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Posts posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Good on you Alan, myself I couldn't stop laughing at the way the Pom's just threw it away.

    And jtb it was never going to be a victory for the Pom's a draw was all they could hope for.


    Ah Ken......the arrogance I was talking about...........I never mentioned the poms winning. Read my post again my friend. I said they "(they) seemed to snatch defeat from the jaws of a draw". :lol:


  2. As no one seemed much interested in my cricket musings, I haven't bothered to report on the 2nd test.

    (Although Ken and I have discussed the state of the wicket at length)

    Not much to say now either ....except........


    Warney, you are a champion.


    Yep the poms seem to snatch defeat from the jaws of a draw. Peiterson and Collingwood must be sick as parrots.

    I should have taken Ladbrokes 16-1 on 5-0. Damn!


  3. Ok clue time.....................When you think of his home in the barren wastes of the North Pole you will realise that Santa likes to keep a low profile, so you will not find him in any of the busy areas of the board.


    Girls Girls Girls maybe??? :unsure:


  4. Too much lactation going on around here for my liking :yuk:

    JTB, I am disgusted with you <_< 3 months in, 50 posts, plus a Chavski fan to boot, and YOU just give him the answer???

    Hang your head in shame :p

    I am suitably chastised and will not transgress no more doc! :lol:


  5. nooooooo Jon the boy!!!

    you gave it away too sooonnnnn.....

    you're no fun anymore... =(

    I know MVB – I’m usually one of the jokers in the pack when it comes to these things but alas today magnanimity was running through my very veins and I succumbed to drawing and sharing the milk from the bountiful udders of the great cow of human kindness.

    I have been assured by the great WIS gods in the WIS sky that my deed of goodwill will be suitably rewarded in some splendiferous fashion in the very near future.

    Failing this, I shall return to being the nauseating, cantankerous, arrogant bastard I once was.

    Thank you


  6. Watch Idiot Savant

    Main Entry: idiot sa·vant


    'E-"dyO-sä-'vän, or same as IDIOT and savant for respective singular and plural forms

    Function: noun

    Inflected Form(s): plural idiots savants /-"dyO-sä-'vän(z)/; or idiot savants /-'vän(z)/

    Etymology: French, literally, learned idiot

    Date: 1927

    1 : a mentally defective person who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field

    2 : a person who is highly knowledgeable about one subject but knows little about anything else


  7. last time i logged was on Thursday 15:00...i logged this morning and there were 18 pages of posts!

    c'mon guys....slow a litlle bit...have no time for reading all of that...i have to work!

    Well…….can I suggest you mark all posts which refer to the following to be ignored:

    Big bang

    Casino Royale

    Logo Competition

    TTK is a rat

    TTK is a god

    Does anyone live in Bognor Regis?

    Pugwash ate my hamster

    Who has the best Breitling Chronomat Evolution?

    This should knock it down to 2 pages only.

    Glad to have been of assistance.

    JTB (caring sharing mod)

  8. When the need arises I’m all for the short, sharp, no shilly-shallying “You’re a f**kwit now f**k off” approach then…… subject closed and then…… “move on, nothing to see here”.

    Drawn out public beatings and lynchings under the guise of punishment but in reality sport and schadenfreude for the masses, whilst entertaining for some, are space wasters for others and entirely unnecessary in my opinion…………………unless of course I’m actively promoting it, in which case it’s fine. ;)



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