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Everything posted by Kollektor

  1. Looks like a fine time had by all. Beautiful Daytonas! Funny that you poured all that steel and leather onto the table.
  2. Look forward to the pics. This should be interesting...
  3. UPO, no question.
  4. Not wild about the one you used as a sample, but others are very unusual and interesting pieces. Don't know if I'd wear one, but they are pretty cool!
  5. Wow. Terrific job. Thanks for sharing, and don't hesitate to keep the pictures coming!
  6. Hat's off to you. Always wondered where this one originally came from. I'm impressed with your knowledge!
  7. I can look at this watch all day long. Great choice!
  8. Terrific post. Very interesting. Would anybody know which version Sub model has the serial: D320840?
  9. Yep. I'll have to do the swap sometime in the future too...
  10. No expert here, but from what I've read, the sweep is the biggest issue. Ask Paso about these movements. Maybe he has them.
  11. Missed that one, Mate. Indeed an audible snort of approval from me. I snort like a pig when laughing. By the by, not all the Subs suffer from Stir Fry Syndrome, so there is hope, ye of little faith. That bevel really does become a serious eye sore once you start obsessing over it.
  12. V, sorry to threadjack. Inappropriate - this is about your dad and the heroes to whom we owe our debt of gratitude. I will pray for your dad's recovery. Those WWII vets were indeed a special lot. While we may have descended into the "Me First" generation, there is hope. People have come together to help those displaced by the fires in Southern California. Donations, volunteers, the works. It's a tremendous show of community and support, reminiscent of days of old. Uplifting.
  13. I love Nanuq's stories. Putting snobs in their place :-)
  14. Amusing quote from the article: "The standard for testing condom strength is to fill it with air, a technique pioneered by the Swedes in the 1950s." Ooooh, they "pioneered" the blowing of air into a piece of latex. Idea inspired by balloon inflation techniques used at children's birthday parties around the world. Scientists adapted this same process to condoms in what they call "QC O2 molecular insertion process or QCO2MIP for short, patent number 657330018318344-5
  15. Well, let's say Oxbridge. One of the two :-) Dawkins has his own religion going. I read 1 or 2 of his books (Selfish Gene and another one I think... off top of head). He seems very impressed with himself! I'm not a fan of evangelists... but rather of those who seek truth in life. Penrose is brilliant. Glad someone's heard of him!
  16. V, wishing your dad a quick recovery. Re the "great debate"... In my university days, I thought Atheism was the sign of a great intellect. Now I see it as a sign of arrogance and ignorance. It is quite possible that neither modern religions nor modern science accurately portray "reality," whatever that may be. Many students of quantum mechanics believe that the mind actually has an impact on reality. The Double Slit experiment and the duality of the particle/wave shows that human perception affects the outcome of the experiment. As far as evolution is concerned, there is a certain elasticity of genes beyond which mutations are generally not survivable. Earth is estimated at 5 billion years old, the universe at 15-20 billion years. Not only have biology laboratories failed to establish how the initial emergence of single celled organisms developed from inorganic matter, one must marvel at the sheer complexity of each component of the human body, including symmetry. The eye in itself is an object far more complex than any object we can create in a factory or laboratory. The evolution of such complexity would be miraculous, even in 5B years. Many scientists believe that no computer will ever be able to emulate the functionality of the human brain. Will computers ever "experience" consciousness? Roger Penrose says, no. (Emperor's New Mind). How is consciousness created from a physical object? Is it enough to have a neural network of computers? But back to the religion of Evolution.... Oddly enough, the fossil record does not depict huge variations and mutations among species, so I remember the new school theory about these major quantum jumps in mutations throughout evolution. Can't remember what that one is called but I'm sure someone here will remind me. I'd say that theory is more of a religion than science. "Theory," means that it's an explanation. A few years ago, we thought the universe was oscillating, expanding and contracting without any starting point (which goes against all Newtonian logic of cause and effect). Now we believe in the "Big Bang," the "cause" of which is still nebulous. Not a religious man, but not a self absorbed pompous one, either. Whether a particular religion is silly or not does not make Atheism a logical imperative or conclusion. Whatever the truth may be, there IS an absolute reality out there. Our attempts to explain it are subjective. Atheists think they know it all. Ironically, they often think themselves to be the most open minded people in the world and yet they are so adamant in their beliefs. Probably comes from the natural association of "Christianity" as an organized religion with the existance of a Greater Being that exists outside of space and time. The two are not mutually exclusive and should not be confused.
  17. Wokkiness is my pet peeve as well, fellas. Rehaut thickness, too.
  18. But where would the fun in that be?
  19. Wearing my TW SD and praying that someone will come out with a better one. Sorry, no pics just yet...
  20. Big fan of documentaries, but my pet peeves are: 1) Historical fiction 2) Historical dramas (Oliver Stone, Steven Spielberg, etc) Both distort history and create folklore, rewrite history, etc. Almost, but not quite as bad as, the BBC ;-) Oh, high recommendations for Netflix subscribers: 1) Murder on a Sunday Morning 2) Staircase 3) Thin Blue Line All three are great documentaries about the US criminal injustice system. Thin Blue Line hit the mainstream in its heyday but the others are hidden gems.
  21. +1!
  22. Deepest condolences, Laz. Very tragic. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this.
  23. BK, once again you taught me something new. Love your macro shots with the arrows. Would be great if you created a post identifying all of the issues. Thanks again for your contribution, Mate!
  24. We are all lucky to see such a comparison. Thanks! Without the gen reference it would be very hard to differentiate. To my eyes biggest differences are crown, crowngaurds, rehaut depth, dial obviously... bezel teeth and bracelet. Of these only the crown and CG seem to be of any significance. Astounding job though. Can't wait to get my MBW 1665 GW back from the plastic surgeon...
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