SSurfer - it's slightly loose when closed, of course. Nothing unbearable, mind you. I understand and appreciate your point, MK08, but we're not talking about legitimate trade here, so expectations should be adjusted IMHO. However, can't blame you for a moment for your decision and I do see the other side of the argument.
Bottom line - I'm very satisfited with my DSN watches and would buy from him again. Those mods alone would have put the watch at least $100 over the price he asked. The lume on the 112H is fantastic, rivaling my modded lume with one of our top modders here, and I prefer the "L Swiss Made L" on the bottom to anything else available - a pet peeve of mine. The 217 is very nice--better than the 127 as the font colour is better. Thin, I know, but I prefer it over the gen.
Vic, sounds like a watchsmith would be a good bet. Just the return shipping alone will cost you minimum $30 without tracking, and about $60 with. Let me know what happens with the fix