Not "inside" but rather "under". The dial is mashed up against the backside of the rehaut. There's a tiny bit of overlap there. Most people don't realize how thin these things are.
This is a 6mm crown we're looking at, before its pilgrimmage to UbiLand for a Brevet swap.
Nice find Japanic, those typically go for around $1,000. I got one for a 6538 build in that condition for slightly less.
I've still got that coin edge 6536 aftermarket bezel if anyone wants to take measurements and replicate it.
Thanks for the alert. I posted a warning and suggestion in the sales thread for people to pull their funds back if possible, until he shows up again and explains himself. He's not logged on since 9/4. Not good.
Remember a standard Sub case is approx 40mm and a vintage Sub case is smaller.
I found the bezels from CWP or Natalie are good. And Natalie's are plated brass now.
When I travel I always bring my MBW 1665. It's loads of fun to mess with people's minds. You know those little plastic trays you have to put your stuff in for the xray? If you "forget" and wear a watch into the scanner and it beeps, then you get to take your watch off and throw it into the tray from where you're standing. And if you miss and it clatters and bounces all over the place and falls on the ground? Even better. Take that, you miserable overpriced piece of stainless steel! Jaws will drop. Trust me.
Oh, did you think I meant another kind of "big pumpkins"??
Crawling underneath a 1,723 lb pumpkin ... definitely Not Safe For Work
The eventual winner was 1,287 lb. Then they ate the guy. He just looks like he's celebrating.