I bought one a month ago and I returned it to the seller. The build quality is not as good as other cases. Also the lug holes and CGs need to be modified and the crown and crown tube has to be replaced with a gen. The insert is not too good either. The crystal needs to be replaced too. Basically, in my opinion, I think the cartel cases are better.
It looks like an MBW to me. The insert looks like an MBW and the dial too. Bracelet definitely not gen. Also the pics of the movement is of another watch. Notice how he doesnt show the back of the crown guards and he has taken the bracelet off for these shots but hasnt taken the time to take a shot of the serial number between the lugs and the background in the pic is different. So definitely a pic of a movement from a different watch.
Looks great. I will have to try that.
At the moment, I am using diluted bleach 50/50 with water. Leaving the insert in for 10-15mins, then at 5min intervals. Yes this takes a while but then it allows me to better control the process.
After having a look at the ebay sale page. I would suggest leaving it. He has 94% feedback and there is no photo of the other side of the bracelet clasp. If it was a gen there would be better photos and close ups of all sides.
I think the PATETED bracelets are genuine and were definitely produced by Rolex. The PATETED 9315 bracelets are worth more that the normal 9315 bracelets in today's market.
Just saw this Tudor Big Crown Sub on the Yuki website. What do the experts think about this one? Link is below
They certainly put some good effort in creating the websites but I think its too good to be true. The fact that you don't see actual pictures of the watches to me rings alarm bells.