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Everything posted by txcollector

  1. if you are talking about SOPA/PIPA, those have no chance to pass in their current form. Those are dead and buried. They will need to rethink how to do it. I hope they talk to actual experts to draft something useful.
  2. folks, there are some problems that if you ignore long enough they will go away. I call for all just to not post on these threads and maybe, just maybe they won't show up again.
  3. yep, the US government won't be able to regulate DNS host outside of the US. In fact I can see a booming industry of companies offering "regulation free" DNS and mining that data to sell to others.
  4. +1 Toppik is great!!! I've been using for about 1 year. thanks for the shampoo tips. Do they help with DHT or just scalp health?
  5. Don't worry, they won't get approved. Lot's of folks today have sent protest letters to congress and some of them have already backed out. These parasites that run our legislative don't do much research on what they are signing. It's a mob mentality. Since nobody was complaining they were going ahead with this stupid law (great idea having the US government messing with DNS tables). Now that their voters are rebelling against them, most will back down. The only ones left will be ones paid directly by the media lobbies. And IF for some miracle they eventually pass this (which I doubt they will), all we need to do is to get the IP address of the dealers' sites and add to our personal routing tables. No biggie.
  6. plus the caseback is correct on this one too. That's a biggie because the old one is totally wrong.
  7. gen, reps and frankens can't get close to that.
  8. believe me, it's not. I agree it could be lightning but even on the video it looks odd. The gen is all green lume, no yellow.
  9. that's the best one yet. Crystal is correct hight, He valve is finally correct. The only issue is the weird mismatch lume. You may need to relume the dial.
  10. I think that hasn't stopped since the 80's.
  11. MM, this was not directed to you at all. Sorry if it sounded like it was. I'm just saying that I'm hearing from numerous members that some of the dealers that have the H 243 for sale ( and were selling it initially for a lot more) are stating that the N factory 243 is bad, which I don't believe is true. Also the N dial is suposed to be lumed with Superluminova, so I find it hard to believe it will be bad. I just wish the trusted dealers would stop spreading misinformation. It's already bad enough that we have to deal with bad assembly.
  12. be careful with the "information" being thrown from the dealers about the N-243. Josh has received 5 very poor samples from the N factory just before they've closed for CNY. Most if not all of them have assembly defects. AFAIK most of them have been rejected by Josh himself and customers. The QC pics I've seen from Angus look good though. As many of you may know Josh/Andrew are in some sort of fight with Angus with Josh/Andrew leaning towards the H factory and Angus aligning with the N factory. Josh apparently has committed to a number of H 243s and now he needs to sell them. With two factories competing with the same model each dealer will try to convince you that their factory has the best one, even if that means bad mouthing the competition. Wait for actual member pics of the N 243 (specially from Angus) to make up your mind. The N factory bezel construction is just like the gen. I would not expect any issues with it but I bet they've rushed a few samples just before CNY. With workers focused on leaving to see their families QC issues with those first samples may be happening. for instance you can see this is the type of misinformation some dealers will use. You can see clearly on Angus' video the bezel has 60 clicks (check at 3:31 - http://www.puretimewatch.com/puretube/musicvideo.php?vid=c95b995d4) I can understand dealers having issue with each other and having special arrangements with certain factories but this really puts a dent on their reputation. I wish they were more careful with this type of game.
  13. to be honest it looks silly on a regular basis. I dive with a digital computer and a mechanical watch as a backup. I can understand a referee needing to wear an official timekeeper for the match in addition to his personal watch but people like Maradona just look like stupid.
  14. if that's the case it will be interesting because that's how the gen should work. I'd be worried about that too.
  15. for this you will probably need to sell your house to get it
  16. considering he finds Ingersoll "expensive", what did you expect?
  17. http://www.ebay.com/itm/CROWN-BRIDGE-SCREW-44MM-47MM-PANERAI-WATCH-PART-/310304839295
  18. Ahhh I get it now but how will you make sure the lawyer gets caught?
  19. the rep lume is definitely a tad too much lime but it's very well applied, including the hands. Would I be happier with a more subdue color? yes, is my OCD acting up pushing me to change it? not yet. Once you wear it for a little while you don't even notice it anymore. Many of the gen autos are lime anyway so for now I'm not reluming it, for now @gifter - Did you consider getting the movement serviced?
  20. Going 156 on bracelet today
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