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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Depends, with or without Wakeman? With or without Bruford? It does matter. You know. "You don't go to war with the band line-up you want. You go to war with the band line-up you got." Donald Rumsfeld
  2. Oooooooh, Thai sea food. Tod Mun Pla, now there's a suggestion and a half.
  3. Stage direction: cue 'Phoband' on the crash cymbal tom-tom roll............... Anyhoo, I just get a burr when I see footage of true, honest to God, bravery in the face of repression. Which has mostly made up my media week-end. 'Mericans are suckers for that stuff. As I alluded; Tiananmen and then they buy up our T-Bills. WTF? "Iran" is one of those countries whose people are defined by the actions of it's repressive government. Not fair. They have satellite dishes in northern Tehran. Some Iranians get to watch Rugby. That is if they don't share and stir the puddin' of the apolitical clay of the non-secular power core. Hell, even Netanyahu acknowledged as much in the nineties before Congress; "We needn't drop bombs on Iran to get what we want. We need to drop television sets that receive two dedicated channels via satellite; Beverly Hills 90210 and CNN. Shortly, the people of Iran will know what to do." I think is telling. As far as my Right Wing diatribe, [sic] "send an aricraft carrier..........", is pinged by Chief's allusion to Carter (and I'm talking off the cuff from being 20 years old in 1981, no Google or factcheck.org so bear with me), uh, the Iranian hostage crisis? Anyone who's not younger than 40 wanna wade in on 444 days? What was the deal there? Ohhhhhh, yeah, comes to mind #39 didn't want to leave office with that debacle on his legacy, not to mention a few helo's strewn across the desert and half dozen killed, more wounded, in a poorly ill-thought rescue attempt (don't blame him) so he kowtow-ed and made concessions to unfreeze billions of Iranian assets, legal impunity and further immunity from American intervention in all future Iranian affairs of state? Ho! Ho! Cut to inauguration day Jan 20. the hostages are on the aircraft, Reagan is hours away from being sworn, and the plane is at Alpha. The ayatollah wants more concession or the aircraft comes back to the gate. Reagan (paraphrased): " Those [censored]-heels! (that term not paraphrased) I'm going to take a nap before the inaugeration. When I rise that plane had better be in the air out of Iranian airspace or I'm going to send an aircraft carrier". The plane took off, the original assets were never unfrozen. Go to hell. Is what they respect. Is what they understand. Is all. So. Let my people go. Notwithstanding the above, I would prefer a Regiment or two of SAS Para involved surely, and not in the least the Israeli Air Force, but being an American, I can only suggest the mere presence of a Nimitz class, or for Auld Lang Syne, how about the Nimitz herself? There's a history there. See what PresBO has to say on Monday. It will sound good surely. This truely; art imitates life, life imitates the art: Why don't you ask the kids at Tiananmen square? Was fashion the reason why they were there? They disguise it, Hypnotize it. Television made you buy it. I'm just sitting In my car and Waiting for my... She's scared that I will take her away from there. Dreams and her country, left with no-one there. Mezmerized the simple minded Propaganda leaves us blinded. I'm just sitting In my car and Waiting for my girl. I'm just sitting In my car and Waiting for my girl. I'm just sitting In my car and Waiting for my girl. I'm just sitting In my car and Waiting for my girl... <edit> Hmmmm, that term is news to me, but am aware of Lindberg's affinity and appreciation to the pre-war Nazi's. I'm going to eagerly research this 'ChipSlap'. Cheers! ...........and they said nothing good was going to come of a political thread!
