Ken's Left Nut axe?
  15. Oh no, the secret is out! Quick hide the single malt! (glug glug glug glug...)
  16. Friends, Romans, Countrymen ... WIS far and wide, lend me your ears. It is time to add some new RWG Staff Members! We've had a long series of discussions in the Smoking Lounge (at least until the single malt and fine cigars ran out) and many names were suggested. We battled and whittled down the list until the names of a few fine upstanding members remained. These are fine blokes, good solid members, the ones who always seem to be here, lending a hand, welcoming noobs, answering for the 1,000th time "Who has the best Sub?" and conveying the culture of good old RWG. I'm honored to walk beside these good men. Please join me in giving a hearty welcome to the new RWG Moderators.... AstonJenks DenimHead Legend Nikki6 Panerai153 WELCOME ABOARD GENTS!
  17. Man, you put a genuine 7206 next to even a nice Yuki and the difference is staggering. Great piece!
  18. Old gilt tropical iron again for today.
  19. DAYUM that is sexy! Are you sure that's a T39 and not a T19?
  20. Niiiiiiiice. how about some profile shots of that gorgeous dome? I'm considering the same thing.
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