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So I got called out yesterday.


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Guest lcdr2007
Sure, if those limited Nikes and basketball gear count as bum-wear where you are. :blink:

Let's be honest. Snoopy Snoopy Dog Dog isn't going to be hanging at a backyard BBQ without some serious entourage and bootay.

You'd be surprised how many people strolling through housing projects in Brooklyn are sporting those same 'limited edition' Nikes (maybe they're reps too!), or guys I know that drive $60,000 cars and don't have a pot to [censored] in, living at home with Mom & Dad. If your willing to sacrifice everything else and live beyond your means, its surprisingly easy to get the accessories to be a poser. It just doesn't as long...

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guys I know that drive $60,000 cars and don't have a pot to [censored] in, living at home with Mom & Dad. If your willing to sacrifice everything else and live beyond your means, its surprisingly easy to get the accessories to be a poser. It just doesn't as long...

All about the priorities.


PS I'm currently living at home with mom and dad myself. Gotta save some money while in school. :) Home cooking's also a huge plus. Mmmnnn!

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Guest lcdr2007
All about the priorities.


PS I'm currently living at home with mom and dad myself. Gotta save some money while in school. :) Home cooking's also a huge plus. Mmmnnn!

At least you're doing it the right way!

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The funny thing about some people is that the richer they get, the cheaper they are.. :)

Aint that the truth! My band played this rich guys wedding on upper Park Ave. New York recently, no tip.

I played another wedding last weekend, the family was working class military family, each band member got a $50 tip!

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That's why he's rich. lol

But seriously, I see it all the time. My dad does pretty well. Upper middle class but not rich. Spends whatever money he has on things for our family e.g. if my mother wants to go to the grocery and buy Hagen Daaz (expensive where he lives) ice cream, she does.

I have some distant family on the other hand who are stinking filthy rich but for them to spend 2 cents is like pulling teeth. Using the ice cream example, they'll buy some no-name brand that tastes like ass. Well maybe they like it, but it tastes like ass to me.

My dad also has this friend who, while not filthy rich, is a multi-millionaire. They will often go to the market together in the morning where poor people will be selling vegetables, fruits, etc. My father often comes home and tells me stories with disbelief in his voice about how his friend will try to haggle with these poor people in order to save 25 cents. Nothing wrong with bargaining but do it on things that count e.g. buying a car or furniture, not to save 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001% of your net worth. It's like having a yard sale and Bill Gates showing up and trying to get you to knock $2 off the old teddy bear you're selling for $5.

And whenever I see, or hear about, these things I always have the same thought - maybe that's why they're rich...

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This is an interesting thread... I think that people are going to be jerks and call you out no matter what the circumstances. I've just purchased my first reps so I do not have any confrontation stories... However -- even if you look the part, some negative punk will find something to hassle you about.

For an example, I'm a student: young and often run around on the weekends and after work in shorts and a t-shirt. I can't tell you how many times people comment negatively on the cars I drive in. He's young so it must be his dad's car... If I was a minority, I'd be a drug dealer. If I drove a cheap car with a nice watch, it's gotta be fake or stolen.

It depends on the situation but there will always be something because some unhappy people get the attention they seek by calling others out. I can tell you that if I wore a rep, no matter how excellent or crappy it was... Even if I'm rolling in a 100K plus ride, someone will try and make me look bad. Sure the watch is real but he couldn't have paid for it himself...

I've just learned to live and let live. They have a problem with what you cherish? Who cares. Hopefully you're wearing it for yourself because you enjoy wearing it so what they say about you shouldn't really matter anyway. Also, if you present yourself as the better man, show your confidence and pride, you'll come out looking good while he appears as the pessimist ass that he is.

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Wow that sux. I get asked about 3 times a day "is that real" when I wear my subs. I am not brave enough to wear a Bret on my little wrist.

I will bet you that you don't get called out with a Breit vs a Sub

Rolex's scream fake, thats all that "normal people" know they make reps of.

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I will bet you that you don't get called out with a Breit vs a Sub

Rolex's scream fake, thats all that "normal people" know they make reps of.

That is true, I use to wear an AL fantasy rep, and 100% of the people that saw me with it never asked if it was real. My sub addiction has died now. I am now into pams. I dont understand some peoples logic on asking me if my [censored]'s real. I spend $6000 in a weekend on my car, and no one looks at my $1000 DVD player, $3500 lift kit, $1500 mickeys, and says is that real like a dumbass. I guess it comes with the territory if u got it on your wrist.

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  • 1 month later...

The reps are SO gorgeous that we're really confronting a " portal " in reality. i.e., what are you doing wearing a $ 5000 watch ?

It's beyond our conrol. It's not a matter of are you faking it or not. ?

The reps are that good.

Me ? a newbie ?

I'm gonna tell everybody who asks, it's a fake.

Most people don't ask, tho'.

And tremble at the site of your ( obviously real )Submariner.

