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What should we do?  

239 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want to see happen?

    • Create a Dealers Scam Section
    • Suspend their Dealer priviledges and Stop outside linking to their sites
    • Ban them all
    • Nothing, sit idly by in our contented little bubble
    • Other - Explain in thread...

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195 are afraid it is not anonymous.

Why would they be afraid of that? If this is the case, a very big benefit of this forum is lost. What is a forum on replicas worth if its members feels they cannot freely share views? I think it is highly critical that we share both good and bad experiences. The forum must be for the good of its members, not for the suppliers.

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I think it is perfectly in order to state your previous knowledge and understanding before presenting a suggestion. Then we know his basis for certain opinions.

In fact I prefer that over a rude tone in messages saying absolutely nothing constructive or of general interest.

Anyone who exhibits 'asshat' behaviour or comments.......gets lumped in with the suspension of the liars....!


If you're not familiar with all the details......then get acquainted with them........if you don't ....then you're not qualified to comment........so stop throwing so many words at the page.......or is that you just like to see yourself in print........DUH...!


I voted OTHER...

Option #2 with a small change..

I say NO to their Ban (without a warning period) but YES to stop immidiately the link to their websites...

If they want to list watches here they can do it the old way and with TTK's listing format


I voted "other"...

as was said before... I think they should be give a sensible period to comply with a list of changes as compiled from a poll of the membership. Then, unless they comply, "tar and feather".... only this time, it should be made clear to them that we're serious about the consequences...

A poll, because like Pug's and Edge's threads clearly showed, there are issues we all agree on (like misrepresentation / false advertising) and there are others, where it will be much more difficult to get a majority vote. I for one would not rate the pricing cartel (does not mean I like it, though) a reason for the death sentence, because the price you always know upfront and even as a noob, you can make an informed descision to say: No, thank you, too expensive. But when price is charged for features promised and not delivered.... that's a whole different issue...


Well, for whatever reason... Andrew has withdrawn from the discussion for some time now, and no others have picked up the ball to run with it.

I commend him for having the balls to speak up... but slap them all for lying to us.

I am quite sure that they are covering their heads in their bunkers waiting for the storm to pass... as it did with the White Lies thread.

IMO, the White Lies thread was their warning, and they chose not to comply by leaving their advertisements unchanged.

We can continue to talk about this for another 16 pages, but I reckon what is deemed needs doing needs to be done swiftly, and loudly.


Why are people so keen to defend people that have lied to and manipulated others? Why are people suggesting they be 'given time' to make ammendments? This isn't Time Out for bad behaviour, and it does not take a month to ammend a website. Even if the websites were ammended, what is to stop the Cartel continuing to give people watches with movements in that are not as advertized? or what is to stop them buying up all the stock of the good watches so the smaller dealers can't get a look in? Was this website not created to identify and name scammers (of whatever variety) so people would not get ripped off? I am as shocked as anyone else that Andrew and Joshua would behave in this manner, but the point is, when people have been lied to and manipulated thusly, why do those responsible even deserve a second chance? All that does is give them a second chance to rip people off. Turning the other cheek doesn't solve anything, it just gets you slapped harder.


I voted #2, but I'm a little weary about it. They "the cartel' clearly and knowingly misrepresented various goods. Their recent acts were no different than those of the various dealers advertised for at replicacenter. We certainly wouldn't let bestswiss or any of the others set up shop here, so why would we allow these guys???

IMO; if they're going to stay here they need to fess up, show a little remorse and pay some serious penance to the community they collectively screwed. Otherwise, I think Admin needs to break out the Ban-stick and start handing out a few whacks.


I agree 100%. Josh and Andrew have committed a crime. They knowingly lied in an attempt to further profit.

I like Andrew, in fact my last 2 purchases have been from him. But, this type of behavior would not be tolerated from a member selling a watch here, and it certainly shouldn't be tolerated from a dealer. I think these guys should be suspended, for at least a months time, then be put on probation on their return.


I don't think a dealer scam section will work. First, one persons scam is anothers normal operations. Can you think of the the noobs who would be posting a scam notice everytime someone didn't answer an email within 30 minutes? Second if you report a dealer you shouldn't necessarily expect much future service from the dealer in question--except maybe to spit in your watch. Best bet is for us to be a united front because otherwise it is all just background chatter.

I voted for suspend them, but it might be handy to do something like RWI (THE HORRORS!) and have a dealer probation section. Remove the offending dealers from the recommended dealers list. List them as on probation with the reason (liars liars pants on fire). Kepp them there three months and if they improve great. If not, permanent ban.



its not really difficult ..

stop to buy to the " cartel " and you will see faster how the manufactur will react .. :bangin:

.less sale .. :g:

no more exclusivity :wounded1:

you don't need to banned them!!!!

know evryboby here know .!!!!!.. :yucky:

so when they sale down like in "1929 crack " they don't have really choise !! :black_eye:

and please don't tell me they have difficulty to find movement !! :animal_rooster:

i know legal factorie in china who create and make this kind of movement and they are not expensive for an manufactur who assemble watch!!!!!

I think it is perfectly in order to state your previous knowledge and understanding before presenting a suggestion. Then we know his basis for certain opinions.

In fact I prefer that over a rude tone in messages saying absolutely nothing constructive or of general interest.

Here, here!

Posted (edited)

Every dealer who 'misrepresents' his items has to receive a warning from a mod/ admin as it is their duty to protect the newbies from scams. A mistake can easily be made... also by a dealer so we can do it like the U.S. system:" 3 strikes YOU'RE OUT!

