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Posts posted by cornerstone

  1. I didn't even know Trinidad & Tobago played soccer well enough to get in to the world cup :blink:


    Probably because their star player plays in Australia! :rolleyes::) We need more AFL talk for the poor man :lol:

    I think this will be a walk in the park for England. They might even score 4.

    It fits with the usual hysteria - one bad match means they're hopeless, beating T&T will mean they're World Champions elect...and they'll still go out in the QF in some comical manner.

  2. I'm not sure...but for the e = m c ^2 equation

    energy must be in ergs and c in m/s 3 x 10^8 m/s

    1 joule = 10 000 000 erg

    but I'm not positive...

    edit, I see the speed of light is correct, you squared it...durrrr :)

    basically multiply you answer by 10^7...and that's a lot of beans

    nanuq could verify

    I forgot to square c too the first time I did it! Couldn't work out where I was going wrong! :lol:

    Yes e=mc^2 is perhaps more properly done in ergs, but in this case then m becomes grams and c becomes cm/s - this is where your 10^7 goes.

    1kg = 89,875,517,873,681,764 joules.

    There are 6119323945 joules per barrel of crude oil (5800000BTU).

    However, I might be out by a factor of ten with the beans - will check this out later when I get a mo! Right now I only seem to get 8 million barrels a day, not 80!

    Cheers! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  3. ...remember you catch more bees with honey than you do with vinegar......legal recourse should be your last recourse......!

    This is always the key to these situations! You might as well start off nice and see if that works. If you start off mental, you've got nowhere to turn.

    Must confess - I'm a bit of veteran at standing my ground. I once inadvertantly started a criminal prosecution because Sainsburys wouldn't give me my money back.... :lol: Not my fault the PF agreed with me!

    I've taken shoes back too because I didn't feel they wore well - that takes some arm twisting!

  4. CIA fact book

    Oil - consumption: 80.1 million bbl/day (2003 est.)

    Oil - proved reserves: 1.349 trillion bbl (1 January 2002 est.)

    1.349 x 10^12 / 80.1 x 10^6 ~ 16,840 days ~ 46 years...

    taking into consideration the rate of consumption increase, maybe 20 years...


    Panerai watches - saving the world energy crisis hand in hand with beans. In no way mentioned to make this post more interesting and relevant.... :whistling:

    Okay, I have a second revelation. Not only can baked beans save the world - Panerai watches can as well (including reps! :thumbsupsmileyanim: )

    Taking ArtM3's figures as a point of reference it is possible to take the number of joules of energy in a barrel of oil and multiply this by the proved reserves.


    Done this yet? Oh, okay I'll save you some time (assuming my pet monkey is any good at abacus).

    That gives a proven oil reserve of 8.25588 x 10^21 joules.

    Einstein, also the name of my pet monkey, says that Energy = Mass x (Speed of light)^2

    8.25588 x 10^21 = Mass x (8.98755 x 10^16)

    Means Mass = 9.1859 x 10^4

    Mass = 9,185 kg.

    There is the equivalent energy in 9 metric tonnes of any mass to equal the entire global reserves of oil (used as oil, not its own mass).

    Taking ArtM3's figure of 16,840 days (or the daily consumption) this means you can get the world's global daily consumption of oil out of:

    9185 / 16840 = 545 grams of baked beans or some Panerai watches

    Oh, and the technology has to be invented to split the particles involved, etc, etc. Minor details(!) But the energy is there.....

    RWC saves the world energy crisis. Bing! Next!.....


  5. It's better in French:

    Les chiens aboient,

    la caravane passe.....

    Simple, yet difficult to translate the nuances:

    The dogs yap (as)

    The caravan passes....

    The idea being, well, you know.....

    I guess something to do with the frustration of those left behind.

    No doubt it's French!! :lol: Very Eric Cantona - "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea"

    My question is, how did this thread ever get off the important topic of beans? :g::lol:

  6. What's wrong with the world?

    Let's all wave our American flags, they are all jealous of us. They wish they could live the way we live.

    They should thank us for liberating them. So what if we killed so many innocent civilians? Kill more if it wipes out all the terrorists.

    Every country in the world would love to be like America, with every citizen having complete freedom. Every country should be a democracy like America.

    This is either brilliant sarcasm or slightly disturbing! :rolleyes:

  7. Well maybe you better send me the next pic so I can judge it's.........umm.......suitability for our forum :Jumpy:


    Not forum safe!! :lol:

    I thought looking for a funny Kermit pic might be pretty "work safe" - apparently not!!

    In one pic there's a three-way between the woman, Kermit and Swedish Chef!! Scary stuff!

    For the Kermit curious - Google images try: Kermit shave :o


  8. The WC has gone too PC for me, Angola, Costa Rica and Trinidad and Tobago make a mockery of the WC IMHO.

    Perfect example, the 4th and 5th officials in the england game were from Benine and Rwanda respectiveley.

    What quality football is played in Rwanda, they polly still play on dry mud, and let's be honest they have never produced anything in the footballing world.

    Hmm...like your thinking. What we need is a Baseball 'World Series' style competition, basically with just two countries: Scotland and the Isle of Wight. :lol:

    Then again..........


    Suffering from shite referees at the moment - Japan scored while Australian goalkeeper was being rugby tackled. The linesman, who is from that hotbed of professional football Mali, missed it. Egyptian referee is all over the shop....

    [EDIT: Quick panic there - I know how to spell Isle of Wight! Guy who did the pic didn't!]

  9. How do we know the pictures are from this weekend - maybe it's a fake alibi! :bleh:

    ....Not to mention the fact that Miss U. might even have a particularly literate sister that we don't know about - a bit like Ann Landers, back in the days....

    Mmmm.... ;) Miss U never said she had a sister!


    Ann's anecdotes seem to revolve around the hilarious double-entendres you can have when you name your dog "Sex":

    "When I went to the city hall to renew his dog licence, I told the clerk I would like a licence for Sex. He said ``I'd like one too! Then I said ``But this is a dog. He said he didn't care what she looked like. Then I said ``You don't understand. I've had Sex since I was nine years old. He winked and said ``You must have been quite a kid."

    [He winked?!] :blink: Gagged more like.

    Anyway my first letter to Ann would be: Dear Ann, What kind of freak names their dog "Sex" - and should we listen to that person's opinion on anything?! Also - how old is the dog in that story? :blink:


  10. Hey wait on a sec................I hate soccer too :bounce:


    I think the sympathy is that they have to suffer around the clock 1966 nostalgia on the TV!


    I was quite bemused watching England make such a carry on in the 28 degree heat. It's summer - a bit of a constant in World Cup competitions! The English team admit being taken by surprise, they haven't trained in warm weather, and John Terry said, “My feet felt like they were on fire.”

    Meanwhile Joe Cole said, "“It was as hot out there as it was in Japan four years ago and Portugal for Euro 2004.”

    Hmm, so in other words - it was exactly the same temperature as your last two international tournaments! :lol:

    What in the world are they carrying on about?! "Ya coupla fannies!"

    Anyway - Austraya kick off their campaign today!! Will be mucho drinko before kick-off at 11pm EST. Watch out for me talking shite! :lol:

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