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Everything posted by phaedo

  1. That is great service, especially with the age of the watch. Makes me wish I liked the lines they have more.
  2. But if it is not occupied would this still be the case? And what if you were to knock the house down? Ken, you are still buying the land the where the house is supposed to be, so even if it is somewhere else in drums, you have the land. Just push the barrels into the lake when nobody is looking.....
  3. With the economy as it is I am sure there are good real estate deals to be had. However, I am not that sure of all the ins and outs of buying property in the states, as I am not living there. I am sure there is more to it than it appears, but what is the full story on places listed on ebay such as this one? http://cgi.ebay.com/GORGEOUS-UPDATES-BEAUT...1QQcmdZViewItem I just followed a previous listing they had which sold for under $5,000 with 21 bids in the end. Are these deals too good to be true? Or what is actually up with the super-cheap price. Sure, times might be a little tight right now, but it seems there is no outstanding mortgage on the property, so the winning bid buys it outright. Rent it out for even $50 a week and you cover the rates and the interest on the loan (if you were to take a loan on the full price listed), and in 5 years time when things start to get better again sell it for proper market price. Of course, this is just one example, the neighborhood might be bad, the house may need demolishing, there may be no work around, etc etc but on the face of it, what is the full deal?
  4. Worth querying at least, never know until you do.
  5. Could I propose that there be some way to enable bin posts to show up in the view new posts? Only as an option, not for them to show up unless you want them to.
  6. If you are serious I would suggest doing a course or two, or signing up at one of the brokerage companies that are online - many are free and have paper trading options basically the same as their live platform. I trade with optionsexpress.com (they are one of the few I can trade with here in Aus) have no minimum opening balance, no ongoing fees etc. They seem to be more expensive than other companies for commissions, but as I said, I am limited to the companies that I can use as a foreigner. FWIW, I have a finance degree, 2 papers off an economics degree too (should go back and finish that...) so do have some knowledge in the area.
  7. Party pooper.
  8. BT might prefer the smaller watches, I like the big ones, that is not the issue. Big problem is these are 49mm right? I can manage the 45mm PO or the BCE but I am not 6' tall, hence it may look a little bit silly on me. Brilliant watch though, I like everything about it (except maybe the size, would need to see it in person, and the price tag)
  9. @Robbie: I fully comprehend everything you are saying, and the basic problem I have had was of say 10 trades I would have going, 8 of which were paper, 2 of which were live, because that was all the cash I had to be able to trade, I would have a 70% 'win' rate. Problem being, all 7 of the trades I either made on or at least broke even were the paper ones, the 2 that I had real money in ended up losing. I have taken time away from it as that type of thing happening started getting frustrating, but will start paper trading again properly soon I think. In an ordinary sense I wouldn't plan on risking more than 5% of my capital in any one trade, but from where I am right now it is a case of needing to put 50% of the capital into any trade just to break even on commissions with a low expected return. And just to clarify, I specialize in options trading only.
  10. Nice pickup Dave, good to see you managed a bracelet for it too. When this came out it was one I was really thinking about getting it, but the size could be a bit much.
  11. Pretty much where I wanted to be 2 years ago Robbie, although problems of getting into the business to start with, then trying to trade on my own with not enough capital and getting into the wrong trades when I did trade... took a long position on one stock a year ago; the options expired worthless - worse luck they basically tanked a week after I got into the trade, dropped 50% of their value in the last few months but are back to where they were. Timing is everything. Every trade I looked at just went the exact opposite way to what I thought it would do, so got frustrated, have hardly even looked at the market in the last 4 months. One day I will get back into it though. Preferably while sitting on a beach with some form of alcoholic drink with a straw in it.
  12. No porn AND no dating either?? Double glad I don't live there! And BTW, if the PAMs are that cheap buy 2
  13. Me pictures jfreeman420 out on the town on a typical night...
  14. Swing and a miss in a lazy Chinese sweatshop... mean outfield. Or something to that effect.
  15. Jeez, that was a fast last 1,000, I remember the infamous thread that got you to that point And now all the quality posts coming through one after another, much better than some of us who sit here just reading your posts usually and trying to be witty in replies!
  16. Looking good, the DSN 113 was my first introduction to pams, and it is a very nice piece; looks even better with the new crown. Well done.
  17. At least you figured out what the problem was! I didn't even know there was a crazy date version out, good to know!
  18. Good work that man!
  19. I would just make sure my favorite pair of pants are an XXL! Competition won
  20. Always liked your one, but alas you had long since sold it when I asked about it, but then when Flav was building them a few months ago I jumped at the chance to pick one up. Lume not as good as I would like, but merely because it is black lume. Although i may have to wear it more often, I never get the nice watch comment by people, but I did finally get a comment on how cool it was by a cute brunette at a party last weekend.
  21. Or go for the same but without the PVD
  22. Agree with Freddy, as a tool watch that most models are aimed at the diving crowd, for their ruggedness, this blow would be no more impact than accidentally bumping your arm into a door frame. This sort of easy damage would mean the watch cannot really be used for anything that would actually keep it fully wound! Maybe he should get a rep and use the bezel out of that as a replacement
  23. Got my BCE that I have worn hard for over 2 years. Wear others out, but this is the daily beater that stays on the wrist for everything. The close up looks even worse... But it is keeping very good time, seems to be accurate to within 30 seconds a week. And having screws not pins helps the bracelet stay on when I need to use a chainsaw. But really, it just needs a good wash I think...
  24. That gives me an idea. If I disassemble the remote for my car, I could put it in a watch case... oh, and it would need lazers and stuff too!
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