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Posts posted by Legend

  1. @kingfrog

    I completely disagree with your statement of a $500 rolex being almost equivalent to a gen sub. From the way you describe it, i would have to assume you never owned a gen sub. Movement does not lie mate, and so does the whole build. If you are at all into watches you know that the finishing and the minute details is what makes it so valuable.

    Its like saying i can run 100m in 11seconds and bolt could do it in less than 9.

    Meh, its the same thing, im as good as the fastest runner in the world.

    Your ignorance prove that you do not seem to understand the significance in small details, or even in significant craftsmanship.

    Apologies for dictating an old man, i hope God forgive me for my sins, but your perspective and behavior is slightly off mate;)

    Sent from my iP**** using Tapatalk

    So I reckon you're not going to say anything about your private jet, the nice Rolex collection, and the playboy bunnies you partied out at sea with last week? 

    Well then, I guess we won't know anything about those then will we? :lol:

  2. No Just debt free , retired at 54 with more income than we need every month and an IRA that will likely be passed down. Four cars 12RAV 14 CRV 08Corvette, 10Tacoma. 14 Harley , and a small boat out back. Paid off home..Nothing special. I probably have less than most here, I made it my goal at 20 to retire at 55. Didn't take much starting that early. But I never had a new car until I was retired. Invested when others were selling. Took risks. Lived well below our means.

    You don't need to be a millionaire to afford a gen Rolex Sub ND..Anyone who bought a $6000 car could buy one.

    Sounds reasonably well-off. ;)

    Wealth is relative, and as long as you're financially comfortable living your lifestyle, then kudos to you mate.

    I am 38 this year, and made my first million before 30. It has been a few more millions after that. My new ride, purchased in Singapore starting of this year, probably cost more than your collection of cars put together. Remember though that I'm in Singapore. Car prices here are astronomical. The last I checked, my gen ROOs are still lying in my watch box. The problem is that I'm unsure which of the 12 are telling me the truth about time.

    My point is, we are not here to play the "bigger balls" game like what my friend Ezio eloquently pointed out, but if you do engage us down that road, you'll find yourself quite far down the line in terms of personal wealth. We are not a motley crew who'll go wow over a gen Rolex submariner. In fact, the good people at Rwg will more likely drool over a Franken one built from parts painstakingly sourced and lovingly put together. You'll likely miss this point mate. :)

    My other point is, this is not a place where you could come and snub and judge anyone just because we wear and collect reps. The people I know here are in general genuine, kind, and willing to share. I love the community and the friends I made here. A lot of us collect watches and reps are fascinating because they are getting a lot better and more accurate. Very few of us here are lying to ourselves that our watches are gen, but oh, what fun it is, this hobby!

    So let's put all this puffed-chest, I'm-rich-and-real stuff away and let's just mingle and learn. Who cares about your riches? I've got my own. So do a lot of guys I know here personally.

    But the last I checked, rwg is a place to discuss watches, and not personal assets or financial advantages. We're here to share an interest and sometimes, friendship happens. As real people, we accept and develop the friendships that we find worthy of our time. That is, to me, infinitely more real that someone who comes on and decide that he's not here to make friends. It's like the man who walks into a restaurant deciding that he's not going to eat. The question, that anyone would naturally ask, is:

    Then why is he here? :)

    So if you can put down your cloak of judgement and condescension and high-and-mightiness and learn to share openly and with humility, you'll find this place a lot better than you think, and the people a lot more matured, knowledgable and real than others you'll find anywhere else.

    You're welcome here sir, but leave the pride at the door.

    Sent from Mars using tapatalk

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  3. What About breitling? I Think here in Holland the breitling's are mostly worn by loud, not very intelligent young lads. Most of them a quartz version ofcourse. I agree with the Rolex and the AP statements. So what about the Breitling in your country's?

    Interesting topic by the way!

    I personally consider Breitling and Omega to be in the same category, and in my country, they are worn by guys who like the look of a rugged luxury brand watch. Strangely, I do not see them as commonly as I see Rolexes, or even APs. Therefore, they are rather niche in my opinion in my country.

