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Everything posted by Fidestro

  1. From my experience in the US, Panerai is more of a trendy west coast watch. They are catching on in the east, but in my last trip to NY I saw a handful, went to SF and saw a ton of them.
  2. Also keep in mind that some of the "swiss" ones are so heavily modified that they are mostly asian anyway. It is a good thing to remember when evaluating the difference in price.
  3. Someone had a crystal from a SFSO for sale and it sure looked 5mm to me.
  4. I threw up in my mouth a lil bit. Do not want!
  5. You mean there is more to that show than the cheerleader with the [censored]? Huh, I'll be damned.
  6. Comparing a McRib to real bbq ribs is like comparing jerking off to sex with Jessica Alba. They will both get the job done, but you would much rather have the real deal.
  7. I don't think so, the lume dot at three is full. They are repping the black steel right now, I could order one and it would be here next week. EDIT: I guess it is gen, I found it on WUS
  8. Congrats! I now found a big tell on the rep!
  9. Is that movement an ETA or an asian clone?
  10. I have seen a rep with the engraved globe and omega symbol offered, I believe Silix had it on his 007. Only one of my gens has it. I always prefer to look for the red dot to ensure a real unmolested watch.
  11. Congrats! Keep posting with that avatar!
  12. Remember one thing, Work hard. Millions of people on welfare are depending on your tax dollars.
  13. Bill O'Reilly would softball her, he is a Republican. It would still be scriped. Put her on Jerry Springer, with her unwed underage pregnant daughter and the daughter's self proclaimed "[censored]' redneck" boyfriend would fit right in. As an aside, how can you be a "[censored]' redneck" that far North in cold weather? It baffles the mind.
  14. I don't think a vice presidential candidate should say "don't ya know?" in the Fargo accent. I see Nanuq is reading this and I fully expect to receive an ass ripping over it but that is how I feel. She did not answer the questions she was asked. I really think you could ask her what two plus two was and receive an answer on how to make fried chicken.
  15. Is this what I have to look forward to when I go l33t? If so I better get my thumb out of my ass and post more.
  16. My vote for a 25 year old accountant is a Fossil, DKNY, etc. A cheaper fashion watch. The economy is in the toilet, no one wants to look at their accountant flashing his bling, they would think you overcharge and give you the boot.
  17. That was a riot! Not sure how safe for work though.
  18. Exactly. I live a few hundred miles from an authorized dealer for any major watch brand. It is cheaper for me to buy something and maybe lose a hundred bucks or so than it is to drive to an AD just to try something on to decide if I would like it or not.
  19. Nice watch but it is too damn heavy. Yes, you see a lot for sale, but is usually like that with any hot watch. Everyone buys one and then dumps it, I think we only keep what we love. I remember seeing DSN Panerais for sale by the truckload a year or so ago.
  20. What Dani is getting at is that you should be able to find this yourself. I know you are new, but don't expect a spoon feeding.
  21. Holy Ancient Thread Batman! WTF? Back when TWP was a reputable dealer!
  22. I think that is the "current" DaVinci. The one posted at the top is from their new line of classic models, they have "retro" versions of some of their watches, included the Ingy, that look quite different from the current designs of the same model.
  23. Dammit LR, you had to post a photo of your one with ar, I am on the fence about that. I want to do it but I am inept at working on watches to pop the crystal out.
  24. I knew the US Dollar was taking a beating, but I did not think it was that bad!
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