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Everything posted by Watchmeister

  1. A dog sled? The old one has to be wearing out by now.
  2. Gran- Congratulations. It is a slippery slope and you have strapped on skis. Can't wait to hear what you think once you receive it.
  3. Huge congrats. You do know he will have to a watch on his wrist for the next post.
  4. Loving that piece but I am not a fan of the rotor - IMHO it looks kind of cheesy. But I love the gold with the brown dial.
  5. I know as of a couple of months ago he was still in business using the old school photobucket system. I suspect you will hear from him. As you know he was always a much smaller operation so if he is still away from CNY you are not going to hear anything.
  6. Great pics. Those are wonderful pics. The bezel on the noob is really nicely done.
  7. Great collection. Whenever you have a moment please add some detail on the various watches. I may be wrong but it looks like you have done interesting things to some of these watches.
  8. I am going to hold the line and wait on the V3. If they can improve the date section and do the total lume it is quite the rep.
  9. I can't say I plan years in advance. I am driven by projects (I like to do frankens) and so will pick up a great part for a watch I was already interested in and then collect the remainder for as long as it takes. Some pieces take years. My gen purchases are few and far between now as I prefer the projects - not economically intelligent but a lot more fun. On the reps I get ever more selective and typically buy random reps that I want to take a flyer on. Ploprof is a classic example. I knew it very well might look silly on my wrist but I had to try it. Probably will do the same with that Hublot Diver which is ridiculously sized but looks so cool.
  10. Very nice pics. What a great rep. You picked a great 4 watches for your collection. Out of curiousity does the white dial get any wrist time?
  11. You ate a $400 check for your chef's mistakes. These guys are serving 100's of steaks every day with a small staff for whom English is not their primary language. And by the way their chefs aren't on the premise. I still believe they get the vast majority of orders correct.
  12. Three reasons why here versus a gen forum: - You actually make great friends - two of my closest were met here. The commonality is not simply we all own Rolexes - You find people with the same and other interests - The watch info is far broader and not just brand specific - nor is it based on people showing off what they own - And lastly, reps are more exciting than gens if you ike them
  13. Wow, Project is coming together beautifully. Some day I hope to join your select club.
  14. Gran - You have it exactly right. Seagull has the perfect movement but it will be a while (I guess years) before the rep manufacturers can get their hands on it for a reasonable price. Patience is a virtue.
  15. Looks great. Good to hear you really want it for display only. I have been through a couple of multiple watch winders and found only three things. You will be amazed at how quickly the winders break. The motors are often not strong enough to consistently spin the bigger watches. They don't work with bracelets because there is no way that a bracelet that fits your wrist is tight enough around the watch holder. And lastly that your watches don't keep proper time because no one has tested the timing on your watch in that exact position.
  16. Good man. By the way the end links in those pics look better than on my '66 gen.
  17. I wouldn't read a lot into it. I find it varies based on the time of year. Also the fact that USPS is cutting back its services and facilities is bound to ultimately affect how efficient EMS is.
  18. Just don't tell the other forums. RWG is the only forum with a usable search engine.
  19. I prefer not to. More hassle than it is worth IMHO - unless you own a perpetual calendar. Resetting that one is a bitch.
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