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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. I ran into the same problem trying to press the retaining ring onto a 1665 with a Superdome 39 crystal installed. Solution? the local hardware store has white PVC "caps" you use to seal off a pipe. They come in lots of sizes, and one was perfect for my need. I had to cut a little length off to get it to fit in my press, and drilled a hole in its end so the press could "grab" it. A hockey puck also works if all else fails ... drill an opening just big enough to fit over the crystal then use c-clamps and a clever arrangement of the puck and thin boards to press the ring on. Or stand on it.
  2. Pffffft. Buncha wankers. Any WIS worth his salt doesn't need a search feature!
  3. I love that place. I lived on Bainbridge Is. for 8 years and commuted on the ferry every day to my office at 4th and Battery. I was there when grunge and Seattle's Best Coffee erupted on the scene, there was an abandoned warehouse across 4th ave from my building and Nirvana would show up there sometimes for a free unadvertised concert. You'd see hordes of kids running and knew it was happening. And I'd see Spoonman (from Soundgarden fame) on the ferry sometimes. I loved it there!
  4. "Does he work on reps?" Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no. Not recommended!
  5. My gut tells me Yuki. I see some hints of Minh there but .......... I doubt it.
  6. Yeah I have a few old stories of sitting in Tom's workshop as he tore apart my 6536 Sub. He's really a great guy, a true watchmaker from the apprentice school of learning. First time he ever saw my Sub he glanced at the serial number and dated it to the first quarter of 1958. I called BS so he got out his Rolex bible and looked it up. And he was right.
  7. Hey Moose, no flame suit necessary, that's not how we roll here. Welcome aboard! Next time you're in Tom Nesbitt's shop on 4th ave tell him hi for me. Take a look at Watchbitz here on RWG. He sells some really primo tools for cheap. I got a set of his high quality screwdrivers and they're very nice!
  8. Hey E, take some measurements of your bezel, eh? ID and OD. And does it click over a triangular old school retaining ring? I might have something for you.
  9. Here in Alaska it's starting to get dark at 11:30pm. Since this was a Leap Year, the Solstice was actually yesterday!
  10. We take a ban very seriously here, it's never just an emotional response to someone acting stupidly. A ban is used to protect the membership from a predatory or dangerous individual. Or if someone is a troublemaker and WILL NOT listen to guidance by the Mods, or refuses to obey the forum rules, then we remove him. In those instances we will ban only after warning the individual many times. In some instances the member will be suspended for a couple weeks to "give them another chance". Usually that works. Usually a ban is permanent, but there were odd exceptions. Over the last few years one person was banned and managed to sneak back in TWICE under new usernames (note I'm talking about someone else, not "Bluetack"). We knew it was him, and seeing much improved behavior, we let it slide each time. Unfortunately, that person screwed up again, and was banned again. Some people just have a really hard time following the rules, and as we are all volunteers here, eventually the mods/admin staff get tired of dealing with the same behavior over and over and over. I have extended an olive branch to this individual (the other guy, not "Bluetack") but now he's playing coy, so I'm thinking this will be another permanent ban. We take no pleasure in banning people. We exhaust our options before resorting to that.
  11. Now that you mention it, it looks just the same! But I'm about 180 miles closer to the big rock. Talkeetna Alaska Lodge baby! Boy I wish I had a real camera.
  12. You need to buy my gilt tropical GMT circa 1964.
  13. Should be an easy one. Where am I tonight?
  14. My God, that kid can sing. What a gift. What was I doing at that age? Enrico Caruso, Luciano Pavarotti, Andrea Bocelli ... and now Jonathan. Good LORD has he got a set of pipes. Yeah, I bought their album. Best $10 I've spent in a long time.
  15. A friend sent this YouTube yesterday and I'm still speechless. She is 16 and he is 17. Absolutely incredible. www.youtube.com/watch?v=7knUFWY2P44
  16. Hey P153, keep up the good work, and 10 years from now we'll look back again at this and think "yeah good old P153, one of the original good guys".
  17. Hey there's nothing wrong with living in a snow cave. The more the merrier!
  18. Boy, Andy is a lot nicer than me!
  19. An old-time Rolex watchmaker once suggested that to me, when my 6536 started running ridiculously fast. Face down, twhack it into your palm, Robert's your uncle.
  20. Then there's the Most Beautiful 6538 On The Planet, with its combination of perfect and sloppy lume:
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