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Everything posted by cornerstone

  1. Here's hoping there's something new. And that the price is less than $428 + $8000 shipping....
  2. On the plus side, you wouldn't want to see a masturbating bald eagle would you? Oh, OK, since you insist here's one you might want to see..... (NSFW!!!! Linking to bits, bytes and babes area) http://www.rwg.cc/to...sfw-bald-eagle/
  3. To be fair, it made more sense with the original Aspire / Womart decal on it....
  4. Judging by the wrinkly asses around SW Florida in winter, the process can't be reversed.
  5. Hahaha. A Great study, I'm guessing, planned by men. I'm thinking if I extend it 30 minutes a day, I might make it to 100. Classic!!!!
  6. The "hurricane bawbag" moniker (it means "hurricane nutsack") has had me chuckling all day.
  7. That was classic!! Love the penalty!!
  8. Wow, wow, wow. A very kind gesture. Andy is a legend. All the best to you Cats.
  9. Season 4 was great. As I understand it Season 5 will be the final one. Been enjoying Misfits too, I think they've done a good job considering they lost the leading actor/character.
  10. Maybe he was just being a keen photographer when he shot them. Easy misunderstanding
  11. Shhh...I have a good supply of this. All jokes aside, I went to a museum exhibition on smell and perfume once and it was surprisingly interesting. It's something you tend take for granted, rather than breaking down into its constituent parts.
  12. It's almost textbook branding, emotional yearning and love for a brand and all that. Very good. You guys are lucky with your cool old cars. My Dad's no longer alive either, but I suspect he would have been slightly less impressed if I'd turned up with some of the rubbish cars we had from yesteryear! Some crap Ford Cortina rolling around the corner would have received more of a WTF slap around the head. He cried with joy the first time it was towed to the scrap yard, I don't think he'd thank me dragging it back
  13. I read that because French Customs Officers work a 16 hour week, 30 weeks a year and retire on full pension at 40, it takes 2.8 million state employees to check the parcels. Approximately 5% of GDP relates to parcel opening...
  14. Belated birthday wishes!! Hope you had a good one.
  15. Ledge or no ledge you wouldn't catch me there. You had me at "fuck that" when you said Zimbabwe.
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