my experience is the people in Asia who run these factories that make these products rather do business 100% on their terms, no compromise or do NO business at all with you. im not sure if its pride clouding their judgment but i have seen them walk away from huge profits for 1 week worth of work because they wouldnt change something or guarantee proper quality control. They rather sell sub par parts than improve and grown their business, they want to make the money without actually earning it.
ive tried to solve the need for good cases and even now im still running into problems with indifferent lazy manufacturers who lack pride in their own products. slowly making progress. i would have loved the answer to "who has the best value case" to be me, cause honestly the ones i did have that i sold to you guys were less expensive and better accurately -needing little to no work (not hours) compared to what MBK was putting out. At over $400s these days the mbk is losing its price to value appeal, if you get the MBK 1680 you have two dial choices without some serious destructive modding