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Basic manners; too much to ask for?


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Just a personal observation and looking for a general opinion from the forum- Are 'please' and 'thank you' so difficult to even type these days? Maybe even a truncated 3 letter variation of 'thx' or 'pls'?

An interesting phenomenon- Seems as though even the most basic of formalities are either a forgotten art, or people are just too lazy to extend this gesture. Maybe a frontal lobotomy has taken place...? That could explain it...

When I give parts or items away to folks that say they need them and I cover shipping, I don't expect a penny in return. But maybe a 'thanks' would be nice.

Also kind of irritating when I offer to give someone parts and the recipient is aggressively on my case about not shipping it out in time or by a particular date. Relax. You'll get your free part sooner or later (but if you keep hounding me about it, it could be more like later, and not sooner... And I mean later later... As in- maybe not in this lifetime).

Maybe I'm just sensitive :)



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In case I've forgotten, I'd like to thank the likes of Ubi (a Radiomir crystal two years ago), Chieftang (A crystal and an o-ring), Justasgood (stuff), Vlydog (you know what), Reg (more stuff) and many, many more in this community for their unending generosity.


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Can't answer your question...

I've had the same issues...

Ran an Ad here for a free item to be shipped by myself [free as well]...

The individual that raised his hand was in China...

Time to the Post Office...

Time to fill out the customs forms...

Time to reach in my pocket and pull some cash out...

And low and behold, not a peep from the recipient...

Long term member too...

:::shake head:::

One thing I know for sure though...

I won't let the takers change my tude...

As my siggy said for the longest time: "Where People Gather, Life Happens"


PS: Thank you - for all you give to this community...


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Hi Ubi,

I agree that some either don't have the upbringing or common sense to say thank you. I can remember about a year ago when this subject came up, although that discussion mainly focused on email courtesy.

Either way, I suppose it's just a matter of percentages. As society changes and more trolls are produced, decent new members will still make their way to our forum, and we'll continue to grow as a community of hobbyist.

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To answear your ?, yes you are asking for to much. How dare you want to be treated with common courtesy. I mean come on, thank you and please. I guess you dont undrstand that some people dont have time for such formalities. I was going to say thanks for the topic but Im just to bussy atm :p Mike

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Now that little tale realy sadens me. FFS, a little gratitude doesn't cost anything.

Just cross 'em off your list in future mate as they don't deserve anything. The fact anyone would [censored] about late shipping on an item that has cost them nothing beggers beliffe. Some folk obviously need a reality check and/or a smack across the back of the head.


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Now that little tale realy sadens me. FFS, a little gratitude doesn't cost anything.

Just cross 'em off your list in future mate as they don't deserve anything. The fact anyone would [censored] about late shipping on an item that has cost them nothing beggers beliffe. Some folk obviously need a reality check and/or a smack across the back of the head.


Ahhh, you refering to the much misunderstood but very efective " [censored] SLAP " If done properlly you will definatly have the attention of the : [censored] SLAPIE " This also works when going upside ones head :D Mike

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Ahhh, you refering to the much misunderstood but very efective " [censored] SLAP " If done properlly you will definatly have the attention of the : [censored] SLAPIE " This also works when going upside ones head :D Mike

Ahhh, you must be a fan of the TV show N.C.I.S., I love it when Agt. Gibbs administers the dope slap to someone deserving.

I must admit, I feel as though I need to say thanks to this community everyday. The knowledge, support and sense of community here is second to non IMO. So, without further ado, A BIG THANKS from me to ALL the members here, especially folks like Ubi, your posts are truly inspiring to me, and even if I don't say it often, your knowledge and presence here is greatly appreciated.

Cheers B)

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I think it is a function of two phenomenons. The first being that society on a larger scale continues to be more "me, me, me". But the other thing is that a 21,000 member forum is going to have its share of great folks and selfish beasts. I also think that on something like rep watches you are gonna get some interesting people. :lol:

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Just a personal observation and looking for a general opinion from the forum- Are 'please' and 'thank you' so difficult to even type these days? Maybe even a truncated 3 letter variation of 'thx' or 'pls'?

An interesting phenomenon- Seems as though even the most basic of formalities are either a forgotten art, or people are just too lazy to extend this gesture. Maybe a frontal lobotomy has taken place...? That could explain it...

When I give parts or items away to folks that say they need them and I cover shipping, I don't expect a penny in return. But maybe a 'thanks' would be nice.