  4. Its sad to read about such mindless violence, and the abject grief and misery that inevitably follows.

    I guess that we would never comprehend the personal motivation for such terror attacks, nor can we truly prevent them from being carried out.

    The meaningless loss of lives is very tragic, and my prayers go with the families of the victims.


    The terror attacks would continue as long as there are people with extreme, delusional and distorted perceptions about society and others around them.

    May justice be swift and show the same amount of mercy to the perpetrators as they showed their victims.



    I agree with you that RWG is the least "ban-happy" among the 3-4 major rep watch forums, and yes I agree with your later post that we sometimes take ourselves too seriously. Sometimes, but not always. I would classify the majority of measures in place as "necessary prudence".


    Welcome to RWG, and regardless of your proclivity toward gens, meaningful contributions by fellow watch collector/enthusiast are always appreciated. RWG is a platform to share knowledge, forge friendships, and trade watches. I respect your point of view about wearing gens vs reps. A lot of us here own both gens and reps, and trust me when I tell you that among the gen owners, some of us own very high value genuine watches. The common thing that binds us is horological interest and this is like a virtual cafe where we check in, enjoy the company and enjoy the conversations.

    I respect differences in opinions, cultures and values as long as they are not offensive or blatantly disrespectful. Where people gather, friction occurs. The key to a harmonious and pleasant community is not herd mentality, but respecting, enjoying, and learning from the differences. 


    For example, I would be keen to hear from you, regarding your constructive opinion on the wearing the gen and rep submariners, instead of just saying "Oh, the rep is crap and miles off" :lol:

    You could share the variations of quality in detail and we could learn from yet another new and informed source.

    I enjoy constructive learning, and I would share whenever my time and schedule allows it.


    Like what I would tell some new guys, you have as much right to be here as I do, and I hope that you could contribute meaningfully during your stay here.


    I wish you a good day ahead. :)

  6. So I was watching Kelly & Michael this morning like I do when I don't have to work, and in the preview for tomorrow's show, it appears that Michael is rocking a 44mm Panda. Wonder if it's a rep

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Look at the hands pinion stack and the spacing of the subdials, and the sharpness of the AP logo mate. Its gen. :lol:


    OK I was kidding.. can't see those details at all, but I guess it would likely be gen. 

  7. In Italy the "culture of exteriority" is pushed a lot: here is not unusual to see people making debts to get a BMW to appear "someone", and then have troubles to refuel it. And this is generally inversely proportional with culture and establishment of them

    In this context what I've seen is that:

    1) very very few people know something about watches (I mean like mechanics or history of them)

    2) they massively go for poor-content-trendy-brands like Breil, Morellato, Kalvin Klein, Armani, Nautica etc

    3) 99.9% know that Rolex is luxury but think that Omega/Tag are just medium level watches, probably too expensive when you can get a Fossil that does the same task for much less

    4) they don't know a f__k about brands like Chopard, Breguet, Graham, Vacheron & C, Tudor etc etc, and if they know something about Panerai, is just because of Laura Panerai (google it... But far from your children and wife...)


    The result is that here it's PLENTY of people wearing Submariner, majority bad fake ones (last time I took the flight from Naples -considered the Italian capital of counterfeired good- to Milan I've noticed that around 70% of the males on that flight were sporting a Sub or a GMT, many even the limited edition LV... Com'on... ).

    And this is the reason I had worries to get a SUB my self from here: I'd not have liked to be associated to those people (then I have decided that I don't give a fuck and got a hulk one)


    The low to middle class here goes for quartz too, like Sector, Phillip watch etc. Very few amators here.


    The upper side of middle levels starts to sport good pieces: gen Sub if they aren't interested into the watches but just want to have something expensive to show around, or Breitling, Hamilton... Very very few Tags around here and even less Panerai (I've seen only one in the last 8 months).


    High classes: I'm not dealing with them as they are on a kind of other planet respect to me :/

    I am surprised to learn that Panerai (the watch brand) is not as well known as Laura Panerai (first time googling her, my wife is right beside me :lol:)

    I always thought that the fashion-conscious Italians love their Panerais and Ferraris :D

    In fact, I associate Panerai with Italy very much, how could anyone not do so?

