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doc savage

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Everything posted by doc savage

  1. It's the rule of thumb...
  2. Looks bulkier somehow, to my eyes. That's a Big Size PO?
  3. Only if you want to beat your wife with it; at least that's what I overheard at the meat-packing plant.
  4. Nice! But how many cows gave their lives for that strap?
  5. To be honest, Victoria pulls it off better than some of the "Daddy's watch" wristshots guys have posted--you expect a female to have a slim wrist but on a male it's like wearing a suit 4 sizes too big. Clownish.
  6. That about sums it up, it doesn't seem like the seller explained the damage very well (they said the case is "scratched" not dented or gouged, and nothing about the dial or hands). I would like to know how they did this much damage by dropping it, off a bridge maybe? Pity, although totally not my style, that was a really nice looking watch. You should make your money back on the movement, but good luck selling the stones--the value and scarcity of diamonds is a complete myth.
  7. Unfortunately not a spoof--there are actually people who think in this manner. Perhaps not to the extent of this guy, but the reason I posted it was it reminded me of the futility of debating with someone who has already chained themselves permanently to their world view. In this case, literally a world view.
  8. Looks like the seller bought that same watch for $1555, better photos here.
  9. I love how he says "no doctor has succeeded in figuring out how the eyes work" but he's wearing glasses. Also, the scientist weakly holding up the SCIENCE book is touching. Like science matters to this guy.
  10. Umm, the Allies? You could play "what if" all day with the countless variables of the war, the fact is I'm glad we will never know what would have happened if the U.S. had stayed out of the war any longer; OR if the Russians did not defend their cities to the last. And no, my history teacher did not tell me that the American cowboys stormed in while everyone was hiding under the covers, kicked Hitler in the nuts and took his wallet, slept with everyone's girlfriends and sisters, then rode off into the sunset like John Wayne.
  11. Hey, you better be careful not to give out bad advice.....
  12. I had mine sized twice, they both asked why I didn't take it to the AD as they would do it for free. I just tell them I don't like the pushy salespeople (it's true, this one guy is always trying to sell me a Jacob & Co. or a Chanel J12 when I want to look at the Cartiers.)
  13. What, you don't feel like you learned anything?
  14. Huh? OK, well my church, the Divine Church of the Order of the Green Blade, of which I am the founder, Pope, and chief prophet, just happens to have just such a commandment: 1) Thou shalt not kill (plants). Who writes this religion stuff down, translates it, interprets it, publishes it? People (us). As for science, I'll just go ahead and use the same research you do to prove that killing animals is evil. Since there isn't any.
  15. You are responding to my comment that there is no way for you to change these practices (Kosher/Halal), but ignoring my statement and references that show they are actually far less cruel than the ones you support. I realize you have seen some messed up videos, but you are using those to condemn religious slaughter in it's entirety. That simply isn't true. Imagine an animal shocked by electricity or paralyzed by head trauma and immobile, having parts of it sliced off while it still feels pain. It may look better, but it is vastly more cruel. There is a lot more going on than what you can see in a video. I don't care if my meat is Kosher, but I do want the animal to be killed in a humane fashion. Also, shooting a bolt into it's skull is a great way to spread mad cow disease, and I would rather not get that. Kosher slaughter can be performed humanely. When you see people getting murdered, the nice man with the sword usually finishes up his speech, then saws through the victims neck with very little grace. This is not only severing the neck arteries but the trachea as well, obviously causing a great deal of pain not to mention the psychological trauma and fear, enhanced by all the adrenaline caused by anticipation. In the cow's case, the cut is supposed to be made with a razor sharp and very long blade, in one swift slicing motion. This is done through the neck arteries but not the trachea. The effect is similar to cutting yourself shaving--very little pain due to the sharpness of the blade and the fact that the cut is performed with the edge only, not the tip. Death would occur in a similar way to oxygen deprivation, as the brain is not getting any blood whatsoever unconsciousness could occur in as little as 5 seconds. The videos of people grabbing a cow then stabbing a short knife into the neck and cutting only a few blood vessels would of course agitate the animal and it would take a long time to bleed to death. In modern, responsible Kosher slaughter the animal does not bleed to death, it dies from immediate loss of oxygen to the brain. As for the bit about the plants, that was more meant for Demonslayer than you. It is his belief that killing animals is evil;I can argue just as effectively that killing plants is just as evil.
