Hey guys, I'm sure these questions come up a bunch so forgive me. I just purchased a 1675 from Toro. It's a very nice out of the box rep but I can see a few things that may cause issues for later modification so I am currently trying to decide if I should keep it stock and just do another build. I have seen many posts regarding a 1675 build based on the PC 1655, WSO bezel assembly, Yuki dial, Asian low beat movement and a Clarks crystal. From All these posts I'm coming across seem to be from around 2010-2013 and my question is if that is still the most common build or if there are better options now in 2015. Also, not sure if the 1655 is still available. Any help would be greatly appreciated. For fun, here is the one I got from Toro that I've aged a bit.