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You know you have a watch addiction when .........

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1. You sit at a meeting (as I did today) and try identify everyones watch (round my meeting today - SMP, Explorer II, Bret Colt x 2 & Omeg PO).

2. You watch tv or movie and watch spot.

3. You judge everyone by there watch brand.

Add your own ..................................


Let's say by chance you're watching a certain type of MOVIE or CLIP on the web, if you catch my drift :p And all you can look at is the watch to figure out what it is and whether it's Gen or Rep! ;)


Watch lunacy, as related to vacationing:

"You just want to vacation in NY so you can go to chinatown and look at fake watches."

As heard by my fiance this morning.


...when you go to check the time, but instead admire your watch for 10 seconds, and forget to actually check what time it is.


...when you go to check the time, but instead admire your watch for 10 seconds, and forget to actually check what time it is.

I know that feeling

or when the first thing you do is get the nurse to pass your watch before you check you still have two legs


.... when you plan your day by what watch"s" your going to wear and end up taking a travel case with 6 watches along with you.. just in case... :lol:


1. You sit at a meeting (as I did today) and try identify everyones watch (round my meeting today - SMP, Explorer II, Bret Colt x 2 & Omeg PO).

I do this all the time... SMP spotted today !


lol these are brilliant and I admit to doing them all - except about the wifes lugs - she would hit me.

SMP such a great meeting watch don't you think - would get one but boss has the gen ....


Wait a minute. Are you saying you take your watch off at night? :o


Wait a minute. Are you saying you take your watch off at night? :o

Yea! - I put mine on my dresser next to my bed so that when I roll over I look into that lovely dial and lume ....


When you wake up from Anaesthetic and post a wristie and this thread!!!



when eating out and on mrs spooky return from the loo (for the 78th time because she;s expecting) you notice everybody in the restaurant is looking at you strangely because you have been checking you chief's amazing AR coating on your SFSO in as many different angles for the past 5 minutes dirol.gif


I know that feeling

or when the first thing you do is get the nurse to pass your watch before you check you still have two legs


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