This is a long time, honorable member of the boards. Perhaps it is gen. Perhaps during the swap, some flame blued parts bin screws were swapped, who knows? It doesn't seem very smart (or profitable) to try to pass rep movements off to a forum full of rep specialists.
The one single solitary pic you provided of the mvmt is so flash-soaked, it's hard to make any conclusion (for instance in the cdg). Under the balance, is there ETA markings? Are those screws even blue, or is that dark color due to the exposure?
More than one nicely exposed picture of key areas of the movement would go a lot further to prove your case. Your making a very serious accusation that puts a members credibility on the line. My advice would be to provide more information (pictures) as soon as possible. Until then my honest opinion is you got a little ahead of yourself posting such harmful accusations.