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hey Marty...

sorry to hear that...holler if you need any job search advice and/or support...

remain positive...many times these things have a way of working out for the better...



Thanks for the kind words guys. It's not watch selling time yet, but I will let you know. I am in the insurance business. I was a territory manager for an insurance company. I can handle losing the job, but with my dad passing away in October, it's just hard. I know life is not fair, but this just sucks.


I have lost several jobs.

I lost my Dad and my job in the same month.

You will get through this, and there are people who will help you, some of them here.

My brother in law, in the insurance business, had a pacemaker implanted in the past year, lost his job in September, and now has Menire's Disease.

We will all have to get through this together. My brother in law and I were graduates of the same university as Ben Roethlisberger, class of 1970.

Ben has come back from some self induced problems and will be OK. So will you and I.

Let us all hang in there.



I feel for you mate, it's hard to do but try to see a positive in every negative. I'm sure it's a difficult time with your Father passing too. :(


Man that sucks Marty. So sorry to hear that. Just remember you have a superb support group here and we are all here to help you out in any way we can :D


I have had a really $hitty month and a half. I can hardly wait for Christmas :)


chin up, take a day or two to breathe and then jump back on that horse. 8-5 everyday working on finding another gig. stay positive and surround yoirself with kike people. if you need anything dont be afraid to email me. We are defined by the hard times the Lord throws out way. keep the faith!


My sympathies and condolences for you and your family, The struggle never ends does it.?? If there's anything positive that you can take out of the experience, by all means, snatch it up and run with it.. and don't ever stop. Communiities exist to help one another out in hard times, and you're online community here is here to support you in any way that might be necessary. Stay as positive as possible and push through positively to the next struggle that you'll surely encounter at some point in the future.

The key is not asking "why" something is thrown in your path, but how to get over the obstacle. You'll never know the why part, you'll just have to be prepared to use your ingenuity to get over the next log thrown in the road. Keep your head up marty! You've got positive energy being sent your way from Madrid, SPAIN. HOpe you get it!


Sorry to hear that, amigo, but don't let it get you down, this has only happened so something better can come along :) Stay strong :drinks:


Hi Marty,

Sorry to hear this. I have had similar situations but you will pull through. Life has endless opportunities and you will find something that will suit you soon enough :)


My heart go's out to you marty,It really does. I lost my father back In April/06,then a bunch of other shity things happened soon after his death. Im still feeling the after effects almost five years later. The good news Is Im hanging In there and things are getting better. So please hang In there marty, Im sending you a [censored] load of good karma from North Carolina. :) Mike



When it rains it pours. My condolences on your father. I lost mine many years ago although it impacts all of us differently. On the job front I wish you the best of luck in finding a new (and better one :thumbsupsmileyanim:) quickly. Most importantly, as you can tell you have a whole lot of people rooting for you here.


I know it's serious, especially if you have debts. But look at the bright side... now you have more time to be with your friends and family (at least temporarily).

I've been working since I was 15. Now I'm 38 and sometimes I dream that I could take one year completely off. It'd be amazing.

I hope you'll find another job soon. All the best.

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