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Posts posted by trailboss

  1. Welcome mate. I think you will do very well here. It's great to have a man of your experiance arround. As the guys have said, if you can master the A7750 you'r made. The claaor from the EU for somone of your skills has been almost deafening of late.

    Ask and ye shall recive fellas. Now if we can only get somone is OZ. I've got my guy but a fallback would be nice.


  2. Yep, it's a mess. At least two Aussies among those dead, eight still missing. Even more with tales of how they would be among the dead if not for the bravery of locals helping them to escape. I don't know who's lost how many appart from the Aussie toll but it hardly matters anyway. This is shear insanity in a country inhabited by some realy nice people. India has allways been a contrast of incredible beauty and unspeakable crueality but this tops the lot.


  3. You know Robbie, with your quick wit and firm grasp of the situation I'm surprised you didn't just front the cop and tell him that he had better watch out 'cause,

    I know Muai Tai, Brazillian Ju Jitzu, and a little thing I like to call "i nailed your mom". I'm so bad ass, there isn't one little kid in any of my karate classes that even wants to spar with me cause i UNLEASH THE FURY! Yeah I've got a small penis and nobody likes me, but I drive a porsche worth more than your LIFE so f**k you! Like the other day, I was walking down the street and this little old lady told me she liked my watch, so I said, "What f**k you! It's not fake!" So I went into karate mode and SCISSOR KICKED HER IN THE FACE! *WHAM BAM* Then I pulled her up by her hair but her wig came off, turns out she was bald! *GROSS* f**k**g old people. Then I picked her up by the ears and kneed her in the face muai tai style! *BLADOW* And I was like "That's what you get for walking so slow b**ch! AND THERE'S NO WAY YOU COULD KNOW MY WATCH IS FAKE, CAUSE IT'S NOT, IT'S A MODDED MBW SUPER DUPER ULTIMATE SUB, AND IT'S REAL! REAL I SAY! IT USES THE SAME MOVEMENT MOST REAL WATCHES DO ANYWAY, IT'S SWISS ETA, IT'S A DIVISION OF SWATCH, PLUS I BOUGHT IT FOR A GOOD VALUE, NOT CAUSE I CAN'T AFFORD A REAL ONE CAUSE I SPENT ALL MY MONEY ON KARATE CLASSES, SO f**k YOU! OH, AND I DRIVE A PORSCHE WORTH MORE THAN YOUR GRANDCHILDREN!" *KAZAAM* Yeah, I showed her what's what. That's the last time she'll be calling me out on my watch. But I gtg, I'm late for yoga class WHERE I PICK UP CHICKS LIKE YOUR MOM! AMERICA? F**k YEAH!!!"

    RWI peeps will understand. :)

    Oh please come on over to RWG1, the boys need somthing to play with!


  4. Robbie, you do realise that aiming to be "just like Jetmid" is not exactly aiming high don't you?

    After an exaustive investigation by the RWG1 "BS Squad" involving much colation of data, much websurfing and a few stragiticly placed phone calls it all fell appart. It wasn't his Jet, Jet Midwest Aircraft Sales and Charter, the firm daddy owned hadn't heard of him. Exit JetMid, stage left, head hung in shame.

    I'd proberley consider aiming a little higher if I were you.

    Mind you, you'r entertainment value is priceless. Come over to RWG1-Redaux any time you like. Folk there would love to see ya. You remind me (with this story) of a guy over at RWI who posted about a clerk in a jewellery store. He owned a Porsche. He got owned at the store and at the forum. End result, a thread of near Jetmid entertainment value.You don't have a brother do you?


  5. Dani, Dani, Dani. We're not going! We'll still be here. Don't fret mate! I like this place. I'll be here on and off. So will most of the rest.

    Even you are welcome at RWG-Redaux (it appears to be catching, think I'll claim copy right). I can even say you won't be banned, not by me at any rate. You'r far too much fun! :Jumpy: We need folk like you in the world to remind us why so many gave their all 'twixt '39 and '45.

    See ya 'round pal!



    (sorry TT, he irks me)

    BTW, who was it who turned my thread into a TTK fest? :)

    Ya, I know you didn't meen it.

  6. Very nice! Think I'd have that on a strap as well.

    What grade of ETA7750 did you install? I'm not convinced a C grade is any beter than the A7750. 'specialy used. You'r braver than me buying a &&50 off the bay. You would realy want to know the seller, and where he lives!


  7. Actualy, I am not shure I could have put it beter. On what other forum is it a good day if you get a shill or talkirtive spamer? RWG Redux, like the old RWG just eats them up and spits out the remains. One things for shure they may bnot be bennd but they don't come back! Great fun!

    Then there's the JetMids of the world . . .now THAT was fun!

    Where can you read about the B&D watch pics? Unless there here somwere, no where 'cause they got pulled at RG. But Dave's eagle eys did not go to waste 'cause there still up at RWG Redux. And if you have NFI what I'm on about join and take a look.

    He'll never do that again. :shock::Jumpy: :Jumpy:

    We are not back to replace RWG2 thats for shure or any established forum for that matter. We'l still be sending our members here for any realy serious tech stuff same as allways. Doesn't meen we don't talk about and love watches it's just that the subject is not the be all and end all af the forum. We are a community of folk with diverse intrests who happen to all like rep watches. And belive me, the other foura are beter off with us arround to take the pressure off by keeping the loonies where they belong. At least that way when they do venture out to serious forua all the sillyness has been worked out.

    Hell, it's a mad house but it's our mad house. That's just the way we like it.


  8. Plenty of subforums once you join. There's 1500 odd posts there.

    No, it won't rember you 'cause we wern't able to contact Blade to recover the old DB. It's a new/old RWG1. If and when that is possible we would like to incorperate the old Db as a searchable archive. It would be too much work to port the old over to new software version anyway and as you know the old software left somthing to be desired.


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