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Everything posted by fraggle42

  1. Shopping for a new table to use it on on Saturday! Might have a look in furniture clearance places, as I'm not bothered about some scuffs or peeling varnish on the table!
  2. Recoup, I'm not saying you haven't sent it, I'm not saying you have, I've got no way of knowing. All I have to go on is words written in a forum by a stranger who shares a fellow addiction to watches. Ditto for the seller, although as they've been a member for 5 years we can read the posts from the past that they've made. That's all anyone has to go on (unless they've been to a GTG) and its not much to go on is it? I'm not trying to take sides or anything, just saying that I can see why the seller maybe panicked. And I can see why you're worried now! Hopefully the seller will get in touch with you and it'll be resolved.
  3. Just put my order in. I know Angus said it would never sell out in the first day... I wonder! 6 hours? There's 200 in this first batch.
  4. Can anyone who gets Angus' newsletter PM me the discount code please? I'm supposed to be subscribed to it but have never received it
  5. I hope not, but if so, which one is the scammer?
  6. A member that's been here for 5+ years sells a watch for $1500 to a new member that's been here for 3 months. Buyer pays $500 via PP. Seller decides to send the watch on trust as buyer says the remaining $1000 is on the way via bank transfer. Watch arrives at buyer. Seller doesn't get the $1000, buyer saying the it's been paid but doesn't know where it is, says the bank transfer has now been cancelled and it'll be paid via PayPal. Is that about right upto that point? Put yourself in the sellers shoes and say what the above seems like *to the seller*? If I was the seller I'd be kicking myself for sending it on trust. It seems like a scam, like the buyer has convinced a foolish seller to send a $1500 watch after receiving only $500. I can't blame the seller for flying over and getting the watch back and being angry. You certainly should get the $500 back now as it's back up for sale again, and I'm assuming you're tracking the bank manager down to get the $1000 back? Buy the seller, not the watch. Buy the buyer, not the money.
  7. Special pre order price. Plus there's a Christmas discount code if you are on his mailing list.
  8. These are available on Chrono24 from Italian dealers for just over £1500 new on a leather strap:- http://www.chrono24.com/en/tudor/heritage-black-bay-re-edition--id2525498.htm?dosearch=true&query=tudor+black+bay&resultview=list&searchexplain=1&sortorder=1&suchen=Search&dosearch=true&urlSubpath=/search/index.htm With a bracelet, just under £1700:- http://www.chrono24.com/en/tudor/heritage-black-bay-re-edition--id2525494.htm?dosearch=true&query=tudor+black+bay&resultview=list&searchexplain=1&sortorder=1&suchen=Search&dosearch=true&urlSubpath=/search/index.htm I am seriously temted to fly down there and pick one up.
  9. Never seen a rep movement like that, and the condition and age of the case, movement, etc, looks real. What makes you think it could be fake?
  10. fraggle42

    Fake PP

    http://www.ebay.com/itm/Patek-Philippe-Mens-Grand-Complications-Watch/181258387526?_trksid=p2047675.m1986&_trkparms=aid%3D555012%26algo%3DPW.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D361%26meid%3D2671565189128687423%26pid%3D100013%26prg%3D1004%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D15%26sd%3D251371222729%26 "I work at a dealer and they sold it to me cheap, it costs $350,000 new normally" Who on earth bigs on these things? It's so obviously fake, and a damn poor fake at that. Reported it.
  11. After reading the "damn you, reflections" and strongly agreeing as they're a complete pain in the ...! I decided to get some small daylight lights for my little light box tent thingy. Browsing round eBay and reading up a bit they recommended having lights for all three sides and the top. I could find pairs of lights onna tripod, pairs of lights onna tripod & fully enclosed tent for not much more. Lots of different types of lights, a few LED ones (and I know cheap LED lights are bad for photography). So in the end I decided to get a 90cm tent & two lights plus another two lights for the back and top. Delivered yesterday and unpacked and put together last night. I think I may have made a mistake judging the sizes The bulbs alone are 10cm dia by 25cm long. I can camp inside the tent it's that big!! (Well, almost, it looks a heck of a lot bigger than 90cm square!) So the plan of where I was going to keep it has been thrown out the window, and I've decided to convert one of the spare bedrooms into a photo studio. Just need to find a 1.5m x 2.5m solid table to put this lot on! Each light is 135W, 5500k daylight, and they're damn bright and a very nice light. The daily watch pic of the Rodina was taken using the light from one and it bought out the correct colours nicely.
  12. Brilliant I have enough fun with bits running away to the furthest corner of the floor - I wonder if this would be better or worse? Worse I would imagine as there's nothing to stop parts once they're moving. And using pliers lol!
  13. Just got this in today, Nomos homage. Small but really nice with a lovely strap. Display back and auto movement.
  14. Hehe, no. All these forums use something called BBCode to format the text and pictures in posts, it's a bit like HTML. That switch in the top left toggles between letting you edit the text raw, where you can edit the BBCode directly, or a 'WYSIWYG' editor.
  15. Edit the old one. If you can't cross out the old price just do something like:- Price now : $xxxx (price was $yyyy)
  16. In the toolbar, look at the very top right - there's an icon that looks like a light switch. Click on that and see if all the other toolbar icons come back.
  17. Really digging the one in the first photo Series I.
  18. Thanks everyone. This is about what I thought. It agrees well with the watches I've bought from here, RG and RWI too. I've gone VIP at RG, it's just a one off payment, and RWI has suspended VIP memberships for whatever reason, but if anyone can post sales there then that's all good Time to take a few more photos of the next batch of watches to sell Oh, would I be correct in guessing that all 4 boards are gen graveyards? Is it worth posting in WUS for gens? They're not high value though, a Seiko and a Trazer.
  19. Hopefully not a contriversial question, it's not meant to be anyway Which has the best M2M section? RG or RWI? RG seems to have been aound longer and has more threads and posts, but that's no guarantee it's the best. Reason for the question is the success from sales here have been lacking. I haven't sold many things, but RWG.bz has about 80% of my sales, and here 20%. So I thought I'd VIP up on one of the other two and try there, but which one?
  20. I've always pot sold in the subject line and also put price reductions in the original post. I know about the no edits allowed rule but am like Nanuq, I don't think anyone will mind for just those reasons, and the original text is always left in there and crossed out.
  21. We are advised to list all prices in dollars regardless of where we are from. Sometimes you can miss seeing if its in pounds, dollars or euros and assume dollars and get a shock when asked for 375 pounds or whatever!
  22. If it only fits with the clasp open you need more than one new link my friend
  23. +1 This "timeout" penalty is what happens on other forums and works well. Saying that I don't think there is a rule to prefix the Subject with "Sold", although it's a good idea. As to notifying people, IIRC there is an option in the forum software for important notices for all members, the next time they log in the message is displayed all by itself and you have to click a checkbox saying you've read it and an Accept button which will then take you to the usual front page of the forum. Don't know what clicking "Refuse" button does, I assume it doesn't let them log in, instead viewing the forums as a guest (that can't post).
  24. Should I mention to TapaTalk users that if you search for "watch" in the search box it brings up LOADS, and I do mean bleedin loads, of watch forums worldwide. And they nearly ALL have member sales sections. And a lot of them create their own watches and have 'em made in a hundred or so limited runs. Only 4 windows open looking at the sales forums? PAH! Try it with about 15
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