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Everything posted by omni

  1. Thanks for the compliments guys. Yeah, those are different timezone clocks on the bottom.
  2. Wonder what to do with all those old worn out computers? One of my fun hobbies is making analog clocks out of dead computer harddrives. Mostly they're simple small clocks I create as gifts to friends. I just finished this pendulum design to enter into a "junk into art" exhibition. It hangs in our kitchen as a 3 foot tall conversation piece of high tech converted into low tech.
  3. Nice collection of fine shoes there Jeff! Looks like you take care of your footwear and make an investment on expensive shoes that last.
  4. Offshore: I will verify that the alum will start to dissolve ever so slightly the inner crown threads. Since I was one of the first ones to report on using alum to dissolve a broken stem, in the year after that repair, the crown kept working itself loose from the stem and spinning around uselessly. We tried four different times using a bit of white Loctite to keep it secure but it just eventually kept wearing loose. I finally had to get a completely new crown installed which was a hassle since Glycine would not sell me one, I had to send the whole watch to them and have them install it on the stem. So yes, alum will work faster in dissolving a broken stem but it sounds like vinegar would be slower and safer.
  5. Beautiful Boy! Congratulations, now the fun begins and everything else takes a back seat.
  6. Lanikai: If we should ever GTG one day, I'll try to remember not to use my "Hawaiiantime" clock for the appointment.
  7. I think with age....comes more of "I don't give a damn!" rather than reason. Jeff, when you come to Maui, I'll make sure to meet you wearing my low waisted unreasonable cargo shorts. Cargo pants! No way, they are even dorkier than cargo shorts, ah but to each his own sense of fashion. "In step with the out of step" is my mantra.
  8. Anybody know if there is any truth to Neil's passing? From TTK photographic tribute thread yesterday at RWG1.1 by Baldrick. (link to post) His photobucket is still up and you can still access all his photos. From same thread at RWG1.1 (link to post)
  9. Will do. Wish her a speedy recovery.
  10. I think the majority of comments to Kate's article, even by the women, sort of match the comments by us on the forum. Women on the whole don't see anything wrong with cargo shorts but agree with her other fashion hates. There's even one woman's comment that wearing a clipped phone was her preference for herself. Obviously, one woman doesn't speak for all women.
  11. Went through 111 and 196 reps before accidentally falling into possession of a gen. 104, now its the only PAM I have, so by default its a favorite, a classic one at that. Friend of mine liked a spare Glycine I had purchased for $1900 so he traded me his 104 for it, in essence, I wound up with a gen. 104 for that price. My good friend has recently passed on so I keep it for sentimental value as well. Not a great pic of the watch (a fashion shot) but the only one I have of it alone.
  12. Probably wouldn't look so big if it were worn around a proper wetsuit sleeve and you had all your diving gear on........
  13. Hey Blade Shavers: I recently purchased from theenglishshavingcompany.com and they sent me a 20% discount for any friends to use on anything in their inventory until 8th February 2010. Go to their homepage and click on "Enter Voucher Code" (top left menu) and in capital letters enter JF25C All the prices will now have a 20% discount. Bottom left menu to choose prices in pounds, euros or dollars. Here's what I bought myself, Sheffield produced heavy nickel plated short handle and nickel plated travel badger brush in a nice black Italian leather case, pretty elegant:
  14. No matter what your experience with Neil was, he added knowledgeable drama to the forums, but in the end, he wound up being his own worst enemy based on the outcome.
  15. "Life is a Journey, not a Destination" Repology Translation: "Modding is a Journey, not a Purchase" Ohhmmmmmmmnnnnn....
  16. Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head. -- Ann Landers Simple, but true.
  17. Lani, you being born & raised here, it is obvious to all, you personify the Aloha Spirit. I'm lucky to live Hawaii and help you show what the people here are all about. There is no other place like it in the world. Thanks for the shared good thoughts today.
  18. Lani gets my vote, hands down. He truly puts over the top effort in keeping the place alive. What an asset to have him for this forum. However, I can still bench 150, despite the martinis you young whippersnappers! "We are here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is." ............Kurt Vonnegut.
  19. Is your forum hosted off-shore, outside of US?
  20. On my Toughbook at the present time. Its Amalfi, Italia from Sept. trip.
  21. What else would I wear, I live on Maui where you can walk into the Maui Jim headquarters and get them fixed for free for life. These are my three pairs and are all UV polarized lens. Kaanapali Titaniums: Kapalua Titaniums: Makaha Readers:
  22. History Lesson: The original RWG was free as the admin had the notion that accepting donations would corrupt the perception of it being somehow "sponsored" and perceived as a scam itself. His original intent was to just put up a website that exposed scam watch websites. His big mistake was to allow a forum onto the website which was so successful it overwhelmed everything, including the server, bigger bandwidth cost more. What to do? "accept donations" allowing it to even grow bigger and the rest of the problems followed. I think the "manifesto" or "prime directive" of the original RWG is still carried out for "free" by the progeny forums RWG, RWG1.1, RG and RWI. Its good to know that none require a paid membership and gladly give their time and efforts to steer members away from being scammed. In a sense these forums are voluntary organizations and they work the same as your local community organizations. A few volunteers will always benefit proportionately more of the populace that don't volunteer. I agree with Doc that no one should be shamed into feeling they have to "donate", that goes against the original concept of the forums, "free information".
  23. Rarely used but still relevant as an "insider's" joke code: TRL = thin red line, as in sticker on the back of some watch cases.
  24. "Man cannot create the current of events. He can only float with them and steer." - Otto von Bismark, excerpt from Wit & Wisdom Section of The Week Magazine Nov.20, 2009. Like the turds floating downstream Dems, you just gotta steer clear sometimes.
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