Obviously, the child was wronged, but there is something askew there. For 1 thing, dad keeps referring to the 'family', but where is mom? Is there a mom & why is she not in the picture? I am not sure what (other than being so emotional over a year after the event, which, by itself, raises questions as to dad's emotional state), but there is something unnatural & off about dad. I have a feeling the teachers had some type of issue with the family & were, wrongly, taking it out on the child? It seems to me that there is a big chunk of the story that is missing (as is usually the case with these types of shows).
And I hate the way the hosts on these idiot shows aim to ratchet-up viewers' emotions by lowering their heads, talking ever-so-gently & getting all touchy-feely like they are petting small dogs or talking to the bereaved at a funeral. The only 1 who appears to have emotional issues is dad.