  4. Well, here's a golden opportunity that will be most likely given a pass by the U.S. State Department. Well and above the student riots of '99 this show has the impetus to gain momentum and really make a difference to a nation largely shat on by non-secular governement since it's revolution. What will the U.S., NATO and the United Nations do? Leave them hanging like the kids of Tiananmen Square. Deplorable. There will be state thug violence, widespread disregard for the most base human rights, heads rolling, university professors disappearing, cell doors slamming, smug pseudo-Islamic rehtoric spoken from the sides of mullahs' mouths and worse; Western catering to it all, which is inasmuch a nod to go ahead with the status quo. The U.S. will more than likely send a fruit basket and a congratulatory wire to Ahminthemhudforajihad regarding his tenure, with a post script plea for the end of violence. Which, undoubtedly, will be met with a visit from that hunk of junk to New York City's UN Plaza ( Mark David Chapman, where are you now?) and with a twinkle in his eye agree to consider, in exchange for some yellow cake and a few aluminum cylinders. He surely won't get it, but he won't get what he deserves either; a Nimitz Class carrier steaming up the Strait of Hormuz emblazened in green banners. A subtle acknowledgement; Mousavi, We Are Coming!. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said she hoped the outcome reflects the "genuine will and desire" of Iranian voters. What a dim bulb. Madam Secretary, there are bloodied faces in Tehran because it already hasn't. Read a news paper. Lawyers. Jeeeeezus. Our core U.S. administration are lawyers now. Why are there so many lawyer jokes? Right, right. The U.S. is entering it's most weak era, with regard to foreign policy, since Roosevelt refused to enter WWII because he put an isolationist agenda above world concerns. That worked out just great for all involved. Ironic. This adminstration is enjoying the best world approval rating since JFK, that other guy who almost kicked off WWIII, because it regards President Obama as a "World Man". Ich bin ein Berliner? Maybe the German membership can confirm; that statement, grammatically speaking, translates; "I am a jelly donut". Look it up.
  5. I only posted in this thread because 'subfrog' did. Other than that it was a total waste of 1:52:03 reading time that, in all fairness, are owed me by the OP. Towit, those were the '07 Sub races Ken. Honestly.
  6. lol
  7. Watches 'round back. Knock three times ask for 'Neil'.....................
  8. Moments before, every single one of those stalls were open for business, but, like the pressure wave that precedes the radiation, and before the grace of God, goes she........................ Truth be told? Clive has entertained worse, but nary by much........................
  9. She sounds like a kook. Then again, aren't they all just.
  10. Me too. Like I miss the flu.
  11. Speechless! Just goes to show; the only thing new in this world is the history we don't know. If I had the time, I could dispel some myth to the European membership as to the why the Stars and Stripes' colors mimic the Union flag of the British commonwealth and how that truth may shed light on the current state of international affairs regarding cultural imperialism, greed, avarice and economic selfishness of said same. That, indeed, provong fact is stranger than fiction. It is quite involved, but suffice for now; no, these United States of North America did not evolve from the native tribes of the contintent. Mind boggling I know, but all true. In fact, the first tongues of what is currently this great nation, spoke in the accent and dialects of chiefly British, French, German and other Anglo-European peoples. Seriously. Look it up.
  12. As a young student matriculating through Eton College as a frosh, one 'Clive Humm', had fallen to the custom of all plebes to being fed capricious quantities of shandy and clear gin in the afternoon by upper classmen in hopes he would fail miserably; the evening's muster held by the dormintory's prefect. Having been raised by Welsh farmhands and immigrant Irish sheep barons to the mother isle, young Clive was no stranger to 'drink', even through his tender years. He passed the evening's muster in fine form and actually managed a very stirring recital of a passage from Homer's Iliad, as penance. Not to be undone by the upstart, and much later into the night, the seniors bound young Clive in garb remiscent of medieval haberdashery, repleat with woolen tights, slippers and cod piece, and hoisted hisself atop the eastern spire of the Lupton's tower to be met by dawn and the gathering student body. Hence the term and oft used screen name; 'Highflyingclive' Sadly, 'tis true. 'Snopes.com' will confirm. But, that is not the end of the chain. As Clive would personally, undoubtedly, interject here; I have mispelled "penance, capricious, and haberdashery" while using the function pronoun "hisself" out of proper grammatical context. Which I certainly have not. Hence that other well known colloquialism:"Clivo, you are a moron". True history is awesome.
