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Posts posted by mjmurphy926

  1. that is not maritial advice .. jus advice... B) .. you want maritial adive talk to your DAD :D

    And good advice at that. :)

    BTW, you are right on the money about asking my Dad if I need marital advise. I was just talking to my Mom and him about our family taking a cruise in July 2010 to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

    Should be a blast. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters and between us we have 10 kids.

    Now all I have to do is make sure Ma and Pa don't get divorced before then and ruin the trip. :D

  2. first Thank you All.. I should of used the tripod but I wanted to get the images before the sun sank..

    mj .... I still have more of chiefs AR'd crystals to post.. so you best think of something special to get the wife... cause I'm jus warnimg up bud... :lol:

    still got the Slevin... BCE graphite (ziggified) ... SMP .. and in about another month... hehee :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    something from Tiffany's should do nicely..... a "jus because" .... jus because I'm going to max out our CC's :good::good:

    Good advice...Hey, wait a minute, are you really the best candidate to give marital advice? :D

  3. Welcome wristwatchlover...

    You wouldn't by any chance be affiliated with a dealer that is not one of our trusted dealers here, would you?

    I see you have just 2 posts and 2 messages in the shoutbox and already you have mentioned the same unauthorized dealer twice.

  4. I forgot to add, I'm the "official" photographer for our girls' soccer games. I use a 80-200 2.8 zoom, but my pics don't look like yours!

    I'll post a couple when I get home. (If I don't forget.)

    Please do.

    Speaking of girls soccer, I was lucky enough to cover the US womans national team in their second to last warm up game before the Olympics. They played Brazil here in Denver at [censored]'s Sporting Goods Park. It was the last game before Abby Wambach broke her leg putting her out of the Olympics. Also dropping the American's from almost certain medal contention to...well, who knows what?


    Amy Rodriguez celebrates after scoring the game winner:


    I was set to sell my D80 and get the D300, but I've read some troubling things about excessive noise in the shadows
  5. Hey mil...I just realized I have a shot of the same beach taken from a sunset catamaran cruise (but I like your's better):


    But my favorite shot from that excursion is a little abstract. I didn't have the right equipment to freeze motion of these dolphins, but I decided to hang over the bow and shoot anyway. This was the only decent shot, but I love it. I like how there a couple of drops that are sharp and in focus, but everything else is motion blurred:


  6. I beg your Pardon - We use our OWN factories Nobody elses Factories

    Do not Assume you understand our Business


    We have A License From THE US Fish and Wildlife Service Which allows us To import these Straps


    We Follow all Cites Rules and IT IS CLEARLY LISTED ON OUR WEBSITE







    I wasn't worried Stan. I have no doubt about the legitimacy of your business and have had nothing but great dealings with you guys.

    I'm sorry if I started something with that post that in any way cast any sort of doubt about you and your business. It was not my intention.

    I was simply trying to spread the word about your great business and this strap especially.



    @ everyone else. Panatime is a highly trusted and respected dealer with some of the best values in the market. If you're in the market for a strap, you should really check them out if you haven't already.

  7. :D Got their e-mail today and ordered it. What a deal! My Nikon D80 will fly!

    I shoot Canon which only take CF so this deal is of no use to me, but I use an 8gb extreme III CF card to shoot MLS games for an online soccer magazine. I use a 40D which shoots 6.5 fps and I shoot in L jpg mode during these games and the Extreme III cards are plenty fast. I usually shoot between 1500 and 2000 shots per game.

    A couple of my shots from Rapids vs Dynamo 6/21/08:



    My boy, Tom McManus. He's a little miffed after his goal is disallowed because of a [censored] poor offside call.


  8. yes never any problems, becausei it was never checked by customs. I know guys who have order 30 reps and never any problems because never was any parcel checked by customs... this is good luck. But not all guys have this luck. Should your parcel checked by German customs and they will find a genuine exotic skin strap... make sure you will have a lot of problems. I don
  9. Damnit!! You're doing it to me again!! A couple times now, you have posted shots of a particular watch and after seeing your post, I went out and ordered that watch.

    Now the 3717...I've been close to pulling the trigger on this one a few times already even without your post...I think it's time. :D

    Thanks a lot Lani...You can expect an email from my wife, cuz when she yells at me for buying another watch, I'm blaming it on you!! ;)

  10. Awesome Lani...I'm jealous. Your islands are some of the most beautiful places on the planet.

    My avitar is a sunrise over Poipu beach on Kauai in '06. I got lucky as a surfer was heading out as I was shooting. Hard to see him at the water line in the small pick though.

    I see you're making time to use your new DSLR. Be careful, I've spent thousands on that hobby...It's as addicting as the watch hobby (If not more). :D

    EDIT - adding a bigger version of my avi.


  11. I just ordered this. Hope it's worth a crap.

    They have it in black as well.

    Also...If anyone plans on ordering this, or anything else from panatime for that matter, don't forget to specify discount code "rwg" (without the quotes) to get 10% off. Less than $100 shipped w/ discount!!


  12. that is a must do for practical purposes.. as everyone know this rep is "super" but the weak link is the crown and tube... only about 35 usd from Ofrei..the crystal is very tight though unlike the IWC's and pretty thick gauge also.. FYI..

    I already have the parts, I'm just trying to decide if I should tackle it myself or have Rob do it. I also have a gen date wheel that I may do myself if I can find the time.

  13. A beautiful young woman is driving down a country road when her car suddenly brakes down in front of an old farm house. On the porch of the farm house sit 2 hillbilly brothers who are watching the beauty approach.

    The woman walks up to the brothers and says, "Excuse me boys, can you help me? It seems my car has broken down and I could really use a ride into town."

    The brothers look at each either with excitement! Clem says, "Me n Billy Ray would love fer to give ya a ride miss, but ifin ya want a ride, ya gotta git nekid and screw us both first!".

    The young lady looks the brothers over and says, "You are both handsome, strapping young men. A girl could do worse. Besides, I really need that ride. But, if you want to make love to me, you are both going to have to wear rubbers."

    Billy Ray and Clem look at each other with puzzled looks on their faces and Billy Ray says, "Whut fer? It ain't rainin."

    The woman reaches into her purse and pulls out 2 condoms and says, "No silly, not those kind of rubbers, these kind of rubbers. You put them on your penis so I won't get pregnant."

    The brothers look at each other again, shrug their shoulders and say "Awright!!"

    So, they go at it for a couple of hours and when they are finished, the boys give the young lady a ride into town where she hires a mechanic to fix her car and she drives away.

    About 2 months later, Clem and Billy Ray are sitting on the porch looking rather uncomfortable. Billy Ray turns to Clem and they have the following conversation:

    BR: "Hey Clem?"

    C: "Ya Billy Ray."

    BR: "You member thet lady thet wuz here while back thet screwed us stupit?"

    C: "Yep. I sure do."

    BR: "You really care ifin she gits pregnant?"

    C: "Nope." (Scratching uncomfortably at his crotch.)

    BR: "Then lets take these DAMN rubbers off now!!"

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