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Everything posted by FxrAndy

  1. On FxrAndy Number 2
  2. Oh it would but it is quartz Any way i have not taken the BB of since i got it, Thanks mate. My wife thinks it is nice than my Ingy (gen) but i dont think the BB would be such a good investment (ingy has been on my wrist twice in 2 years, it the bank the rest of the time) Went i am gone i am sure it will have gained a little for my daughter.
  3. Body armor and a face mask for starters and then open crotch panties
  4. Thanks I had an Ingy with me as well but that got photo'ed to death earlier in the year on the boat, The most comfortable is the schuhren by far! And it goes so well with the ships wempe chronometre
  5. Thanks frank one would look good on my blackbird
  6. What sizes do the Ocean racer clasps come in????
  7. That really is stuunning, just stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I remember the watch as well and it does remind me of that one, i think it was coated in copper and then aged but i cant remember who it was though
  9. Just a couple I think the marine heritage comes out nicely on this one, very comfortable on bob straps in the cold This sunset was just fantastic to sail through, I think i missed a lot of it as i was in the galley cooking but i got out to take a couple of pics The Deepsea, a bit heavy but the clasp is great for a perfect fit whether your wrist is cold or hot. years ago i was sent sailing and i said to my self this will be Shit. How wrong i could have been, you cant beat surfing down a wave at 11 knots with following wind and full sails. Now days i take every opportunity to get out on the water when ever i can.
  10. Great white, as opposed to double red or red seadweller Me today i have a black bird, not the one shown here as this is my old one that Michael Allen messed up but my new one from Jmarin that i am yet to
  11. The new PO chonos are good as they have the correct subdial spacings
  12. Love that dial mate
  13. Is it me or do they all look the same On the first four i would say rep gen gen rep
  14. Got a lume shot???? Looks great in the light though
  15. Congrats, here's to 2K
  16. brrrrrr looks a bit chilly
  17. Thank you Francisco, always a pleasure to read and learn.
  18. Sorry to hear this i suffered similar problems as did iceberg earlyer this year
  19. Fine emery paper will do the job just fine
  20. One of the problems i have found a long time ago was that the gasses from superglue stick to any organic matter so if you have a finger print any where near, where you are gluing then in a confined space the glue fumes will find the finger print and make it visible, Very bad on a dial guys, take it from me.
  21. Hi V was wondering where you were< glad you got noticed this in time and got it sorted
  22. Well it all sounds very positive I would of course be happy to be part of a team to work on this if it comes to Fuition
  23. I have a proposal for a virtual museum where we could keep photos and descriptions of the best we have seen made here, from the Ziggy works of art to the VDBs and as we have seen recently Corteberts, and not forgetting Ubis twins and many many other works of horological art our members have produced over the years. Not just engineering but landmark photos that set new standards or events that have taken place over the years. We would need a curator maby to look after the place and a group of members to work out what goes in there. if this was pinned in one of the areas Photography maybe its own area it would be a nice place to spend some time to look at the best of what we have produced, there should be a few rules like the work has to be produced by a member of RWG ect What do you all think
  24. Wonderfull Ziggy, You know what we need is a museum of the best that we have seen made in this forum,Just so we dont lose some of these projects over time. I fact i will propose it.
  25. No problems Neo, Just keep up the work like you used to and i am sure that Justasgood will be happy with the bracelet if he orders one
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