  13. Well, it would certainly lose something in the translation, but if you could bend the ameri-western colloquialism of "Good Times!" around the more Shinto state of 'eternal well being through goodness' you'd scratch the surface. If you wouldn't mind, I saved the pic of the 47's 'winglet' sporting the Union Jack. Classic! More an aero-phile and history buff than worldly traveler, I found the photo revealing on many levels. As you would know, the Union colors on a 'jack flag' were reserved for the Queen's Navy. Then of course, the Who I would say one of Branson's 747's come close enough? Amazing considering not too, too long ago, this was 'state of the art' world travel; BOT, 'these are the good old days' for sure T'J. Here's to looking back on them when the time comes
  14. The place is like a museum. It's very beautiful and very cold, and you're not allowed to touch anything.
  15. Probably. And it would make for a better story, but, truth be told, it was the middle of the night.
  16. Yes sir! This is known. But, the savy flatlander can utilize other resources not exclusive to the wilderness; say, exploiting the ignorance of international tourists: The bear, although acclimated to the aquatic mode: will demure the Floridian angler, and his rations, if well worn about his person at all times: moreso, if Frenchmen will insist on and comply to, abandoning their packs on the spoil islands. Packs, filled with baguette, that hours earlier, were positioned well and close to the spitting fry pan repleat with Canadian bacon: And still, it's the subtle clues that nature will provide to even the most occidental tourist: That all may soon be revealed to the mutual surprise of man and beast from the brush: Well worth the chance, deminished by the exercise of caution and heeded advices to behold: By one's lonesome, with other than a human friend to concur: "Yeah Dems, this is awesome."
  17. Good read! I wonder, does sticking to the lower Kenai Peninsula and The Russian River/Kenai confluence in September make me a 'wuss' or just plain smart?
  18. That's what Benjamin Franklin was talking about, that's what Thomas Jefferson was talking about, that's what George Carlin was talking about, that's what Ronald Reagan was talking about, that's what you are talking about. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. The current administration thinks all the above ^^^^^^ are full of bull sh*t. Apparently. Whatever. The Constitution was drafted so government has no real leverage against the will of the people. It may appear that has been lost, but it really hasn't. They know 'we the people' are armed. With more than what the Second Amendment allows. We have the voice of the replica watch forum. And some other liberties. Like votes. I pity the fools in '10. 'Cap and Trade' ? As if. Nice try. So it goes.
  19. All this is my one gripe against the current administration's party. It's certainly not their platform agenda and 'humanitarian' diatribe. That's all soft fluffy cotton candy and vanilla ice cream. Who doesn't like soft fluffy cotton candy and vanilla ice cream? Except none of that is EVER delivered because the vehicle is too big, sloppy, ignorant and inefficient due to the characterization of 'rule by committee' and 'spend and grow'. Everyone will get a piece merely because they are 'American'. PHOOEY! It's like how 'MC Hammer' went down. He was a good man too. And a talented man too. And a father too. And a spiritual man too. And a Naval veteran too. His entourage was full of blood sucking morons and sycophants whom he thought wanted to pull it all together as a team but ended up dragging him down to the bottom of his money pool. A pool he thought had no bottom. Stanley is OK now with Stanley. But man, he had to learn the hard way kicking the flotsam and jetsom to the curb and trimming all the fat away. That's what the US has to do.Too. Fascism is such a [censored]. Put lipstick on that pig.
  20. Yes. True dat. When you have a son, you only have to worry about one penis. When you have a daughter, you have to worry about them all. I pity the fools. Oh, how I will make their lives uncertain reigning hell on Earth. I do so look forward. I do.
  21. It's like dialogue from a Joseph Heller novel. Anyway, the clip makes me want to take a nap. Or down a glass of bullets.
  22. Ahhhh, the "Rose" family of Lafayette, Indiana. Looks like the week-end before William left out for L.A. and changed his name to Axl.
  23. Nobody likes a show off Dave. But, I'm happy for you. Drive insane. Take plenty of chances!
  24. Far out!
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