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Passed another RWG milestone, today!

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The POWERMAX - - - that is!

Thanks RWG for giving me the venue to learn so much about watches (GEN & REP), develop what little skill I have in watch repair and mod, challenge me to take and develop better pictures and having a place to show off ;) the results!

I have tried other Foras, but the caliber of our ADMIN and members here are second to none, that's why I stayed! We have members here from all walks of life, all over the world with different races and religion, different jobs and financial standing, but overall......we try to live in harmony and understnding (I understood Woodstock by the time it happened!). For sure we have some mis-understanding, but....hey, who doesn't, it's never a perfect world, but we understand each other!

This place is like a home for most of us! A place where we could vent, share, help, get helped, analyze and get analyzed; earn.....spend...get broke :crazy::cryss: , get excited (not just by watches, but some boobies and if we get lucky, some beauty muff worth diving for :snorkel::fish: !

So, folks; my Hearfelt thanks and Kudos to everyone! To those I have slighted or have misunderstandings with, my deepest apology :sorry::give_rose: !


RWG Rocks!



Congrats mate!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Thanks for the help you have given me, indirectly. And your contribution generally.

Look forward to the next few thousand!! :D

All the best


Congrats, buddy! I'm glad that you've made RWG your home, and I'm also grateful that we've become good friends over the years! That's what this forum is about for me... Watches are secondary, but the people here are tops!


Congratz Hike, you are trully a fantastic asset to this community. Please keep those wonderful pics comming. I (dive) at (five) :bleh: and there's no (muff) to (tough) :bb: Mike


You wasted your 2500th post on this crap? C'mon! ;)

Its great to see forum staples like yourself around, because so many come in and out like the tide. A familiar face is more and more important for people that call RWG home. Grats on your postwhoring, carry on!


Super contrats F!! +1 what Ubi said! The watches are secondary compared to the friendships formed in this amazing community! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

:drinks: Here's to another 2,500 posts!


hey F!...congrats, man!...

what you said, plus 1...you rock, man!...

now - what's the deal?!?!?!...no new avatar and sig pix to celebrate your elite status?!...geeeeeez... :winkiss:



Gee lucky I logged on today or I might have missed this.

Big congrats Hike and welcome to the club.

Make sure you get full use of the clubrooms, try a quick work out in the Lanikai gymnasium, then pop into the By-Tor health and beauty spa for a rub down.

After that, depending on your mood, it's either the TJ room for your quota of virgins...oops...or the Nanuq room for lessons on wrestling polar bears, please choose the later as Nanuq hasn't had a visitor since it opened. :animal_rooster:


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