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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2015 in all areas

  1. CC's 369 dial and hands would fit nicely on that...
    2 points
  2. This is the smoking lounge with scotch, cigars and fine wingback chairs ... not the bowling alley. Benson! More Laphroaig neat, if you please.
    2 points
  3. This is the place for serious experienced gentlemen, no flame parties with witty attacks and counters, no endless noobs (one watch buying wonders asking stupid questions) or witch hunts , gulags, penalty boxes and I use a nuke only as a last resort after a full hearing held. " but a lot of that is trivial chit chat and lots of back stabbing. " +1 The guys from all over come here if they are trying to build a watch because most of the brain power/knowledge of the rep world is here. I have see some excellent word smiths next store they pride them selves on verbal exchanges their command of the written language is truly impressive. Now dbane (and plenty of others) could there kick ass on builds, this ain't the debate club watches is why we are here.
    2 points
  4. It's been awhile since I've done a project for myself. But the first piece is on it's way: Haven't decided on the other details yet, but gotta start somewhere I guess. Stay tuned.
    1 point
  5. Absolutely no problems with mine. My piece is keeping within 5-6 seconds a day. I recommend it to anyone and the rose gold is so sublime. In fact, I received a compliment from another woman in the elevator Wednesday. She said, and I quote, 'the geezer my favorite'. I thanked her and smiled.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I am still too lazy to change the date. Why does one need a date on a sea-dweller anyways? Is there a pressing need to make calendar entries while diving for conch shells?
    1 point
  8. The force is telling me that not saving 150USD to get the watch properly relumed will lead to fear, fear leads to anger, and anger leads to the classifieds. Many brave have fallen to the classifieds.
    1 point
  9. Hi, really like what you've done with your build. if you don't mind me asking, how did you sand down the crystal (I would like to be modding my Big Daz BC as well)?
    1 point
  10. The chamfered edges on that case Bart look brilliant! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. My Aquaracer Chrono. One of the best watch photos I took (imho). Too bad I lost the larger wallpaper version.
    1 point
  12. Cool video, seems a lot less artificial than talking watches by hodinkee
    1 point
  13. What he said ^^^ Slay, look closely at your first photo, it shows the brass sandwiched on top of stainless. The majority are "white copper" or "German silver". The A/6538 uses a tropic19 crystal which has the same outside diameter as a tropic 39, so if you can find a 1665 bezel and retaining ring to gen spec, it ought to work.
    1 point
  14. If you can provide the font (name) the text and the height and width of some of the letters in MM ( Im from europe ) I could make the AI vector file for you and / or export it to PDF for printing in high resolution. An example image or photo what you would want to replica would be the best. Its also the letter spatial and width that needs to be taken into account. You can use www.whatthefont.com, upload an image of the font to recognize what font was used. Just follow the online wizard after uploading your image.
    1 point
  15. Grow the f*ck up Dani, and spare us with this tough guy bs. There's way too much of that these days, especially among the kids. Been working as a bouncer for over 15 years and I've seen enough sad endings for the young "MMA experts", biker guys and "ultimate street combat fighters". Testified many of these incidents (some had knives and firearms involved) in the court too... in my SPARE TIME. And guess what... none of these fights had winners. None. It's all a total waste of time, community resources and taxpayer's money. You wanna know what's a real tough guy? It's someone who handles his bills, family, parents and friends, and behaves nicely and respects other people. It has nothing to do with fighting skills or benching huge numbers. When you get older you'll eventually realize it too. Nice tattoo btw.
    1 point
  16. An open letter to the Forum Member’s of RWG… I’m not the most eloquent writer… So please bear with me… I would like to start off by saying that I have a true love and passion for Watch’s. I have since as far back as I can remember… I had been attempting to purchase a SS Daytona from an AD for the last couple of years. And as you all know they are impossible to find… So in my search and my desire not to pay 10k plus on e-bay, I happened across bestswiss.com in June of 2005… I came daringly close to purchasing there Grade 1 SS Daytona for a whopping $1,800.00 USD. In my many conversations with the owner of the site, my better judgment (which I do not always exercise) told me something was wrong and I bailed on the transaction… However, that site opened my eyes to the world of Rep’s and I started digging. In July, 2005 I found RWG… In the last year and half I have bought, sold, traded and gave away a couple dozen reps. I’ve made many friends. Had the pleasure of sharing drinks with Omni in Maui, Randy & Mario overlooking the Rocky’s from a downtown Denver Skyscraper, and enjoyed the company of Saabin while checking out his shop on the Oregon Coast. I count these meetings as priceless bonuses to pursuing my passion for Watch Collecting… Now, as I’ve stated before, when people gather, in a forum or in person, life happens… Relationships form, and other interest emerge… On RWG1 the Looney Bin had more activity than the General Forum, and I spent much time there along with countless others – Mod’s & Members alike… When the old site was moved to the new site we simply transplanted the forum and its Members, and business was usual… From Watch Talk to the Bin and everything in between… At the departure of jf a few months back the Bin began a slow death. So in October I addressed the Bin with the rest of the Admin Team and asked the question if we should shut it down. Yes, it was my idea… The last round over the “Strawberry’s & IPods Thread” really got me to thinking. The forum’s personality had changed. Change is inevitable, in real life and forum life. So do we fight it or adapt to it… Now to my point… My time here at RWGII is first and foremost about Watch’s. In recent days I have scored a wonderful MBW 1680 and DW Daytona that have truly enhanced my gatherings. I’m stoked about the size and quality of my collection over this last year and a half… However it has become very apparent [to this sometimes very dense brain of mine] that I have truly offended some peeps through my meanderings here… Like politics in real life, I find myself taking a stance on an issue, digging my feet in, and then refusing to listen with objectivity to the other side… This current Avatar & Signature Thread has caused a divide in the general membership as well as the Admin Team. And that truly bothers me… I’m all for free speech… However, I’m not ‘all for’ causing Ill Will to my fellow man. Free speech can be exercised by choosing not to exercise it… So, for my lack of compassion & understanding of the members here that have been offended by the sexual content of this forum and my participation in it… I offer my sincere apology… Yes, forum life offers a certain level of anonymity… But it’s still made up of people. And here, as in real life I do not want to ever cause ill will or hurt feelings… I’m not looking to pick fights with this post… I’m not looking to start controversy… And I’m certainly not looking to point fingers [unless at myself]… Just wanted to share my heart and say I’m sorry to those that I’ve offended… Mike
    1 point
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