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Everything posted by Bignasty

  1. Very Very Cool Post! I've been wanting to try this but haven't really had the will power to learn how! I'm gonna try it now though! Do you use a leather punch to cut the hold for sizing? Jon
  2. I got mine from Eddie Lee. Great watch. Can't speak personally for Josh but recently received my first order from Paul (Aspire). Both EL and Paul w/ deliver quickly. EL will accept Paypal and Paul will not! Either way the 192 is a beautiful watch! One I will not part w/ soon! Good hunting and good luck! Jon
  3. Yeah I feel the same way. Just my track record w/ these movements so far is 0 for 3. I've got another sitting at the Post Office awaiting my early morning pick up tomorrow. Hopefully, I'm crossing my fingers, it will be OK as this is the new 28K improved Asian movement. We shall see. If you need someone to install the ETA in your CA, let me know I'd be happy to do the swap for you! My CA is w/ Andrew's service guy right now. He was going to repair for me free of charge, but I've since decided to just do the swap. I did my Serie Speciale earlier this week. Runs smooth and keeps perfect time! Good luck! JOn
  4. Buy an ETA 7750 and have it installed! Doesn't cost much more than the service and its 100000% better! Jon
  5. The "President" band has to be one of the most comfortable bands around! The diameter of the watch is much smaller but the design is classic! My only hold up on these is the weight. Feels too light to be gen. I'm seriously considering the new Precious Time 14k two tone model D@te-Just though! wear it well! Jon
  6. Yeah seems to be a twisted story. If you knew it was an obvious rep, why would you want to know the source? I mean why would you want to buy crap when you have such good dealers and resources here? I don't like being mean but its hard to hold back sometimes, especially when the watch is obvious. I had two thugdizzle type re-re's come into work one night wearing some horrible Rollie copies. You know the type, super stupid but just don't give a fudge about anything! I mean these reps were BAD! They were fantasy dials, fantasy bezels, crappy crystals, light bracelets (no screws), worse than China town reps. They even still had the protective plastic on them! Well at least they "rolled yo!, they don't tick!" I was wearing a Gen IWI Diver that night so couldn't show them a quality rep to compare. I asked them "Those R0lex's on your wrists?" They both said, "YES" proudly. I said, "they're reps right?" They actually tried to pull them off as real, and I mean these things looked BAD! They hadn't even been sized and didn't even have screws in the bracelets! They said "no we just took them to Reed's (the local AD) to have them checked out!" I said again, "they're fake". The one guy started to get pissy, the other one (with at least half a brain) asked, "how can you tell?" I went on to show him half a dozen flaws and told him if he needed a good rep to come back the next day. The other one continued to get pissy like he was going to come back and shoot me cuzz I hated on his game yo! Its just funny when some people try to pull these things off. Bottom line for me is, if the person justs looks like a walking joke I'll call them out, especially if the rep looks super horrible. Otherwise I'll just comment at the most like "nice watch!" and see what their response is. Sometimes they'll admit its a rep and sometimes they'll play it off. I do this because I will respond in the same fashion if someone says the same thing to me. I mean I've been spotted at work wearing a YM and called out a couple of times. It seems the YM seems to draw the most attention. Once by a guy wearing the Gen. He was polite and said, "nice watch" as he held is up next to mine and continued "I've got the same one!" Very nice guy, though I'm sure he assumed it was a rep. The other time was a low self esteem struggling lawyer type who probably spends every cent he makes trying to flash his very little cash! You know the type. He makes $60,000 a year but wants the image of a guy who makes $300,000 so his car payment, home payment, and credit card payments eat up more than he makes a month! Hey saw my rep and said "is that a YM? Hey let me see that closer is that real?" I could see him shaking in his boots! I mean it probably ruined his day or even his week to see that I could wear the same watch as him! As far as your situation goes. Sometimes you shouldn't press it. The guy could have received the watch as a legitimate gift w/ rep box and papers and honestly not know its a rep! We sometimes forget that we know MUCH MUCH MORE than the average Joe does about watches! If the person seems cool I'll tell them the flaws, otherwise leave it be! Cheers, Jon
  7. Biggest flaw has been missed! It will weigh much less than WG or Platinum! Jon