    Relating to wearer personality, I find that this is the brand worn by the most diverse of demographics.. from company CEOs, to personal collectors, to young executives, to playboys.. so I find it hard to define the "typical" Panerai wearer. 

  8. Nice topic!  Again, should we distinguish between contemporary and vintage Rolex?


    I'm certainly not characteristic of how most people use their watches, but I wear my old watch friends like I wear my boots or jacket: I put them on and forget about them... they're just part of me.


    It's not devil-may-care, and it's not laissez-faire ... it's more like spending time with an old friend and not feeling the need to fill every moment with witty conversation.

    I tend to agree B. 

    Watches should form a natural extension of ourselves when we wear them, and not something we use to justify or prove our worth to another person.

    If you like my watch, thank you. If you do not, too bad.


    But yes I think contemporary Rolexes and their vintage counterparts are worn by rather different types of people.. But one shared trait I notice, both vintage and contemporary Rolex wearers in my circle tend to be relatively fuss free and value friendship and social connections more than the "louder" watch brand wearers.

  9. Someone recently did a similar thread for watch brands-car brands association.


    I would like to get the opinion of everyone regarding what wearer traits you associate the various watch brands with?

    I think this would differ from culture to culture, or from country to country.


    Personally, I find Rolex wearers to be a more conservative bunch, more matured in disposition, and relatively more down to earth compared with wearers of other luxury brands like AP.

    I generally consider AP wearers to be more "showy", living it up in general, and having louder tastes in life. Very similar to wearers of Hublot.

    My dad has been wearing a Patek Philippe since I was young, so I associate the brand with the distinguished gentleman who is successful, somber, and likes to whoop my butt for the slightest mistakes. Ok that last bit was a tad too personal but you get my drift. :lol:    


    Let the list roll gentlemen. 

  10. I apologize for my impatience.


    Ryan has contacted me about 1 hour ago and I'm much relieved.


    He told me to wait up to 3 days to get the QC pictures.


    I'm new to this rep purchasing, and I'm not that kind of guy who pays $400 and expect a $20,000 looking watch.


    Name calling isn't exactly necessary. If it wasn't for the reason I received a "Transaction Failed" where the payment went through, I wouldn't have worried. I had to call my bank to get all the information to prove that my payment did in fact go through.


    Like I said, when I received the email from InTime.co regarding the transaction, I immediately called my bank to confirm if the payment did in fact get processed, and it did. I didn't want Ryan to think that my payment didn't go through, but in fact, it did. That's what caused all the confusions.


    Anyway, my apologies. Can't wait to receive the watch.


    Cheers for now.

    After going back to read your original post, and reading my reply, I think my words were a little harsh considering that you are just a newbie. I guess that I would have been equally daunted had it been my first purchase, even if it was $200. I did not mean to blight your experience in RWG, you have as much right to be here as the rest of us. 


    So please graciously allow me to rescind some of my words, mitigate them, and say this: You were a little over anxious and emailing any dealer several times a day was not called for, like name calling in this thread. I do apologize for any harshness which is deemed to be inordinate. 


    Although Ryan is not an official trusted dealer here, he can be trusted, you have my word for it. RWG does not ratify transactions with Intime, but from my past experience, Ryan has a 100% track record when I purchased from him, from $60 spare parts to a bundle of watches that cost over $1500... you do not have to worry. Do not email him to ask when your QC pics coming even if the pics are late for a few hours, chances are that you will get them before the specified 3 days.


    I wish you all the best in your transactions and a pleasant stay at RWG.

  11. I have to admit, the darker dial makes the overall look much more appealing to me.   I'm guessing that the odds of me bumping into someone who has even seen the GEN are pretty darn slim.......     :lol:  

    I do agree somewhat after seeing the rep in person mate.. this could be the rare case of the rep being more appealing than the gen in terms of overall looks, accuracy aside.

    Congrats and wear her well. :) 

  12. This is a nice watch by itself I agree, but not a good rep at all of the gen Schumi.

    The dial color is way too dark, and the date wheel ring is too thick. I have done countless comparisons of the rep vs gen and ultimately decided not to go through with the purchase. The dial color is just too far off. I wonder how the rep factory could have made this mistake if they "made this using the gen as a sample"


    But other than that, yes the watch is very well made, I have handled my friend's watch, quality is very commendable. 


