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Everything posted by P4GTR

  1. My wife has IBS, pretty bad. I'm beginning to think shes got a gluten allergy or something to that effect. I'm wishing for her to try a gluten free diet to rule it out. Poor thing.
  2. P4GTR

    Daytona Beach

    Those are bloody awesome!
  3. Same thing my wife tells me, don't get cocky.. Er, no, it's phrased differently.
  4. sorry to hear about this, P. I'm sure this info will be useful to anyone that has a swissfish. Tubes are never that great on the reps, we're all going to be in this boat one day. Better to have the info sooner rather than later.
  5. 2,525 posts. Does this mean something? Did I do good? I seem to remember 2,500 being some sort've benchmark.
  6. Novelty purpose. The novelty part will most likely wear off within 24 hrs.
  7. Nice roundup. Pure class. Not a watch there I wouldn't be proud to own.
  8. Reeeeaaalllly. Ceramic, nice. Of course, look at the damn He Valve.
  9. 30-something floor of the Four Seasons, NYNY. (that is 5th Ave below) And a snack from the window it was taken from...
  10. Nicest looking $100 movement I've ever seen, and the variations in the black text doesnt seem noticeable from your pics. The right strap will set that watch off nicely!
  11. I like it, especially at that price. Am I really seeing two functional winding springs?
  12. I live in new development. They are tearing down land that has been previously uninhabited to build homes. I also mountain bike. I've seen some interesting creatures along the way. So inspired by Nanuq, I present Life in Florida. Part I. Pics can be clicked on for full size (huge). Yesterday, before going out to grill on my porch, I did a spot check for poisonous snakes, spiders, you name it. Two uninvited, albeit interesting ladies were planning to join me for dinner. As I went to close the back door I just stepped out of, I almost shook hands with this female Praying Mantid/Mantis. They are known to eat prey up to its own body size or more, including hummingbirds, or mice. A mantis strike takes only 30-50 thousandths of a second. They can rotate their head about 180 degrees, like us. Almost all other insects have no mobility of their head. This one was about 4.5 inches As I photographed her, she would watch me, moving her head following the camera. Sometimes, she would [censored] her head to the side, almost curiously. (not my photo) The next thing I noticed, and the reason for the thorough checking. A nice full grown female Black Widow. I've been noticing a lot of these brown and black widows around the outside of the house. After seeing her last night, I was extra careful doing yard work today. She was about the size of a half dollar before her demise. Forgive me for not taking any close-up live pictures of this one.. Don't let the size compared to the knife fool you. That Spyderco Military is almost 9.5 inches long. I prefer seeing my two other uninvited guests here much more-
  13. Wow. That is incredible! Amazing-
  14. Ive learned a little just from dealing with this hobby. Ken, Offshore, etc.. You guys are the ones I was thinking about when I made this thread. Thanks for the replies. I didnt want to put a huge amount of capital into starting it up, IE. going to HK, etc. I just figured with a little digging I might be able to find a good supplier for niche market goods and start an ebay store or something local even. I was at the flea market the other day. This place is huge. Its nothing but booth after booth of people selling various goods from China. Airsoft, knives/swords, plants, bags, all sorts of things. I will look around on DH Gate.
  15. Thogaa you'vr lost all control! alanytical is that genuine carbon fiber? http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff236/alanytical/Montoya/th_MVI_0845.jpg
  16. Can anyone offer any help with establishing contacts for wholesale trading in China? (Not for Reps) I'd like to try selling something. Knives, swords, airsoft stuff, maybe high quality non-rep watches. Those are just an idea. There are so many things that if marketed correctly can offer premiums when sold in the US, above what they can be bought for abroad with the right connections. Stuff you don't see in Wal-Mart. Connections... How are they made? How would you get started? Can anyone offer some insight for someone that doesnt speak CN?
  17. Very nice. Everything looks like it should. So.. Everyone is dying to know. Who'd it come from?
  18. lol... Pot? Kettle? I've never seen that. Correction, I was never taken back by it until I saw it through your glass. Wow. Insane watch. I'm glad to see you posting, hopefully in better and better health. As far as Rolex go's. Maybe i'm still on my journey. I did realign my collection from a major standpoint, and with conviction. However, I am still relatively new to "getting it" when it comes to watches. Funny enough I wore my ETA 16610 sub the past two days because its insanely comfortable and rugged in our very stormy week of weather. It's an easy, comfortable, classic. But $6,000?!!! With that pricetag, I would be a lot less cavalier about classifying it in my rugged use catagory.
  19. It's 1:21AM. The only thing on my wrist is the dew from my drink. I've barely touched this since I put it together. I'd like to wear it if it wasn't 95 degrees with 80% humidity in Tampa, and/or raining. I refuse to wear good leather and perspire unless worlds are colliding and its necessity. So in the box it chills...
  20. A $50,000 watch is practically invisible on a good looking guy. Women really don't care, trust me
  21. P4GTR

    UN MMD

    Not that I know of. Like I said the MMD's even the chrono's didn't do it for me, I wanted one like yours. I like the Maxi Marine with Roman Num's, though. The black/stainless is a hit, reasonable cost, too.
  22. Love that BRM. I've never heard of it until you shared it, thanks Sprocket.
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