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Posts posted by marrickvilleboy

  1. Great work! but i'm not sure how they teach it over in the U.S, but we were taught to dissemble in this order:



    barrel bridge/barrel

    gear train

    winding and setting

    The reason for this order is that you can check for working order of the parts as you remove parts, for example, check for the "jump" of the pallet fork after you remove the oscillator.

    Again, i'm glad more people are learning this trade.

  2. Well my time is up, as some of you already know, i'm leaving to go to the States for study so my watch hobby will have to stop and its sad i guess....but thats life!

    Just wanted to thank everyone here for their input, and all the moderators for their endless work. I hope i have provided just a little to this community as its such a good forum and everyone is so nice and helpful.

    For the many members here who have used my services, I like to thank you and I will still provide some service to the members in the States. If you have any questions regarding modifications or need any help please don't hesistate to email me, please be patient as I may not reply instanteously.

    All the best everyone! and happy collecting!


  3. Actually the specs are the same diameter, but the height is different. The height is 4.8mm for the 2824-2 and 3.6 for the 2892A2. The 2836 and 2834 are even thicker at 5.1mm.

    But what I meant is that usually there is enough clearance in the case to fit the thicker movement.

    sorry, you are right. they are slightly different in height but they fit the cases and are more "compatible" than the 2836.

    thank you for pointing it out.

  4. you know what i would like to see?

    those transformers that could combine! like defensor! you know the one with the fire truck, police car, police chopper, police motorbike and ambulance? and then they would connect to form this massive robot!

    mann......i think i still have the toys!

  5. ok, I've tried to d/l your file, but it just keeps crashing when it hits the last second for some strange reason =(

    My prognosis is this, the gear that you have in the diagram circled is called the "rachet wheel", also the "clutch wheel" which is the small wheel that is perpendicular to the rachet and drives the rachet when you wind the watch manual via the stem, now generally speaking, these 2 parts should be coinciding smoothly, no jerks no compromise in consistency.

    What you have there is from my experience in watchmaking very minor, the occurance is generally caused by having the click spring not fitted properly, so when the screw on top of the rachet wheel is screwed down, the actual rachet wheel does not do its job.

    Your options are of course to have it repaired. Remember, if you attempt to do a DIY job, please be weary of the click spring which is very commonly lost when dismantling that area.

    I will give you some steps in which to handle this if you do attempt to do this yourself (any watchsmith can fix this for you in 5 minutes)

    1. release the power of the watch so there is no tension in the mainspring.

    2. Although we were taught to dismantle in a order that best suits our ability to test and onserve the movement as we go, in your case, you can just dismantle the mainspring bridge plate - only where the rachet and crown wheel are at.

    3. The screw on top of the rachet is left-threaded. Make sure you remove the crown wheel first.

    4. you will need to place the click spring against the click itself so it provides an in and out process for the rachet wheel.

    Good luck and let me know if you run into any problems.

  6. ok, here's some advice...

    As a watchsmith myself, we were of course taught to use the hand press tool which is like a small pen with a plastic tip at the end with a hole which gives clearance for the pinion.

    Now we dont all have that tool, so we can of course find a substitute. Look around in your pen/pencil case/holder and you will find one of those BIC pens - the ones that have the ink go into the tip of the pen, its usually plastic and cheap. Now if you take the ink and the tip out, you have something very similar to the hand press tool. But if you want to go harder, you can get a PACER - a mechanical pencil and the tip of that can also be used.

    But remember, make sure you apply even pressure on the entire hand so you dont bend or break anything.

    Hope this helps and good luck

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