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He sounds like a right [censored] if you ask me. What he did was very low (going around telling people). He obviously didn't know it was fake but somehow might of picked up on some info. Like "I'm a jeweler"..."oh really, you know ***** has a Breitling", so maybe he picked up on something that you visit replica watch forums, etc etc.

Anyway, he's obviously not an experienced jeweler. The fact that he couldn't tell you why it was fake apart from things you need to hold the watch for (bezel movement, date font, hour markers, whatever) is quite humorous though.

Odd fellow for sure, sounds like he just wanted to be popular by ridiculing someone (something often practiced unfortunately).

I work for a jeweler, as a watchmaker. My boss and the owner of the store is very kind about fakes, even the very obvious ones. The only time he'll even mention it's "not an original model" (his words), is if someone wants a pressure test, or mentions going diving with their rep. And it's just friendly advice delivered in the least embarrassing, low-key manner possible.

That is just plain poor form. I'd NEVER call someone on a fake, unless he was flaunting it in arude and assholish manner (LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT MY WAATCH! MY WATCH MAKES ME IMPORTANT!) or trying to scam somebody with it.

I've been a gen watch collector for 15+ years, and a watch tinker for a little over 10. Unless the fake is REALLY bad, a glance at a wrist at a party isn't going to tell you a damn thing.

I'm not familiar with Breitling's 1000+ variations at all, and I can't say whether yours is an accurate model, BUT if the finish looks good to the eye at arms length, and the dial and hands look well done, there's really no way to tell with these modern replicas on the wrist. Handing it to him may confirm his unfounded suspicions, (If he really does know what he's talking about.)as the fakes never have the insane attention to finish detail higher end watches have, and an experienced hand can feel the difference...when the watch is new. If you had 2 years or so of wear into it, all the sharp tells and poorly finished details will have smoothed themselves out to the point where it takes a real expert/savant on that particular model/marque to even question it without a side-by-side..

He was just an ass, trying to one up you and make himself look knowledgeable to whomever he was trying to impress. I have a suspicion that he knew a lot less than he let on and was maybe even jealous of the admiring attention your watch may have been recieving during the party gossip. A nice looking lady probably remarked on how cool your watch was. That Sets [censored] into competion mode every time.

The really flashy models will inspire jealousy in many insecure asshats, even if they're gen, And their most common remark is "that's fake", intended to somehow take you down a notch.

If you want to stay on the safe side, buy more common, understated models (but beautiful) of the same brand. But asshats are always around. I once bet a similar guy ("Rolex doesn't make watches with plastic crystals, what a crappy fake! Who are you trying to impress?" a brand new a Rolex sub if my GMT master TT was a fake. Went straight to an AD who looked it over, opened the caseback snd proclaimed it as gen as gen can be. The said blustering asshat of course didn't pay up...he just made fun of me for wearing an "old" Rolex after that...

Ignore the assholes. Or, to quote Steve Zissou while pointing his Glock at that beautiful journalists face- "does this look fake to you?"

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I invited a girl to my place last night...

after the intercourse :), she was taking a tour in my house and saw the watch case... she asked if she can take a look at my watches. I agreed... I've bot gens and reps. my only high end gen is rolex submariner. other gens are low end (sinn, seiko, etc) and I've got some very nice modded reps... She was influenced until she saw the Submariner... She asked me if these are fake, She told me I'm not a genuine Rolex owner type... what an ironical situation isn't it? I asked her why? She said that rolex must be $50000 or something, How could a man like me afford that watch? I told her the correct price, but she didn't seem to understand :)

anyway; I think people are thinking some brands are excessively expensive... rolex, omega, breitling... and most other commons.


and on the other hand, please check gen forums... They sometimes post photos etc. Those guys don't look extraordinary rich from their attitude, clothes etc... There was a funny Asian guy with cheapo trousers and a simple white shirt with a gen 203 on his wrist. :)

so I don't agree the "you should look like a richie rich guy to make people believe your rep is gen" phase...

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so I don't agree the "you should look like a richie rich guy to make people believe your rep is gen" phase...

I don't think someone has to look 'super rich', but a person's age and appearance does come into play. The only time my Submariner was called out, was by a snooty South African proprietor, when I went into his boutique wearing jeans, Converse and a sweater. I'm 28 years old, but am constantly assumed to be in my early twenties, and have shoulder length hair and a beard. I don't tend to look like the kind of person who could afford a genuine Rolex, and that's what people pick up on when they call out a watch. As mentioned above, unless it is a glaringly obvious rep, or someone is just trying to be an ass to put someone down, chances are they are basing their judgement on the person's appearance, not the appearance of their watch. Recently, (although he wasn't there) I went in on the hunt for a new strap. I was wearing a cream colored suit, mahogony patent leather shoes, and a powder pink shirt (jacket through my bag strap as the weather was hot) One of the assistants asked if I needed help as soon as I stepped over the threshold, and was practically fawning over me while I explained what I was after. When their display of straps didn't have what I had in mind, she produced the strap catalogues for me to flip through... Wether it was the suit, the SMP, or just my Jedi Mind-Tricks, I certainly got much better service than my last visit to the store They didn't actually have anything like what I actually wanted though, so I thanked the assistant for her time and left to continue my strap hunt.