  13. I've been observing the rep markets for a long long time, and decided to jump on one for the first time. I've been doing a lot of searches and readings, especially on this forum and another forum.


    I jumped on InTime.co, which many members here recommended without any problems. So I went on to buy the AP RO Diver V7 by JF, and paid extra for the DHL shipping.


    The first order (#12173) I placed, I tried to pay with my 1st credit card and was rejected. But I can't find an option to update with my other credit card.


    So I placed another order (#12174), and this time the payment went through.


    But within 10 minutes, I received an email for both orders of #12173 and #12174 that my credit card was declined. So I called up both my credit card company, and was relieved the first one didn't go through. But when I called the 2nd credit card company, I was told the payment went through in full, under the company "XGCC Co., Ltd", because I had the credit card company email me the transaction details.


    I forwarded InTime.co all the details, not once, but at least 7 times over the last 24 hours, and have yet to receive a single reply. I'm a bit concerned. I can't find a telephone number to contact, nothing. I forwarded all the emails to the following addresses that I've found everywhere on the forum: sales@intime.co, intimepayment@yahoo.comintimewatches@hotmail.com, and also updated the messages inside InTime.co's order page message for both transaction #12173 and #12174. The reason I'm concerned is because it took them about 10 minutes after payment received to tell me the payment didn't go through, and it took them more than 24 hours, and none of the 7 emails I sent out, and 4 messages through InTime.co's order page had been answered/replied.


    Please let me know if there is any other way I could gain their attention? Is there a telephone number where I could call? I haven't received a single QC picture, and I'm really concerned. I'm thinking of calling my 2nd credit card company to cancel the order.


    Hope someone's able to help me, I've done all the searches possible and I could come up with no solutions, and I'm starting to regret that I should have paid extra $10 and go with Pure-Time instead.





    Please, take a sedative and breathe.

    Your anxiety is unfounded, and if its only 24hrs, please be realistic.. QC pics can take about 5 days to arrive. 

    I think that you are being extremely paranoid, and if you cannot learn to be patient, then don't buy reps.

    Emailing a dealer 7 times within 24hrs is uncalled for. Believe it or not, dealers are humans too and do not stay at their computers for 24hrs. Bear in mind also that there could be a time difference.


    You are just being utterly ridiculous. I ordered multiple times from Ryan and never had a problem. And its only a single watch that cost, what? $300 plus? I had single orders that go beyond $1500 and the QC pics did not reach me until a week later. Should I be like you and be reduced to a mass quivering mass then after the first day, and gnaw my nails to a bloody pulp?


    Ryan will come through. Please do not act like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Give it a few days. Puretime may not necessarily be better than Intime. I have ordered from almost all the trusted dealers existing today, and 1-2 non-trusted one, and never had an issue. Give it about 48hrs for any dealer to reply. 


    Your behavior and anxiety are totally unwarranted. Typical noob problem. 


  14. AR cyclop, relume, and a slow beat conversion. For the slow beat, I would strongly recommend finding a Tissot Powermatic 80 as a movement donor. the Powermatic 80 is an ETA movement, slow beat (21000 beats) with an 80 hour power reserve!! I believe that if you do these mods, you will have a really nice AP.

    A, good to see you advocate the powermatic80 mod after.. resisting it a while back? :lol:

    But yes, you are correct, that would be the ultimate movement mod for the AP Diver. direct transplant, and bingo, a better movement, in my opinion, even when compared to the AP cal. 3120!

  15. Courage is not the absence of fear, but its allowing love to triumph over fear, and striding forward regardless of the anxieties, the uncertainties, the incessant pounding of the heart.

    We cannot get Cats back, but he lives on through everyone and everything he cared about. His love cut through his disease and infirmities, and shone over his son defying all the physical weakness, till the very last. 

    From Cats, we can learn how to love, and how to give. I think that its the greatest single lesson any human being can learn. 


    I bet that somewhere, right now, our dear Cats is is disease and pain free, and smiling down upon his son, and of course, still dreaming about watches. I suspect that he would for a long long time to come. 


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