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Posts posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Like so many of the teams already through we played as if we couldn't give a [censored] adams.

    Copenhagen were hungrier and were out to prove a point although I'm not sure what that is.

    I'm disappointed that we took such a 'couldn't care less' approach although if the plan was to avoid Barcalona, who look like the very strong favourites, then the plan worked.

    All in all we were pish but we're through and that's what counts.


  2. Thanks Section8.. hey you can move into my neighborhood anytime... ;)

    Regards to the Sub.. I will do my best to speak to him .. however as I said before

    it would have to be an underground project.. which means it won't be the first submission...

    this first one has to make Jay some operation cash to continue this line of operations..

    Isn't the production of any counterfeit watch an underground project? :unsure:

    And why is there such a reluctance to go further with the sub, especially on a one-off initiative such as this?

    As I said before there is, and always will be a groundswell of demand for this. All those lovely alternative suggestions (some of which are frankly in fairyland!) don't beat the old sub when it comes to what the punters want.

    I won't cry if Jay says no but I set out to prove a point and regardless of what happens from now on in, I think I've proved my point and furthermore, the views of the dominant voters in this exercise are loud and clear.


  3. .............and another thing.............There is now such a groundswell of interest in the "best ever sub" that it ought to be taken seriously. Jeez it might even be the leader at the moment. :unsure:

    Not to mention it's poll was posted up hours before the new conditions were.

    Unlike most other previously attempted reps, there is a certain folklore and antiquity with the sub and an exception should be made to include this one iconic, previously attempted rep.

    *steps off podium*


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