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And what do answer to the follow up question:

Why do you wear fakes? :p

Well, you may choose between several replies:

- (unselfish:) Because of the satisfaction of giving the difference in charity rather than to Richemont-Vendome.

- (selfish:) Because of the satisfaction of spending the difference in drugs (or women, or travels, or what you like) rather than giving it to Richemont-Vendome.

- (artisan:) 'Cos I love modding.

- (statistical:) In order for counting out people who ask silly questions (variation: for counting out bad-mannered people).

- (threatening:) 'Cos I am a black block.

- (philosophical:) Let's define 'fake'...

- (psychological:) Why do you ask it?

- (ethical): To support emergent economies rather than established ones.

...and so on... :D

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Ive taken my GT into 2 AD's just for the hell of it...I park in front with the SL which must help.....and it never comes off the wrist...never had an issue...the guy was bluffing...no way he could call it fake 100% on the wrist after his other comments...no way no how. Ive put my GT next to the gen...it is VERY VERY close and the feel is 98% the same...except the bezel which is still close...just a little smoother on the rep lke it was lubed. My good friend has a genuine B for B and he thinks my GT is real as well. I would have said "Wow, fake huh? You must not know much about genuine Breitlings"...and then walked away. Either way I think he caught on that you were worried he knew it was a fake and he just went for it and held to his word until you took it off. Im very suprised he had the nerve and the lack of class to do that in the first place.

Edited by CY0811
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Yeah, and he was right. That's the bit that hurts. :D

Well, he was right about it being a rep, but not so in thinking I was wearing one because I couldn't afford a gen Rolex if I wanted to ;)

I'm not someone who really cares about 'labels', I go with what I like the look of, I'm just stingy when it comes to parting with my cash, so if I can get something similar for cheaper, I'll go with that option :D

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The guy in question acted like a pathetic loser IMO. What difference does it make if the watch is genuine or a replica? It's a piece of jewellery and a timepiece. Nothing more nothing less. The fact he tried to make some capital out of it's status marks him out as a grade 'A' social climbing superficial a-hole

I've been told my genuine Seadweller and Seamaster were fakes, I've also had another Rolex owner swearing blind that my old rep SD was genuine- he couldn't believe it wasn't authentic, likewise my Tag Chrono.

I now have a policy of telling people the genuine pieces are fake and replica ones are real. If someones interested enough to have a conversation about something you're wearing then why not have some fun with them?

edit due to swear filter!

Edited by Febus
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Why buy replicas then? :whistling:

If you hadn't cut the end of my sentence, you'd've had your answer :whistling:

I'm not someone who really cares about 'labels', I go with what I like the look of, I'm just stingy when it comes to parting with my cash, so if I can get something similar for cheaper, I'll go with that option :D

There are watches that perform better than our reps for about the same price, but they don't say Rolex.

Indeed, they say Omega :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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I invited a girl to my place last night...

after the intercourse :), she was taking a tour in my house and saw the watch case... she asked if she can take a look at my watches. I agreed... I've bot gens and reps. my only high end gen is rolex submariner. other gens are low end (sinn, seiko, etc) and I've got some very nice modded reps... She was influenced until she saw the Submariner... She asked me if these are fake, She told me I'm not a genuine Rolex owner type... what an ironical situation isn't it? I asked her why? She said that rolex must be $50000 or something, How could a man like me afford that watch? I told her the correct price, but she didn't seem to understand :)

anyway; I think people are thinking some brands are excessively expensive... rolex, omega, breitling... and most other commons.


and on the other hand, please check gen forums... They sometimes post photos etc. Those guys don't look extraordinary rich from their attitude, clothes etc... There was a funny Asian guy with cheapo trousers and a simple white shirt with a gen 203 on his wrist. :)

so I don't agree the "you should look like a richie rich guy to make people believe your rep is gen" phase...

did u say intercourse

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If you hadn't cut the end of my sentence, you'd've had your answer :whistling:

Yes, but I'm having trouble believing that. :D

For the most part, we buy reps because we want someone to believe we have the genuine article. We're fooling someone even if it's just ourselves, and that's ok.

If you liked the look, you could get Alphas or similar, without ever having the customs risk. Or you could get less accurate, but much cheaper, reps. How much is a 3rd gen 42mm PO these days?

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Ive been buying reps for years now back when EL was just known Sunshine and there was no RWG....I have to say the evolution of quality reps (not QC...LOL) is awesome. I would have never thought it possible to see the Breitlings we have today a few years back and YES I do like fooling people sometimes with my reps as well...its harmless fun and they are oh so close. Botm line I still cant believe that guy called you out on an almost 1:1 rep...makes me think he would have called a gen a fake as well in that situation out of jealousy.

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