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Everything posted by Watchmeister

  1. Came back to look again having dropped by the Boutique yesterday and I have to say that is fabulous work. You should be very proud.
  2. Neat, sweet and petite. Love that 202.
  3. As an owner of gen and franken AP's you get one very big thumbs up. very nicely done.
  4. Yes, I set them and wind them only when I wear them. No point otherwise. The only watches Iever keep running (when I have one) are the perpetual calendars (Panerai doesn't have one) because they are such a pain in the neck to set.
  5. JMB- We are thicker skinned than that. There will always be people who are unhappy with any current government. The difference here is we are not a democracy. We are a meritocracy. Seriously, when you have a mod team with average tenure going back years you may be a little slower to pull the trigger but do typically end up with the right answer.
  6. Tritium relumes come one of 3 ways - scraping tritium off of old watches, exit signs (which are basically made with old tubes like a Ball watch) and finally Tritium from Tritech (difficult but not impossible to obtain). My latest Pr-V in the PAM section is relumed with trititum. I assume everyone knows tritium is actually a gas and half the battle is having the right bonding agent
  7. I was wondering who Kroexist even is. Guess I don't want to know now.
  8. I suspected it was too bad an outcome to be true. No one goes 3 out of 4 from trusted dealers. I will amend your post.
  9. $1800 a month fully furnished for 2 months will be difficult in Manhattan. Craigslist is a good suggestion. See if your school has (or has an affiliation with a college with) a club in NYC. I know they sometimes offer affordable housing for the Summer as the clubs are otherwise quiet since all the in-town members are often away for the summer. I did that but it was decades ago.
  10. They wear totally differently. IMHO, unless you have a 7.5" wrist go with Steelfish or regular sized Blacksteel Avenger. I do prefer the coating though.
  11. Straps go $350, $450 and $550 for leather, croc and hornback respectively at the boutiques in the U.S. On the deployant I can't remember but it is something like $500. If that doesn't scare you PM me and I can ask a couple of folks. By any chance is it a black themes? There is also a guy down the street from me who I buy used straps from time to time. Most importantly can't wait to see the pics. I just got one back myself after a rebrush.
  12. I can't comment on the technical stuff but Tom makes an important point. SQL has never scammed anyone here and nor did he run away. This is about actions elsewhere.
  13. Thank you. Last thing we need are tips on how to "beat the system".
  14. I got it this morning and will get it on to the other team members. I have not had the opportunity to read this entire thread. As the ignorant observer there is a major disconnect here. A number of folks here have personally done a good amount of franken and gen business (thousands of $) with him with no problems over the years. I am one. It will be very disappointing if it turns out he has simultaneously been running a scam show on the gen forums. In any case, thanks for the info Robert and I will get in front of the other admin team members later today. I gotta go do some work for a bit.
  15. Roger that is a great summary. I never keep track of who is making what.
  16. We will have to see what it means. Sounds like the big factories are making sure the little guys are put out of business. Here comes the price increase. Bear in mind most of our dealers are smarter than that. They don't even live in China. This business isn't going anywhere. Employs too many people. And if it isn't China say hello to Vietnam best.
  17. Avitt does not offer the service here and it is not an accident. Apparently he subsequently crapped out a while ago in the other forums but I do believe he is following through on the projects in- house. But you may well need to show a lot more patience. PBdad is good guy but for future reference when engaging on a project always look for the weakest link. In any case best of luck with your project and you are doing the right thing working this out with PBdad. He is a responsible guy and stand up person in my experience.
  18. The real question is whether the 372 becomes iconic like the Fiddy or just another lame "limited" edition.
  19. It may put a crimp in rep collecting but it always comes back. Most of our dealers don't even live in China so they can source elsewhere. I am sure at some level they are tired of being the factories butt boys anyhow. Making $30 on a $400 watch has got to be frustrating. I also always have faith in free enterprise. The large sophisticated factories who make money know who to take care of. I will bet money the big 3-4 factories won't be touched. China needs the jobs. And if China really cuts off its nose to spite it's own face say hello to Vietnam best.
  20. That is not something to take lightly. I know W0lf has a heck of a lot of knowledge and even built custom jigs specifically for that purpose. The particular case he used for mine is no longer available.
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