  8. Yeah I can picture it now. Bond walks into the Casino wearing a tux and an Omega (swirly dial 007 edition). He very calmly sits at the table to get in on a game. His adversary sitting across from him, unknowing. Bond calls "hit me" to the dealer while he places a high bet. His rival sitting across asks his name while glaring at his double O watch. Bond replies "Bond, James Bond" while looking at his cards. The enemy say's "What line of work are you in Mr. Bond?" Bond replies, "I work for Universal Exports, a supplier of fine Swiss Omega watches like this one on my wrist. Were making them to promote the movie series of the famous bristish double agent, James Bond!" He continues "you see its merely a coincidence that I'm wearing the watch and sitting across from you! You see I'm not a spy and I'm not trying to stop your plot to take over the world!" Sorry got a little carried away. It just seems really stupid that James Bond would wear the James Bond Special Edition watch! It would kind of blow his cover, plus it would be like Angus Young of AC/DC wearing an AC/DC shirt when he's performing w/ the band! I saw the preview the last time I was in the theater and it looked like a black PO on rubber strap to me! Of course now if he was Diddy or P Diddy or Puffy or P Diddily Daddy Pu he could wear a Sean Jean shirt while self promoting! Jon
  9. D@mn I wish I had known this before. I could have saved maybe $15 or so. Next order will be done at the grocer down the street! Thanks for the advice guys, I feel like a noob! Now I have even less problems w/ WU! Jon
  10. I never thought about it but I can send WU and my local grocer! Good idea, I might have to look into that. I agree with the buying more than one at a time. I'd rather spend $30 split between two watches than additional $30 per watch! Jon
  11. I'll try to help and clear up a few things by sharing my personal experiences. Keep in mind I have never dealt w/ Silix but hear good things! Moneybookers SUCKS! They set limits on how much you can "upload". And because you "upoad" the money it is treated as cash. People say its the "Paypal of EU" but thats bull$it. Paypal transfers money from one person to another for a service or goods. Moneybookers takes funds and turns them into cash, which can then be transfered to another person for whatever you want. So if you use your credit card thinking it is like paypal your credit card company will charge you ridiculous cash advance fees and percentage rates. Basically I opened an account with them months ago for a dealer in HK that isn't on these forums. I uploaded $10 or so. Then realized the most money I could upload for the remainder of the month was an additional $60. When a watch costs $100+ what the hell good does $60 do? So then I get my statement from my credit card company and they've charged me like $15-20 in freaking fees for that $10. Not to mention that the $10 has since been left stagnant in that account since then. I got half the charges back from my Credit Card company when I explained to them that I thought the website was a scam. But lost my $10 to moneybookers, chaulk it up as a learning experience. As far as WU goes, not bad at all. You still shouldn't use your CC but can use Debit card from your Bank Account no prob. Sure it sucks to pay the additional $30-$40 in fees but if you purchase your watches in quantity its much more easily justified. I mean it would suck to order an item for $26 like someone mentioned before and pay 100% in fees but if you purchase 2-3 watches with a total of $300-$500 the $30-$30 in fees doesn't sound so bad, especially if the dealer offers a discount for your inconvenience. Also the calling representative bit for WU is a ONE TIME THING! They do this for security purposes. They will ask you "Do you know the person you are sending the money to?" If you say "No" they will say "WU does not recommend doing this and do you fully understand that WU does not accept chargebacks from CC companies?" Basically they are covering their own @ss. And as for the not being able to enter a proper address and zip code you need to remember that the postal systems in these Asian countries are different then in the US. Also I don't beleive that just any Joe Schmoe can walk into WU and say "where's my money from that dude in the US who wanted to buy a replica watch?" I'm sure they have to have the WU Control Number and also have to show some sort of identification, as you send to a specific person not just "random asian dude that sells watches in China". Sorry to be a smart@ss but sometimes I can't help it. If I were a dealer and lost $1000s or $10000s of my hard earned money to scam artists I would ditch Paypal too! Bottom Line: If you know and TRUST your dealer then you shouldn't have any problems with WU! My 2 Cents! Cheers and good hunting! Jon
  12. I'm glad to see its actually a sapphire crystal now but can't pull the trigger with out the AR coating. Its a dead giveaway. I'd also have to say that the 20mm bracelet is a dead giveaway too. Looks like they need to just drop this rep entirely and start over from scratch. Well maybe keep the dial but everything else needs to be re-worked. I'll stick with the 4th gen 42.5 for now! Jon
