Thankyou By-Tor, I couldnt have said this better myself.
I am so sorry to hear about all this bull-shyte. The Zigmeister you are so important to this forum and very important to people like me who are still learning about this hobby. Please dont forget about us. I have learned more from you than you could ever know and all my watches you have worked on are absolutely PERFECT! But i understand that we all need a break sometimes. DOnt let these fukken idiot troll losers get you down my friend. Im glad this loser was banned and trust me hes about half a step from getting banned on the RWC forum as well. Hes already acting up there too. Im so sorry but this really upsets me, and just so you know, from all of us at the other forum, RWC, please take care and happy holidays to you and your family. If there is anything that JB, D4M, me or any of the RWC staff can do, please let me know
your friend