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Everything posted by KB

  1. You sold the bunny? Didn't you think how many straps you could have made from it's hide? Ken
  2. @chubbchubb sorry but your whole post was a waste of time. Read what has been posted before making off the cuff comments like that. We are not trying to be vague, we are deliberately not discussing the topic. Why? Because it is none of your business, Avitt chose the course he did and we have no interest in trying to besmirch his name, end of story. Ken
  3. It was a member from the team coming second. Ken
  4. Freddy honestly have you ever known us to do the above, unless the member was doing something wrong? A point that everyone needs to think of is that maybe Avitt wouldn't want us to discuss this either. Ken
  5. Dealers will be happy to wait for an eCheque to clear, I would imagine that most members would not have a problem with it either. It just means they wont ship until it's cleared. Ken
  6. Kind of like that. Stephane on the other hand is much loved and required moderator of this board, with him it is just a case of life getting in the way. Ken Edit...I see Nanuq just answered as good as can be whilst I was typing, so yes like he said.
  7. So I thought I would just take you all on a little road trip around the good old USA and along the way we can see the country through their signs and sights. Lets start off in Vermont, a state so close to Canada that they have their own maple syrup, although they do have a funny way of brewing it... Ok maybe it's best we move on and head for that lovely place...Dum dum da did da dum du da did da...New York... Oh dear, lets keep moving, we get as far as Ohio before the police pull us over, apparently they didn't like our car... And on again until that lovely state Iowa... At least here they have a sense of humour, as can be seen in their billboards.. And service centers.. But it is a road trip so we must move on. We find ourselves now in a nice little farming community in Kansas. Whilst here we pay a visit to a little country school... Kids gotta love them. On again until we reach New Mexico. We pass what appears to be the local police station... And our attention is drawn by the local church... We decide to look closer at what this church has to offer... In fact we find the church hall is hosting a lovely kids party... It is in New Mexico too that we make the unfortunate mistake of taking a short bus trip with a gent that goes by the name of Big Buba... So on we go to Nevada... Now this is important because it is here we answered one of life's most asked questions... Still we must move on. So after a quick stop in California, where even the wildlife breaks the law... We find ourselves in Washington where they still haven't grasped the idea of drive thru's... Ok now a short hop to Alaska....Canada not being a state of America is insignificant and can be driven through in 30 minutes...honest. And what a friendly welcoming sign too... And it's nice to see they look after their ladies... In fact they seem to have an all around nice outlook... Well that was until we run into this fella... so on that last note we wrap up this little trip and get the fug outa there. Ken
  8. That is also the way eCheque works. Normal Paypal transactions are instant, you send me 20 bucks and I can spend it within minutes. I think the only difference is that you are now aware that it is an eCheque, although I have no idea why you can't do instant transactions. Ken
  9. I can't actually give all the details without consulting the team but suffice to say we gave Avitt every opportunity to stay with us but he chose the path that led to a ban. Ken
  10. Nearly everything reads handed over to customs these days, it is a normal part of the delivery process. It does not mean in any way that they are actually checking your goods just that it is passing through their department. If they do in fact open your goods there will be further notification of this. Ken
  11. Well that brought a few tears to my eyes. Of all the worlds miracles the miracle of birth is the most special. More prayers from Aus and wishing you and your wife strength in the coming weeks. God Bless Ken
  12. Something a little different, a face to face with an Aussie Koala... Ken
  13. Hey buddy it's been too long, glad to have you back. Your question on whats changed is one we get from a lot of guys popping in after a long absence, the problem is to us it never seems there is much change, you need to be away a while to appreciate how much there really is. Ken
  14. Easy Dani easy, I have my finger on the button... Ken
  15. Welcome back buddy, you were missed. Ken
  16. I don't mean with the following point to say the others are light on, hell we all need to have fun at times and I know I can be as stupid as the next guy but.... Remember POTR? That was a brilliant piece of community work that couldn't have happened at one of the other boards, to put it simply, anywhere else (and I include most web based forums here) he would have just been some guy, to us he was a brother. Ken
  17. Yes I would stick with nature but there should always be exceptions, a thing of beauty is a thing of beauty after all. Ken
  18. Yes don't. He is not in business anymore. Ken
  19. I had movement issues once, but it was nothing that laxatives couldn't fix. Ken
  20. So who is in favour of this thread being pinned and each day members can add any spectacular pic's they either have or they find during the online surfing? No watch pic's, no girly pic's just a look at this wonderful world we call home. Ken
  21. Again good points P4 but as offshore has stated we constantly address this within the Admin area. The fact is that although we have many good things coming your way every time we discuss traffic flow the consensus is that we aim for quality over quantity. T's post was never about who is the biggest but more about something he feels very strongly of, an Admin team lying to it's members. We have no doubt (and have known for a long time) that RG will one day pass our membership numbers if they grow at the actual rate (not the doctored one) that they have and thats fine by us as we obviously don't cater, nor have any intention of doing so, to the breakneck speed crowd. Those that joined our board when we first started will remember that at the time we rocketed along faster than any board, before or since, what has happened over the intervening years is that we have molded the board along the lines of what our senior members enjoy. Oh and BTW kenberg is fine he is just quite busy with family life these days so his evil twin KB has taken over. Ken
  22. I take my watch off to shower but it is the first thing I put back on after. I have always taken it off to shower regardless of how water proof it may be so I can wash my wrist. Other than that I always have one on. Ken
  23. KB


    Good to hear from you Lani and glad you will be back soon. Just a piece of news for you...RobbieG is back and he was looking for you. Ken
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