  16. You two have really got to be kidding me with this logic! OK so we only eat animals that can't fight back--so what? Is this supposed to be some kind of proof that man is evil? What animal in nature would go after it's own predators as food if they can eat something that won't try to kill them? All you have to do is turn on the Discovery Channel if you want to see some cruel forms of slaughter, this point has been made time and time again. An animal is not giving the slightest thought to the suffering of it's dinner. So the innocent stingrays are being hunted down by Steve Irwin's fans, people are murdering animals for revenge, and OMG we will see how it feels if the dinosaurs come back and eat us. Wow, if that's a good point to you I want some of your groovy drugs. I'm trying to point out to you that a scientist, whose entire professional career is based on her extreme empathy for animals, observes impartially that an animal with it's throat slit cleanly, while standing, appears not to notice the cut or feel any pain. Here's some quotes for you: So you saw some videos and you feel sorry for the animals, fine, but I am pointing out that that is not the correct method. Stop trying to depict a religious mandate, which by the way was originally intended to decrease suffering, with some kind of barbaric practice. Sure, if I had a choice I would rather be shot in the head than have my throat slit, but no one cares if my brain matter contaminates my bloodstream and spreads mad cow disease. Further, it is possible for a cow to appear stunned and still feel pain, while it is NOT possible for it to bleed out and remain conscious. The fact is, there are a crapload of Muslims and Jews and they eat a crapload of meat. You, and whatever pansy organization you support, are NEVER going to get them to start shooting cows in the head. It MIGHT be possible to spread standards of animal welfare that reduce suffering to the bare minimum, but all the crying about the "evil religious wackos torturing the noble beasts" is accomplishing nothing. So far no one has been sticking up for the plants, my spirit ears can hear their death-screams in the death-fields, crying out for justice! I sometimes tell my steak that it got what it deserved for tearing up all that helpless grass and eating it alive. If you really have a heart you would not eat any harvested plant, only those fruits and nuts the majestic trees willingly offer you by dropping them to Mother Earth.
  17. Yeah I did a bit of a double-take myself; I guess if the mighty Italian Navy had to wear a different watch Hitler might have prevailed? To be fair, the U.S. wasn't exactly being invaded, and you can't quite decide who "won" on how many were killed or awarded medals. That said, Russia absolutely proved itself a land of heroes in that conflict. "Men's Vogue" is an oxymoron, no?
  18. Since I now know more than I ever wanted to know about cattle slaughter, I'll share. For the record, I'm neither Muslim nor Jewish, but I do think Kosher hot dogs taste better. The main difference between Kosher/Halal and modern slaughter is stunning, i.e. a bolt (or electric shock) to the skull. In the ideal "stunning" scenario, the first shot of a boltgun causes instant unconsciousness and perhaps brain death, the butchering takes place immediately afterwards with the animal feeling no pain. In a certain percentage, the animal shows signs of consciousness after the first shot and requires a second bolt. Recently, methods of stunning that reduce contamination of the blood with brain matter (electric stunning, blunt boltguns that do not penetrate the skull) have been used more, these tend to be less reliable and can increase the odds of the animal regaining consciousness. In the ideal "modernized" Kosher or Halal scenario, the cow has it's throat cut while standing upright and lightly supported. Dr. Grandin observes that if the cut is made properly, the animal appears to feel no pain (no reaction to the cut) and collapses due to massive blood loss within 30 seconds. So there are a few ways to look at it, sure it's barbaric to hoist a live animal and start hacking at its throat, but a clean cut can be quite humane. On the other hand, if an animal is shot in the head but does not die, that can be a lot more barbaric in term of suffering.
  19. Whoa, that is a very sharp watch and kudos for the great review. The grey color is nice, but to me the design of the original is pretty jumbled and messy--I guess I still prefer the non-chrono GTXL. Too bad it doesnt come in grey. Man, trying to protect copyrights on a knockoff, I love it. What's a "factory collector" supposed to be anyway?
  20. Nice. I love it when the rep factories "play jazz" and just make whatever they feel like. Has anyone else seen the Glycine Airman rep's animated movement? I saw a photo of it a while back in an online catalog, I wish I had saved it. Probably just a case of the manufacturer using whatever movement was lying around in that approximate size, but it featured a randy rascal ravaging a wanton wench. Pretty hilarious on the back of a big businesslike pilot's watch.
  21. That seems like a pretty good score, I wonder how much the parts to fix it cost sans labor? $2K for a crystal and buckle seems a little high--maybe you can have a mineral crystal custom made?
  22. I've been shopping for winders for months, I finally settled on this one for now: Pros: Holds watches vertically Winds in both directions Spring-loaded holders instead of those cheap pillows Inexpensive (cost about $60 shipped) Cons: VERY poorly made (glass didn't fit properly, inner compartments crooked, ring around watch falls off, cheap materials and finish) Not particularly quiet Cannot choose direction (winders rotate clockwise 60 seconds, pause, then counterclockwise 60 seconds) Not very adjustable (only adjustment is the pause time: 12, 15, or 22 minutes) I don't really recommend it, but it seems functional.
  23. Whoa, that Airman--is it the one with the special "animated" caseback?
  24. Looks like somebody watched a little too much Captain Planet in their youth....
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