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Rep Forums besides rwg?


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I know there is repgeek.com but are there others? Which site is more popular, has more traffic? I really like the layout and organization of reg.com and pretty much live here. Curious as to what other think. Gotta look into this supporter thing. I've received such great info and what can I say.... rwg.com is a brilliant site.

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Would you walk into McDonald's and ask where else you can buy a hamburger?


:huh: Wash your mouth out Ken, he's walking into the Hilton asking if they also have a caravan park in town! :D

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Interesting graphs although it's highly unlikely that they're accurate.

Admin was explaining to me at one time that they are like Alexis where the users need to have a certain tool bar or something to register.


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Looks like replica collector died. I didn't realize that. I'm also on one other, not sure if it is against forum rules to post the sites though. I'd say RWG is directly on par with the other one I'm on. Neither has anywhere near the amount of new posts they used to a year or two ago.

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lol To answer on a serious note though... While I'm not going to tell you all the other ones I will say this is the most active of the ones I go to. The other one is one of those 'post a question then go do something else for the day' forums then when you come back there's about a 55% chance you'll have a response....

This one is definitely the most active of the ones I go to (Because I can't speak for Repgeek as I have an account but rarely use it)

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There are no other rep forums besides RWG, silly rabbit...:nono:

Hah hah. Well who am I to account for other people's taste? Sometimes people want the toothless "companion", with the glazed eyes, dirty hair, and open sores...

RWG consistently has the most active forum posts...and the most amazing technical content and photography. Period.

Lots of the Old Guard have been long time members of the other forums as well...mainly RG and cross post there...but we have killer content here and I think by far, the best interface.

Oh...I guess the membership isn't bad either. B)

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Try and find any of the topics we are discussing today, in anywhere near the detail at Time Zone, let alone any other forum...and your answer is plain to see.

There is no comparison, not when open honest and informative reviews are the basis of your comparison.

We were the first, and will always be NO. 1.


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I check out RWG and RepGeek all the time as different posts appear on both and it helps when researching a new model.

Many times if I post a picture I will post on both, which probably drives some people crazy :D

RWG is the most experienced and overall the best.

RepGeek is more active now in terms of post count, but lacks the expertise and experience you find here.

RWI I really enjoyed but I just don't find the time to frequent 3 forums, so I rarely go there anymore. There posts are way down now but there are some good peps over there.

I think traffic is down on all of the forums becuase of the economy.

The economy has a two-fold effect: less buyers, less newbies, factories producing less new models so the old members have less to talk about and of course unfortunately even some of the old gaurd experienced members have run into financial difficulties and reps are the first to cut back on when times are tight.


Many newbies there accumulate 1000 posts in their first month and shell out advise that may not be accurate ; you do not see that too often here.

There is a decidely pro josh / pro all dealer flavor there as well as well.

Here members tend to be more member protective rather than dealer protective.

Throw in the fact that The Zigmeister and Cheiftang plus all of the expert members; that call this forum home and it makes this the best overall forum.

I don't really consider the 2 in direct competition becuase it is well worth it to frequent them both.

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The only confusing things between the forums that I've noticed is the love for different dealers....

Josh & Andrew are the favorites here I'd say (if this is inaccurate it's a simple observation just let it go haha)

And WatchEden and Angus seem to be pretty active over there still

While we here are kind of (from what I've seen) anti both of them... I personally like watch eden and I'm sure a lot of us do but I saw a comment earlier about them having flea market watches...

I don't know I just wish we could all agree on one haha...

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The only confusing things between the forums that I've noticed is the love for different dealers....

Josh & Andrew are the favorites here I'd say (if this is inaccurate it's a simple observation just let it go haha)

And WatchEden and Angus seem to be pretty active over there still

While we here are kind of (from what I've seen) anti both of them... I personally like watch eden and I'm sure a lot of us do but I saw a comment earlier about them having flea market watches...

I don't know I just wish we could all agree on one haha...

I think RWI was the first forum to have WatchEden as a trusted dealer, and that's obviously now spreading here, as they are now in 'probation status' :)

Personally, I've found RWI to be an excellent forum,with many well-informed members (who are also members here) but it is nowhere near as active as the forum here :) I guess it all just depends on what someone is looking for in a forum :)

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I think RWI was the first forum to have WatchEden as a trusted dealer, and that's obviously now spreading here, as they are now in 'probation status' :)

Personally, I've found RWI to be an excellent forum,with many well-informed members (who are also members here) but it is nowhere near as active as the forum here :) I guess it all just depends on what someone is looking for in a forum :)

My thoughts exactly on the RWI thing. It's a great forum and a lot of fun just needs to be a bit more active. It's the one I was describing where you start a topic then wait around for a day and you still may not have a response haha.

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Love the comparisons above... :lol:

Since i'm a Breitling fan,i will stick with aviation.

RWG and RG would be jumbo jets,RWI a hand glider and yes greg r,yours should be mentioned as the others have not mentioned it,a....kite,i would say.


Edited by Dave123
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I visit all three regularly and this is the first one I joined up and the only forum where I purchased from another member.

One of the other forums is a bit less serious than this one, as their mascot and name suggests. If I post a question, I know that the other forum will get a repsonse fast, only because there is more activity on that forum. If you click on "view new posts", that one gets the most. Not to say that this one is any less in quality than any other forum. Each forum has their resident experts that members can rely on.

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I know that the other forum will get a repsonse fast, only because there is more activity on that forum. If you click on "view new posts", that one gets the most. Not to say that this one is any less in quality than any other forum. Each forum has their resident experts that members can rely on.

Means what, more posts means quality? Quality vs. Quantity is key for some people. If number of posts were a qualitative factor then even the RWG1.regurgitated has 20,000 post with 400 registered members in three months with very quick response, but content is .................... well, just experts in responding.

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Love the comparisons above... :lol:

Since i'm a Breitling fan,i will stick with aviation.

RWG and RG would be jumbo jets,RWI a hand glider and yes greg r,yours should be mentioned as the others have not mentioned it,a....kite,i would say.


A kite that occasionally tries to pull me off a cliff... Yeppers. That works. :lol:

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Lots of the Old Guard have been long time members of the other forums as well...mainly RG and cross post there...but we (RWG) have killer content here and I think by far, the best interface.


+1. I can usually view all new posts since my last visit is a quick efficient manner. The PM system, etc. Honestly, from a forum perspective, RWG has the best forum software and interface of ANY forum I have ever used.


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