Spotted this morning on Fleabay, the elusive and rare vintage Rolex 8211 ... it's a 6536 plus a 1675!
Yeah he's a big one alright. His mate is nearly as big and they sit out there in the dusk and talk to each other up and down the mountain. Hoot hoot!
They were tough on the snowshoe hare population this winter... we had a huge warmup around January and it got down to bare ground on the mountain, then it got nasty cold again but stayed bare. The snowshoe hares were pure white, running around on the dark ground like little "free buffet" signs. We had a lot of well fed eagles and owls!
Take a really close look at the piece in your hand, the crown with the protruding male thread. Is there any chance those are actually two pieces screwed together? Can the cap come off that threaded piece? If so then maybe the resulting solo crown will screw onto your case.
Ding ding ding ding!!
Whoopy steps up to the plate, eyes the pitcher, scuffs the bag. The sun is at his back as he stares down the mound, crowding the plate. The windup... the pitch... CRAAAAACK!!!! And Whoopy knocks it outta the park! The crowd goes wild!
I'm planning something similar. I talked to my long-time modder about it and his reply...
"Seconds is easy, you only need to remove 0.05mm, the minutes hand is not too bad at 0.10, it's the 0.20 from the hours hand that is challenging, especially if there isn't much meat available. But, I can machine the hour wheel hand seat to gain room there."
So it can be done.
Droptop, think of this as an engine build. You want an intake tuned to the exhaust, valves tuned to the intake, cams to manage those valves and pipes tuned to the exhaust pulses. One piece affects all the others. It's the same with a watch build, the pieces are all interrelated.
This was a great kickoff for you. Nicely done!
If I had banned him at the first sniff of scamming, he couldn't have come back and given us all his (empty) reassurances that all work would be completed and returned. A ban shuts off all communication, and that's what we needed most from him.