I am with fred on this, WTF.
I mean is that some sort of game they arre playing, or do they realy think they are doing that, or is it just one bloke trying to get lots of WTF or are thye really time travelers
my head hurts
24 hours in and it is still holding well, i went for a ride on the harley and if any thing was going to vibrate it loose that would be it,
If any one wants these crystals let me know and i will source them and post them out.
Well i am using a sternkreuz high dome plexysized 336, then fit it with the saphire retaining ring still in place so the walls of the inside of the dome are flush with the rehaut, but this does mean that you have a white retaining ring that you can see. The crystal need a press to get it in and flat, but i have had a lot practice thie week working on G10 watches i am repairing.
these were all scrap, half are working again now