Accuracy is in the eye of the beholder. What may be inaccurate to me, will likely pass for perfect to many others. When it comes to the accuracy of a given rep, your best bet is to research the model you are interested in (there are tons of sites & books about gen watches that will provide all the info you need) so YOU know what to look for when gauging the quality of a given rep. I can say that I have never seen a rep that does not contain a number of mistakes & that includes these. In the case of these 2 (as is often the case with reps) they are essentially the same case & dial with different movements.
As to movement reliability & rep watches - all rep watches come with used or unserviced movements, so they are, functionally, ticking time-bombs. For this reason, it is always recommended that you ignore sellers' claims of movement quality &/or in-house servicing & factor in the cost of having your watch overhauled by a professional watchmaker if you want it to keep running (properly) for 5-7 years (the recommended time interval between recommended overhauls for all mechanical watches - gen or rep). A cheap non-name Asian movement can run forever if it is properly serviced on a regular basis. Similarly, just about any movement in good condition can be made to run within COSC specs. It all comes down to proper servicing & maintenance.