Also kind of irritating when I offer to give someone parts and the recipient is aggressively on my case about not shipping it out in time or by a particular date. Relax. You'll get your free part sooner or later (but if you keep hounding me about it, it could be more like later, and not sooner... And I mean later later... As in- maybe not in this lifetime).

Maybe I'm just sensitive :)



I have been on both ends of this. I have sent out parts for free, sold someone a watch, or did some work on a watch for someone and heard nothing. I am sure I have received parts (paid or not) and/or bought watches and forgot to say thank you. If I have slighted anyone in this way, there is no excuse for it and I do apologize.


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Ahhh, you must be a fan of the TV show N.C.I.S., I love it when Agt. Gibbs administers the dope slap to someone deserving.

I must admit, I feel as though I need to say thanks to this community everyday. The knowledge, support and sense of community here is second to non IMO. So, without further ado, A BIG THANKS from me to ALL the members here, especially folks like Ubi, your posts are truly inspiring to me, and even if I don't say it often, your knowledge and presence here is greatly appreciated.

Cheers B)

+1 :thumbs:

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I think it is a function of two phenomenons. The first being that society on a larger scale continues to be more "me, me, me". But the other thing is that a 21,000 member forum is going to have its share of great folks and selfish beasts. I also think that on something like rep watches you are gonna get some interesting people. :lol:

I know mate but when you recive something you need for free how can anyone be as rude as not to show thanks for it? It is allmost beond comprehension for me. Maybe I was brought up a little different than some but basic mannors should just come naturaly. They are not even somthing you should have to think about. When you don't show respect to others you disrespect your self at the same time.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned but that's not a bad thing IMHO. The whole damn world is losing it's self respect and that sadens me. A wprld withous respect for self or others is neither a happy or safe place to live. And folk wonder why I don't particulary like people.

On the up side these fora (RWG2, RWI and RWG1.1) hold some of the nicest, most polite, helpfull and knowledgeable people I have ever had the pleasure of interacting with. For that reason dealing with the twerps is well worth it.


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Glad to know it's not just me noticing this change in etiquette. I suppose that this can be attributed to generational or cultural differences; still, seems like those magic words should be fairly universal. I could be wrong, however....

This will certainly not impact the way I conduct myself- If I have the opportunity to help others with parts, items or advice, I'd me more than happy to do so. However, for the individuals that have already demonstrated a lack in proper mannerisms, they may find that getting a hold of me may be a little more difficult...

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I had a classic case of this. Sent out some parts free of charge, having first asked the member to check dimensions (which he didn't do). I heard nothing for four weeks until finally the following "Are you sure this is correct, I can't get it to fit". Needless to say I didn't respond. Maybe it's me and I'm old fashioned but if someone does me a favour, even if it's as simple as answering a question I asked, I will always say thank you, and in a timely fashion. As others have said this will not stop me helping out another member if I can, but I feel sad that the occasional person has lost touch with common courtesy.

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Hi all

Such basic manners are often forgotten in our performance related world. I personally champion these simple values as taught to me by my Grandmother. PLease and Thank You cost nothing but bring good association and such in spades full.

To those who are incapable of using these simple social protocols when asking for or being offered my aid I say "Go Fook yourselves" :D

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Agreed 100%, Ubi.

What makes people think they can forget manner? Why? Just because this is a "virtual" community?

Appropriate gesture and language should be used at all time. We are communicating to fellow humans, not animals.

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Just plain rude! I got offered a rubber strap for my B&M Riviera XXL from a member yesterday, and I got so happy! I could not believe someone on the other side of the world would be so generous as to send me a FREE strap. Thank you is just the beginning of what I felt :)

Dont know if he wants to be mentioned in the wild on the forum, but he is a great guy!! And if I someday can give something in return I would not think twice about it. So you know who you are! If you read this post THANKS MAN *BIG thumbs up*

I really do not care when he sends it I will just be full of joy the day it appears in my mailbox!

PS: First time I EVER got offer anything!

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I think it is a function of two phenomenons. The first being that society on a larger scale continues to be more "me, me, me". But the other thing is that a 21,000 member forum is going to have its share of great folks and selfish beasts. I also think that on something like rep watches you are gonna get some interesting people. :lol:


My father told me about english gentlemen in the jungle and getting dressed for dinner allthough they were alone.

The reason was: if they didn't act like that, they were afraid to become monkeys.

Elementary politness ? Well, it's wishfull thinking that everybody would act like in the good old days...but the most important is that the majority continues to do so.

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