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hi guys

have anyone seen or talked to joe lately???

I sent him my watch to get it moded and fixed its been couple months, and i emailed him last week and i never heard anything back

ive been calling and he is not answering his phone, last email i received from his was like 2 weeks ago he said that he was sick

anyone knows if he is doing better or heard from him????

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my lastdeal with him was a month and a half ago....some e-mails and pm..and then i dont know...the last thing i knew was that he had a lot of work to do!

I will try to cantact him now about a taping tool and i will see how the comunication will go!


I heard it on the grapevine that he is sufficiently innundated with business and overstretching himself that it has become a convenient time to......

"get sick"....

I am under the impression he is "Ill" again.


My last and final conversation with Joe went something like this after not hearing from him for way too long....

"WHERE IS MY MONEY!!!!" (think pimp yelling at woman of ill repute)

been a while


this thread doesn't make me feel very good about sending my 111h to rbj to be pvd coated.... :o

my 111h wasn't getting any wrist time, so i figured it was worth the risk (also thought it would be something to contribute to the forum -- see how joe's pvd coating company compared to other options).....i'm a pretty patient guy, so i'm not too worried about waiting a little while to get it back.

all he has to do is disassemble the watch, give the case to mr. pvd man and assemble the watch back together, right.... :g:

regardless, i will write a review and post pictures of the pvd coating (and the whole experience with rbj, for that matter) when it's all said and done....



im kinda getting worried

i sent money and new po to get done for waterproofing

i wore the watch like couple weeks, and its been with joe longer than i had it

i hope to get it quick


i'm hoping pennies gets his watch back quickly -- a waterproof check should only take a several minutes to complete.

@pugwash, keep that popcorn handy. i figured if nothing else the whole rbj pvd experience would make for an interesting story. for me, part of what makes rep collecting interesting is the stories that go along with the watches. my 111h was my first panerai and my second rep, but for whatever reason i just kind of fell out of love with it. for a historical-type PAM, i like my 112h better by a long margin. so i crossed my fingers, and sent rbj my 111h for a pvd coating. we'll see how it works out.


  Richard Tracy said:

The Saga of Joe

1---> :group: 2---> :bicycle: 3---> :black_eye: 4---> :victory: 5---> :winkiss: 6---> :bicycle: 7---> :black_eye: ----------> :bangin:


You OWE me a new keyboard...

That was funny as all hell...


  pennies said:
hi guys

have anyone seen or talked to joe lately???

I sent him my watch to get it moded and fixed its been couple months, and i emailed him last week and i never heard anything back

ive been calling and he is not answering his phone, last email i received from his was like 2 weeks ago he said that he was sick

anyone knows if he is doing better or heard from him????

Well, if anyone hears from Joe would you ask him to send back my tutone Sub and money for mods that he has had for exactly TWO YEARS now!! Numerous phone calls and emails so I finally quit trying. IMHO Joe is a nice well-meaning guy, but if you send your watch for mods you'd better cross your fingers. No animosity...just the truth.

Bob Christopher


I'm pretty convinced joe is an out right scammer.

He is work is shotty at best. He "Sells" services that he doesn't perform or don't exist.

He gets sick alot. I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. I hope everyone gets their watches back.

I think we should stop letting him walk around here like a bonified craftsman newbs send their watches and get taken. -

I'm tired of hearing the stories over and over every year.

I lost over 400 bucks because of him my first few months here. I can't imagine how much money he has made on people over the last 2 years it makes me sick.

can we bump this guy for good or what

  phoband said:
I'm pretty convinced joe is an out right scammer.

He is work is shotty at best. He "Sells" services that he doesn't perform or don't exist.

He gets sick alot. I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. I hope everyone gets their watches back.

I think we should stop letting him walk around here like a bonified craftsman newbs send their watches and get taken. -

I'm tired of hearing the stories over and over every year.

I lost over 400 bucks because of him my first few months here. I can't imagine how much money he has made on people over the last 2 years it makes me sick.

can we bump this guy for good or what

Ok I read Pho's last post only and not the entire thread.

But what he says made me post this: I almost thought Joe was a super mod guy before I read more about him !

This guy sounds FAMOUS and SUPER.

Now, I won't judge him of course as I don't even know who he is and never dealt with him.

Having said that, after a while, I read as much very bad posts as posts like "Hey where is Joe, he is so good in blabla and I want only him to do this job for me"...

I didn't know that people were waiting for their watches by the way.

So, as I don't know the Joe Guy but know Pho and trust Pho, I really feel I must say one thing to noobs like me: read, read, read, and do never assume !!!

That is my perception as a noob !

My 2

  TwoTone said:
When will people learn?


I read this entire thread now.

TwoTone is right and the short cut is: When will people learn?

Crazy: all of us lost dollars in mods and customs seized wathches.

For these losses we could have start to keep $$$ for a gen.

Anyway, good luck for the Joe customers :black_eye:

Personaly, I'm sorry to say negative things, but if you ask me $$$ for a minute work I'm not ok with months nor weeks of wait time to get my watch back.

It's a shame and should be posted as a scam.



Maybe we should think about how many people send Joe watches for mod's before we cane him. I think that he like Finepics has had a bad run. I have had only positive results with Joe, and I know that I am not alone in saying that in this forum. I have laid into Finepics for not responding to email or posts and I would ask Joe to do the same. I today received an email saying he was feeling better and that things were on the mend. I am sure that he will reply to pm's and emails slowly. I have no response to members who have had watches with him for sometime, I only hope you work it out. I for one will continue to send him anything that I believe needs his special touch. I currently have two watches with him and expect to see them this weekend.

  denisegold said:
Maybe we should think about how many people send Joe watches for mod's before we cane him. I think that he like Finepics has had a bad run. I have had only positive results with Joe, and I know that I am not alone in saying that in this forum. I have laid into Finepics for not responding to email or posts and I would ask Joe to do the same. I today received an email saying he was feeling better and that things were on the mend. I am sure that he will reply to pm's and emails slowly. I have no response to members who have had watches with him for sometime, I only hope you work it out. I for one will continue to send him anything that I believe needs his special touch. I currently have two watches with him and expect to see them this weekend.
...Here the cycle starts all over again... :brow:

We need to keep in mind that Joe is running a business,.from which he receives some would say,

more than fair compensation.

He's not doing this out of the kindness of his heart.

Therefore he needs to run his business like a business,.. and we should not allow the kinds of percentages of wrongs

go on .. dispite any individual's personal positive experience,.{which is only doing what he was paid to do}

We need to look at the collective results..

If a dealer here were to rip off say... 30% of his or her clients,.. would we allow that to continue because of the

70% who say they received their watches as paid for,.. or because he claimed to be sick ?

This is a community,.... let's look out for everyone here and stop supporting those that deceive

or steal from other members.... not just from you..

What goes around ... comes around eventually....


All these posts are realy scary :thumbdown:

As for my experience...before some time i asked with a thread for a tool..and there was no help from none of the members(exept Randy!)Joe was the only who helped!By him self!He soled me the tool in a very good price and the delivery was super fast.....but after all these...what can i say???Its realy sad for a member to send a watch for mods and never recieve it back!


Very well said RT.

Also @ bob7714 can you please PM me the details of your TT, this is very serious and needs to be discussed in the Admin area.


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