Edited by Rolexman
Every dealer who 'misrepresents' his items has to receive a warning from a mod/ admin as it is their duty to protect the newbies from scams. A mistake can easily be made... also by a dealer so we can do it like the U.S. system:" 3 strikes YOU'RE OUT!

As I said before:

Was this website not created to identify and name scammers (of whatever variety) so people would not get ripped off? I am as shocked as anyone else that Andrew and Joshua would behave in this manner, but the point is, when people have been lied to and manipulated thusly, why do those responsible even deserve a second chance? All that does is give them a second chance to rip people off. Turning the other cheek doesn't solve anything, it just gets you slapped harder.

Three strikes and you're out sounds a little civilised for an American system :p

I thought something along the lines of an outright ban would be the American policy, and you know what, I would fully agree with it! They deserve a ban, even if only temporary for what they have done!

P.S. The American thing is only friendly banter, they're not my views in anyway :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Posted (edited)
n fact I prefer that over a rude tone in messages saying absolutely nothing constructive or of general interest.
ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz........ -_-

Sorry Mr Nixon.....did I fall asleep during your lecture.......ahh.....I'm up to speed.......so let's discuss your lack of comprehension....!

My first comment was directed at Nebakanezar......who was trolling.....with his comment to the OP.....calling him a whiny [censored].....now I see that you did not find fault with his comment...despiet the fact that it was extremely rude.......but you did with mine.....which leads me to the conclusion that you probably fancy me....( going by some of your other oh so perky posts in topics where I've commented ).....well you can't have me.....but you can have a part of me...unfortunatley it won't be the part that causes you to wake up in cold sweats at the very thought of it....I'm not that way inclined.....!

My second comment was directed at Giormani.....who confessed that he didn't read the topic....but was inclined to voice an ignorant opinion.....this is a serious topic...and if one is going to be constructive in either criticism or praise regarding it....then it should be expected that you acquaint yourself with the subject before opening your mouth and letting your belly rumble........that's what giormani did.....no doubt he swallowed another Bud.....sat back bored at watching his good lady in yet another menage a trois.......and decided....I know...I'll go and show my ignorance on the board again.....which I drew his attention to....!

As for you...I wasn't speaking to you.....we've not been introduced.....but I'll forego the formalities....!

fact I prefer that over a rude tone in messages saying absolutely nothing constructive or of general interest.

So what was it that YOU were saying that was constructive or of general interest........help me out here.....hit me over the head with a wet fish and call me Nancy......but I am sure I saw a mediocrity post something mediocre.....and of course...I...being the patron Saint of Mediocrities....feel inclined to step in and assist you.....!

Now you've caused me to take this very serious thread and turn it into something else.......so let's take it just one step further...do you want me to show you me being a reallly RUDE boy......if not then the best advice I cah give you has to do with sex and travel.....!

Oh...and at the risk of sounding redundant....... in your repost......please at least have something substantive to say or at least add to the proceedings......or topic at hand.. !

Edited by TTK

Well I think the time for procrastination and beating around the bush is done, we have had a lot of evidence against them and it's now time to act, not draw this out long enough that we lose interest and forget about it.

We should stop tooing and froing and come to a resolution, my suggestion is this:

RWG, RWI and TRC suspend their dealing privilidges on the boards for a set period of time, and make their section invisible for that time

RWI removes them from the 5 star dealers list

RWG, RWI and TRC stop all linking to their sites

All 3 boards enforce new guidelines as to the outline of a sales listing;

There must be detailed pictures of the front, back, sides, bracelet/strap and MOVEMENT

There must be a detailed and ACCURATE description of the watch for sale (like TTK uses)

We as a membership boycott them until they can PROVE to us that they have mended their ways

I would also suggest that as Andrew and Josh, have ALL the same watches at ALL the same prices, and ALL the same pictures, they become ONE dealing entity, as apposed to the 2 they are at the moment. Therefore calling for the removal of one of the sites, as it would be redundant.

When reinstated the 4 dealers should be watched closely for any indiscretions, and also MUST post all new watches on the forum, NOT JUST LINKING to a web page, the watch must be listed in the correct format or you will be punished.

Any further counts of misrepresentation/LYING should result in an outright ban and removal.

These are my thoughts, and though quite comprehensive are not difficult to follow and/or impliment.

Now is the time for action, strike while the iron is hot, and let's not waste time, the more time we waste the less momentum this will have and we will just end up forgetting about it and moving on.



How about a special "watch critic" section. Kind of like the Siskel and Ebert of replica watches. Apoint a well known and respected member to review a watch when it is released. The dealer can voluntarily send a watch to this person for inspection. This person will remove the back of the watch take detailed photos and return the watch to the dealer. Then the findings will be posted on each model and if it passes the watch from that dealer only will be given a thumbs up. This may take care of the description problem, then there is always bait and switch.

As for the price fixing, what can you do? Better customers may always get better deals. I liked it better when the prices weren't posted and you make your deal and keep your mouth shut. I always wait a month or two or longer to buy a watch because I know the more dealers that carry it, the more the price will come down. I have learned patience and trusty said himself the exclusives are only temporary.

"Watch Critic" section is good. I like that idea. And if everyone can jump in and toss in their own 2

hit me over the head with a wet fish and call me Nancy....

Glad to see you are feeling better Neil....................Although I do sense that your medication may be affecting your vocabulary a bit with that statement. Never the less I did laugh out loud when i read that one...........................Nancy. :lol:

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