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Everything posted by cornerstone

  1. I visited just now - it appears to be a functioning watch forum It's your DNS, which may be cached by your local ISP. As Pugwash said, if you ever hardcoded the IP into your HOSTS file, you'll need to undo that. If not, just wait and it'll all sort itself out.
  2. I wouldn't stress too much about it - I think one has the day + date, and the other the day, otherwise I think they're identical. Most reps generally just have the date, so they're considered interchangeable in those situations. It depends if you had a very specific purpose in mind.
  3. I tried this "live every day as your last" notion. I've got to tell you - the first 20 minutes were GREAT!!!!!!!! After a bit of a pause to recuperate, the next 20 minutes after that were pretttttty good as well By about the third time around the hour mark - hell, not bad. Better than mowing the lawn, certainly. After that I was kind of sleepy and tired. Kind a felt more like a snooze, maybe a cup of tea watching TV. It turns out, living every day as you last is much more tiring than they tell you. If you got this, it's because someone cares for you and because, probably, there's someone you care about. If you're too busy to send this out to other people and you say to yourself that you will send it 'One of these days', remember that 'One day' is far away... or might never come... No matter if you're superstitious or not, spend some time reading it. It holds a useful messages for the soul. NB This is an excerpt from my upcoming antidote to Chicken Soup For The Soul entitled Ice Cream Headache For The Mind
  4. Aww shit. I've just realised why when I played for the school team every Saturday my parents never once showed up to watch Is there a psychiatrist in the house?
  5. Here's Dagog's clip....
  6. Welcome trustytime and perfectclones do indeed carry identical watches.
  7. No wonder you think this one is a good one - if I read it correctly, it's lingerie night tonight in the Berg household!! Either that or she's just about to break it to you that she smashed the car
  8. This belongs in the Southern Hemisphere Chat sub-forum ryyannon....
  9. [FYI - I split this discussion off from Ken's trade review so it could be continued ]
  10. Given this discussion, this article in today's Sunday Times caught my eye - I'm guessing The Mentalist may be spraying his cornflakes over his morning paper when he sees this... [url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/men/article3524068.ece]"One man is revolutionising modern suiting with bespoke for
  11. I know we're totally OT from Ken's suits here - we're talking off-the-shelf versus made-to-measure / bespoke (i.e. a genuine brand suit is off-the-shelf; many high street suits (e.g. Marks and Spencer) are fused) My problem with made-to-measure is that's it's a moving frickin' target, so it's not going to fit in a few weeks anyway. In the past, when I've moved houses/countries I've gone through suits throwing out what doesn't fit, only to find out that two doughnuts later it might have again I'm only half-kidding. What I really want from a new suit is fifteen pairs of trousers, just to cover a rainbow of different sizes I may or may not be at some point in the future. Seriously, there's no point wearing an impressive suit if at the end of any meeting you can only walk bandy-legged because the circulation to your feet has been cut off for the past two hours....
  12. I'm guessing a pattern might emerge here quickly - but I'm thinking the Breguet with the white dial (it does look fantastic still) or the FA Jones. I love the decorated movements in the FA Jones, but the dial always seemed a bit shiny and plasticky from photos. BUT the different crystal that Eunomians put in his FA Jones just blew me away (his is black though) - what a mod and improvement that was - absolutely stunning.
  13. It's just too hard a question because it covers an entire brand. Much easier to look at the pictures, pick out the one you like, then start hunting that one down. There's a good chance that there have been some excellent discussions on it previously, I say that not because someone won't help you now, but because some of those watches were once the 'hot' watch of the day, so some of the discussions were pretty detailed. If accuracy to the gen is your goal, you're in trouble because modding Pam's is such a big part of the hobby. Your best bet might be to take someone else's pre-modded Pam in a trade.
  14. It's was a Lange that 'entrapped' me too - double damn you Lange & Sohne!
  15. We have a winner! The contest for rbj's new logo is OVER!!!!
  16. The bracelets are normally fine. I must confess the bracelet on my 45mm UPO feels nicer to put on that my 42mm. The best upgrade you can get for your PO - bar none - is to get the proper AR done by the guys that can do that here; they can even have the crystal taken out and installed for you. It makes a phenomenal difference.
  17. I think this story from today's papers (and there's a half-decent chance Offshore knew the guy who died) proves your point: Lauryn Eagle leapt out of a white Mercedes and raced towards the jetty, choking back tears and screaming. The shattered remains of the speedboat in which her father, Peter, had been driving was moored in the water at the NSW Police Marine Area Command in Balmain. "Is he alive or is he dead? Just tell me? Is he alive or is he dead?" she cried. Grieving family members....confirmed her father was dead. Later, pouring out their grief over the shell of the badly damaged boat, members of the Eagle family watched as a parade of powerboats moved slowly past on a lap of honour for the family patriarch. Eagle, a 10-time Australian water-skiing champion from Oatley in southern Sydney, died when his seven-metre Bernico boat flipped on Sydney Harbour yesterday morning. It was another tragedy for the family. The crew of the HarbourCat ferry Pam Burridge discovered the capsized vessel near Balls Head Point, on the north-west side of the Harbour Bridge, about 9.15am. Rescuers found Eagle's body beneath the upturned hull. His racing partner, former world disabled water-skiing champion Geoff Burgess, was pulled unconscious from the water and put on a NSW Maritime vessel. A Maritime officer performed CPR on Burgess, who had no pulse, for nearly eight minutes. He was taken to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital with serious head and leg injuries. His condition was downgraded from serious to stable last night. Ferry master Mark Verrills said the rescuer "just didn't let up" on Burgess. "He wasn't going to let him die. If that guy lives he will owe that Maritime bloke a beer every day for the rest of his life," he said. @Marrickvilleboy - there's a gap between caring about the question and putting in a paper to get you through the class without doing your head in. Away from the (very interesting) ethical implications - it's fundamentally a philosophy class style question, getting into the mechanics of it. Unitarianism, Consequentialism, find out what everyone else thought of Bernard Williams' arguments and then use that as the basis of the thrust of your argument (after all, they put more time into worrying about it), reference other modern philosophers / ethicists, spin it together in a coherent way. College is about learning how to think so that you can apply it later in life: specifically "how can I get this paper out of the way so I can go to a bar" can later be useful for "how can I get out of this meeting so that I can go to a bar".
  18. One thing that occurred to me was the non-resident withholding tax - it might be worth just checking through the tax implications too.
  19. How do you like it on the gen rubber? The gen mesh bracelet isn't for me on gen or rep.
  20. Check out these folk http://www.raboplus.co.nz/ I think the additional liquidity of having the money on call is well worth the difference; or rather, I don't think not having access to it, or to future interest rate rises, is worth the extra. I suspect that the AU$ is a less volatile bet - but don't quote me on that. I don't think so, not in a period of high inflation. Possibly in real terms they might, but when things are getting stormy property is not a bad bet - people will always need homes, and there some some decent tax advantages over income from interest, say. Whatever the papers say - there's plenty of dough around at the moment, no question - people have cash. And onto that economy they're about to throw a massive tax cut in July.....
  21. Amazing review - this raised the bar for sure!!
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