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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. That has what, precisely to do with riots and hooliganism The scum who've been kicking off have likely never even picked up a copy of the Qur'an
  2. Yup, just like the downfall of the Roman Empire...
  3. Have to admit, I quite like that one, rather reminds me of this Enjoy your trip
  4. Personally speaking, I don't like the look of it... The dial looks cluttered, and the case looks like a Hublot-wannabe... Personally, I'd spend the money on something else, franken or otherwise
  5. Absolutely spot on. Personally, I blame the UK's shameful rate of underage and unwanted pregnancies, the result being, a generation of apathetic wasters with misplaced feelings of entitlement, or, as UK TV host Jeremy Kyle says, the issue is "Kids raising kids". There is a real lack of respect for authority/anyone in much of todays UK youths, and fifteen years of a system of nambypamby do-gooders, has resulted in these youths never being held accountable for their behaviour, and the results of that lack of discipline have now been made clear for the rest of the world to see...
  6. I can just see the eBay adverts now... "Looted from a London store, so I'm passing the savings on to you!!!!"
  7. I think you're absolutely right there. The youths of the UK have been able to get away with too much for too long, and combining a generation of apathetic wastes of space with government cutbacks and no prospects, situations like these riots were just waiting to happen. I'm just hoping it gets resolved without the need to turn the UK into a Police State Today's news buzz-word: Criminality +1
  8. I meant to say earlier, but that is one fine custom strap
  9. Some wannabe gangsta got killed by the police last week (they shot first, although he was armed) and the scum of society have been using the opportunity since then to go looting some new trainers and flatscreen TVs
  10. Wow, straight from Vulcan's Forge
  11. Just a generic 'off the rack' Chinese machine purchased from a local studio, with 8 wrap coils, so I keep it set up as a liner Since taking that pic, I've rebuilt it and made some better 'coil stickers' for it I actually used a KII gauss meter on it while it was running the other day, and at the point where my watch would be on my wrist, the field was strong enough to light almost all the lights, so from now on, I only wear quartz while working for fear of magnetizing an automatic movement PS I do normally bag the machine and clip cord, as well as having the glove over my watch whenever I work, but that would've defeated the object of the picture
  12. Thanks I have to admit, it's still probably my favorite photo as well, even though the watch itself is nothing special If I recall, the ice was about an inch or so thick
  13. Here're some of my favorite pics I have taken over the years Thanks for looking
  14. Best way to go with testing, IMHO If it survives a trip under a faucet on full force and then a trip through the shower, then it's swim time
  15. Probably safer to say a list of people who can't be trusted to deal reasonably with folks... I'd just like to say that Ken is a complete gent to do business with, and if my financial circumstances had been healthier the past few years, I would have been buying a lot of stuff from him, as his products and service are first rate
  16. The watch is not commercially replicated, so the worst that it could be would be a franken from 100% gen stock parts Nice dial too
  17. Do you mean to completely strip the watch, or just to remove the hands once the case is already removed? I can't help you with that one... Depends on the internal structure... If it's a functional HE, then you could just leave it as it is, if it's only a cosmetic marking on the midcase, again, you could leave it as is, but if it is a complete cut-through and non-functional, then epoxy is the route many have taken
  18. Awesome :good Even the good reps of that model cost more than that now
  19. It's a good color, just a case of using it properly
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