something seems fishy the way angus shows up with a new model and calling it his own project when i remember josh and andrew talking about it amonths ago. i believe either josh or andrew were saying they even bought a gen for a sample. now angus shows up out of the blue, everyone who bought watches from him a year ago or whenever he dissapeared and recieved nothing somehow forgot that they recieved nothing. i remember the posts! and he starts taking pre-orders and selling these at a much higher price than josh and andrew who, if you remember a few months back, seemed to be the ones commissioning this project......
i don't mean to stir the bee's nest here but why not get it cheaper from josh and andrew and you will always recieve what you paid for. after all.....don't they deserve credit for this one? i imagine how exited josh and andrew were to give this to us and angus seemed to undercut them and sell it sooner for a way higher price too....
anyone feel the same way?