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Posts posted by slay

  1. yeah, the whole thing is not that easy to accomplish! 500$ is not a bad price though. I remember them selling for 300Euros+ which is close to 500$. But I havnt seen those movements around since about a year (they must have all been sold to collectors)

  2. Good question... I guess perhaps you can tell if it feels metallic or ceramic... perhaps tap on it and see if it sounds or feels the same? I really don't know.

    From the pics on repgeek even the caseback looks like ceramic :)

    sorry I couldnt reply to your last mail, but I'm sort of really busy right now and 3hours from being out of the country ;)

    cala ratjada here i come


  3. :shock: Thanks for your discretion Slay <_<

    Prison "Tats" .. are done a number of way's.. the plastic checkers( as in Chess or Checkers) .. are melted and used as ink .. and a needle is used and the tip is wrapped with thread.. or home made machines...... if you are familiar with... Danny Trejo.. acted with Segall and Deniro in many Movies... his tat's are from a variety of "Federal Institutions" .. whilst he was a guest there.. very detailed and intricate.. usually they have lots and lots of time to do them :whistling:

    you really know how its dune, huh? B)

    i just know how to built a tat machine using an electric razor (i was tought that in the army)

  4. you could always sign up as a reserve officer in the army/marine corps, they will pay for all your tuition.

    when i looked into colleges in the US i found out that i had to raise 40k+ a year. not worth it for a degree in "liberal arts" (they dont teach you anything specific, just basic knowledge)

    even a harvard degree wouldn't make me any more smarter than a BSc from a regular Uni somewhere out of the US

  5. I am originally from Germany and met my American wife - lets say a long time ago :D she was in the army at that time, so we lived in Germany together already for more then a year when we decided to get married. Since she had a daughter already from a former marriage it would have been an expensive legal nightmare to get married in Germany, so we flew to Vegas, got married and had the license transfered into German for 20 Marks at the time. Got a free vacation out of that for sure..

    To come to the point:

    But when I applied for my visa to move to the States with her I was surprised to find out that even when you are married to a US citizen they do not have to give you a Visa. I had to find an employer in the states that wrote me a letter guaranteeing employment first. I also had to show I had enough money to start out with, don't remember exactly I think it was $10,000. It was quite a hassle and runaround.

    wow, really? i always thought you just had to marry and thats it.

  6. Thanks Ken, i will have to get the wife looking through that when i get home, hey maybe you could come round for dinner one night when you are stuck up in the boring place??

    yeah, we definitely have to do that some time! tomorrow will be my last day before my long deserved vavation.... going to spain/mallorca B)

  7. I asked and was quoted $850.

    I can't get into andrew or josh's sites (are they still bigbanghaven and bigbangworld?) as they seem to be taken down for some reason. Unless they've new ones now.

    funny. when was that? it wasnt only me that was quoted 750$, another member also.

    guess i was right with my assumption that they would pressure her as soon as they see what she's charging ;)

  8. Aaahhhh .. once again Dani .. I see you have come to brilliant conclusions, without the actual item in hand.. .. so if this "off board dealer" has such a good price then "put your money where your MOUTH (or in this instance fingers are)" .. talk is cheap and unless you are "willing" to do something about it as "proof" then all you are doing is blowing smoke.. you come across with a "LOT" of hot air and I for one cannot grasp or understand the odor you are blowing...

    Seems as if you won't stop calling people out so let's see some "action" on your part !! you post that you "find" this and that "good deals"

    BTW... from dealers no one heard of; but are you willing to stick your neck out and pull the trigger or are you waiting for someone else to do it with your great "finds"

    You "accuse" me of being a "follower" .. yet I think I have stood by "my" decisions with action and posted the replications without "advertising" my collector or collectors.. have you ?? or is this just another example of your "crying", because you don't want to or cannot purchase it and are trying to influence others to do the same ?? I cannot remember ever seeing any of these "great deals" that you happen to Google on your wrist or any kind of write up or anything that resembles factual posts !

    "little boy" why don't you take your narcissistic thoughts of yourself and your view of the world with your eloquent verbs and try and do something useful for a change like keeping your petty asinine "so called" thoughts in perspective..

    You are not contemplating purchasing anything ... I can stand by my decisions!.. but it would seem that your post cry out that you are always a "victim" of circumstance !!

    So I would like to see something that resembles action.. Put up or SHUT UP !!.. all these lower price reps you find let's see your expertise in action FOR ONCE just ONE TIME ..Because speaking just for myself I am totally tired of your petty A S S name calling and diatribes that hold no validity or truth.. like your sales .. all Bull Excrement !!!

    Show Something other than just WORDS !!! other wise just revert back to your tantrums.. i could use some entertaining today .. specifically a GOOD LAUGH

    Disrespect meant !!


    whatever you said, i have read till "you accuse me of being a follower" and you do sound like a follower. give it a rest!

  9. not for me, i rather pay 315$ for the lite version, b/c brushed pvd looks just like brushed ceramic. no visible difference, not on the pics and not in person. also the lite has a black datewheel

    i get free a/r from k222 b/c i won it at our last GTG.

    i also think the brushed part of the case are not ceramic.

    315$ is less than half of the full ceramic version and less than 1/3 the non-lite black magic with cheap a/r

    compared to the 950+$ 750 is not bad, true. still too much IMHO b/c an asian J12 is less than 200$ (full ceramic, even the bracelet)

  10. i have always wondered why there is almost no competition on the forums. if you ask me, its because of two certain dealers.

    if the dealer works closely enough with the manufacturer and sells high volume (i.e. more than other dealers) he has control over the market.

    i remember the time when paul had the big monopoly and was bragging about driving a porsche etc. (the good old abay-eshop days..)

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