  13. thanks for the replies guys Looks bad for my plan but worth a shot! Looks like I'll have to have The Zigmeister make a The Zigmeisterfied 3000 or whatever it is he calls them. Jon
  14. Looking through some of ETA's current movement selections and I see that they offer a model known as the 2894-2 movement. It's a similar layout to the 7753 except the running seconds is @ 3 instead of 9. I just ordered the new Breitling for Bentley rep that has the bastardized asian 7750 movement installed. Of course the running seconds are backwards on this new rep from where they are supposed to be. I'm thinking if I could source this movement, and I can , I could maybe get a gen dial and install to remove these flaws. Questions I have. 1. Are the subdials spaced the same as the 7753? 2. Would the movement have the same dimensions as the 7753, I mean will it sit in the case properly? Thanks in advance! Jon
  15. ETA 7753 seems to be much harder to source and also more expensive than the 7750. I'm working on a source now. Jon
  16. I got two watches from Paul in yesterday. Superfast shipping. According to the tracking the package hadn't even entered customs yet and minutes later I get a knock on my door! Anyways got both watches safe and sound in working order. Jon
  17. Thanks for all the comments guys! The movement was brand new for less than $240 shipped! Movement sounds smooth but you can still hear it winding and rotating. Even the gen's do this. My old Super Avenger did it and my friends Chronomat Evolution did it too. Both of these Breitling Calibers were adapted from the ETA 7750. I thought about doing a gen dial but this is the Serie Speciale Navitimer which was produced in limited quantities. If I did the gen dial I would also need a different case back. So I stuck with the rep. I'll probably do these types of swaps for others with Gen dials if they request it and source the parts themselves. Cheers, JOn
  18. There was a Chrono Avenger in SS for a short while. No longer in production now though. Looks similar to a Super Avenger but about 3-4mm too small. Only Super Avenger rep I've seen was garbage in my opinion. Brushed case, horrible bezel, and even worse crown. Jon
  19. Hey man, easy fix Buy a rep with a real Ti case and also a real Ti/SS band! I've got a beautiful PAM 192 that has real Ti case and also has a Ti/SS band. There is a member selling the Ti/SS bands here now. I got one from him for my 192 and it is perfect! Also check with your dealer, many of them can have a custom built model made for you! I mean case from this model, dial from that model, crown guard from this model, band from this model and so forth! Good hunting! Jon
  20. Hey guys check this out! http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=6109 Jon
  21. Absolutely beautiful! Mind me asking how much you've got invested so far? Jon
  22. Yeah I thought about doing this, but decided against it. Doesn't really matter as I won't be taking the caseback off for anyone to see. I was more concerned with reliability of the movement here than the appearance. Jon
  23. Hello all! So today I got a very special package in the mail for my very Speciale watch! But seriously. I got the Serie Speciale Navitimer from Trusty this past week. I've had nothing but bad experiences thus far with the Asian 7750 so I began my hunt for an ETA 7750. Found a new one for a great price, ordered, paid, and waited patiently. Well today I had a good day at the mail box, my new ETA movement had arrived! So I contemplated whether or not doing the swap myself. For the last few days I've been using old watches for practice and I thought "why not try to do this, might as well take the plunge!" So tonight after work I began the process. Needless to say the swap went well. Won't waste your time with words anymore. Here's the pics. I'm one step closer to doing some mods for you guys like this! My confidence level is slowly climbing. Also I'd like to thank all the members that have offered to send their old watches in for me to practice with! I will take care of you all when I get started with the mods! Cheers and enjoy the pics guys! Jon New movement looks nice! Another shot! Case back off, here's the old asian 7750. Rotor removed for easy handling. Movement out! Hours, minutes, and chrono minutes removed! Smooth sailing so far! Remaining hands and dial off! All down hill now! Comparison shot, ETA on the right. Dial in place, all hands installed! Oh yeah its coming together now! Movement in! Silicone grease to seal her up! Case back on and tighten it up! Finished product, looks nice, but more importantly runs better!
  24. I don't like to let them run for basically one reason. If someone says, "hey your watch is broken, why isn't the second hand moving" or "hey thats a fake watch the second hand doesn't even work" I can call them out as being an imposter and not knowing crap about watches! Beleive it or not I've had this happen on more than one occasion! Jon
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