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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. That last photo is the lower domed T-39. See how tall the "walls" are sticking up from the bezel insert? Visually verifying the extra bezel thickness, combined with the tall walls, you know it's not a T-19. If it had more distortion it would be the high domed T-39.
  2. Ahhhhh, that's merely one of many increasingly sinister tests.
  3. Here ya go... the HEV is not really flush to the case, and the hole it sits in looks pretty much like a sloppy afterthought. It's nowhere near as precise and perfect as you'd think.
  4. Triplehd, thanks for sharing that extremely difficult time with us. Man it feels good to get it out there, doesn't it? And it feels good for us on this end to hear the good news. First, congratulations on the new ones! Wow, you're a blessed man to have that kind of faith and to see the hand of God in your life. It means he is intimately involved in what's happening, and that is a powerful statement in itself. You are blessed. Everything looks good now, and it's easy to give thanks. But if sickness arises or if one of them or your wife takes a downturn, remember... he is intimately involved in your life and he has shown you already. Even if, or especially if, it looks bad... remember this. Faith is made strong in the valleys, not on the mountain tops. It will not always be easy. But you can always know that he is, and that he intimately cares about you. My son was born 2 months premature in 1987. At that time it was almost unheard of for a preemie to survive that. It nearly killed my wife, and we had an extremely hard time getting him out of NICU and home, and surviving the first year. Today my wife is healthy, and strong ... fully empowered to be a strong capable woman. She is a dynamo. And my preemie son? He is 6'4" and strong as an ox ... and an Eagle Scout. You would never know he had any trouble at all. It will not be easy, but it will be a story for the ages. One you can tell your grandchildren a couple of decades from now. Hang in there. God is with you.
  5. Mount McKinley, late afternoon, August 2006. What you can't see in the photo is the moose and bear in the foreground, circling each other around a willow thicket.
  6. The correct use is Superdome 39 on the earliest 1665s, like the DRSD. By the time the GW was released they'd gone to the "flatter" tropic 39. Like Freddy says, anything goes however when it comes to a RSC replacing parts. Here's a photo showing the two, both gen. Left is the "flatter" tropic 39 and right is the "superdome" tropic 39.
  7. Gee thanks Delta, you know how painful it is when you tear off the scab from the last time *I* forgot my watch at home! Read the saga here ... Warning, this is not for the squeamish!
  8. Isn't that the box Lani puts his watches in after wearing? I think that was "worn before breakfast Monday"
  9. Can I play? Here's a picture from the rim of Mt. Spurr, an active volcano across Cook Inlet from my house. It's about a mile across the opening here.
  10. Yes that is a very good question, Sul. It is rare for a rep or a gen watch to fade like this. The rep in my picture above is 13 years old, and the gen in the next picture is 39 years old. The other gen in the picture is 52 years old and it has not faded. I don't think you should be worried.
  11. Whooooaaaaaaaaa.... that's a Rohrshach picture of Scary Mary.
  12. Well said, everyone. There's a lot of good perspective here. Consider also that many noobs may well feel intimidated and won't ask what seem to be hopelessly ignorant questions. And I can understand that, the level of skill and knlowledge here is staggering, to say the least. If you've spent any time at TZ you'll no doubt be smarting from someone's sharply worded reply to a question. Or a harsh observation about a treasured piece you posted up. Who wants to get stung like that again? And considering the amazing talent and knowledge here, how do they know it won't happen? Aren't snobs the ones to bite back? How do they know we're not snobs until they stick around awhile? This place is all about community and sharing knowledge. We gotta put on our big boy boots and jump in. Problem is, you don't know how deep the puddle is until you jump. Lots of folks just aren't willing to risk that jump. So that sort of weeds out the non-community minded anyway. What we have left are the ones who "get it". They feel how this place works and pretty soon they make a brave first post and BAM they're part of who we "are" here at RWG. We few, we happy few, we Band of Brothers.
  13. I believe you are asking about a dial turning brown, or "tropical" from the sun. My 13 years old MBW Sea Dweller dial has started to turn tropical, even though I have not heard of this happening to anyone else.
  14. HOLY MOSES!!! A gilt, meters-first Sub?!! Wow....... that is a spectacular piece, my friend!
  15. All I can say is, if it reaches $10k then Ken better watch out or someone might try to steal his mad grillz.
  16. No "ladies style" Doxette? It would be mighty hard for Ms. Nanuq or Ms. Ubi to turn this beauty down. Behold, the Coralline SUB 200
  17. There's a very rare Doxa SUB 300 (no "T") Sharkhunter with the domed acrylic crystal for sale right now... someone grab it before I do! Oh wait... I already have one of these. Check it out here
  18. Smartwool socks. Roll 'em up with the watch inside, chuck 'em in the backpack, that goes in the overhead compartment. No worries. Never EVER put a good watch in checked luggage.
  19. So it was YOU that made all those chunky/funky dive watches of the 70s! Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!
  20. 4a65747269672a32786f722049206665656c7a20796f75212020446973206465206f6f6f6e6c792077617920746f6f7a20676f7a2e
  21. ¥0 h4><ǿr m¥ m4n 9r3372 ƒr0m 7h3 4r><71>< w1£Ð3rn3$$. H4pp¥ b1rƒÐ423 4nÐ m4n¥ m0r3!
  22. Check it out ... you know you want this one. The Ultimate Breitling
  23. Dirk Pitt and Doxa, baby. Wear a Doxa and you get to do things like this.
  24. A picture is worth 1,000 words... More details: http://doubleredseadweller.com/rail_white_sd.htm
  25. You can't beat a Monster on a Watchadoo "Lumpy" bracelet.
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