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Everything posted by Nanuq

  1. It’s a Seiko! It’s a Doxa! It’s a....??
  2. Just wondering.... how is this restoration coming along? I've learned some hard 6204 lessons since April...
  3. WHERE IS @nikki6 ?????????????? HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. In one of our 6538 threads there's a question "What do Chuck Yeager, Jacques Cousteau and Elvis Presley have in common?" and it shows each one wearing a Rolex. Can I find it on this important day? Of course not.
  5. Show of hands, how many here wanted to be Chuck when you were growing up? Somebody said that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it. Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you’ll never do that; At least no one ever has done it;" But he took off his coat and he took off his hat And the first thing we knew he'd begun it. With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin, Without any doubting or quiddit, He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn't be done, and he did it. There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, There are thousands to prophesy failure, There are thousands to point out to you one by one, The dangers that wait to assail you. But just buckle in with a bit of a grin, Just take off your coat and go to it; Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing That "cannot be done," and you'll do it.
  6. If I had a gold watch that needed polish, I'd use Flitz metal polish paste and a soft cloth, and spend an hour doing it by hand. It would lose zero metal doing it this way.
  7. From the best group nobody's ever heard of, Hot Pink Turtle and the only album they ever released... Ticklewigglejigglepickle This one is "Myisci" but the guy has the wrong name on it.
  8. Not at all! A friend of mine is a FedEx pilot. He can get a package anywhere in the world, and drop it in a local mailbox.
  9. Liked him? Bad? You??? Better watch out, Miss Understood still logs in here once in awhile and she sniffs out bad boys like a pig after truffles.
  10. Oh, you mean this guy?? Watch Nut Wales (edited by Nanuq until we can verify these details) Email:welshwatchnut@yahoo.co.uk
  11. Nanuq


    Me?? I'm perfectly calm.
  12. Wow can I send you a couple of my gens to redo?
  13. Indeed. None of us take pleasure in this part of the job.
  14. Caveat emptor, people. Yes this can be a wonderful gesture. Yes this can be a ripoff. We don't know Waka from Adam's off ox here at RWG. I'd like to see some feedback from other sites before I sent any money.
  15. There's also the makings of a VERY good 5508 project here somewhere, it's been for sale for ages. It will be spendy but it's top notch parts.
  16. Exactly right. As more and more watch snobs put their prized pieces in safes because the part they need to repair it is simply not available anywhere ... will they finally crack and accept "perfect" aftermarket parts that can keep their babies in circulation? Will greed or snobbery win out? Fortunately, we're on the winning side of the equation. Consider Slay's recent foray into "perfect" replacement hands. And his Fat Font inserts. Consider HH's perfect 5514 cases. Consider the Phong Big Crown 6200 case that Daniel2000 has for sale. Consider Adrian's 6204 case set project. It's like low hanging fruit for the vintage connoisseur. We're living in the candy shop, gents. Vintage parts are ours for the taking. Nothing is off limits, your imagination is king. Enjoy the freedom to build what you want! Before long we'll be infested with snobs from VRF asking how they can get in on the action, and "Who has the best Sub???". Mark my words.
  17. Hi JDS, I think we came to the conclusion that sunlight bleaches the dial so the indices and hands get whiter. Sometimes the dial will change color too, losing pigment so it goes from black to brown. But the hour plots should get whiter with more sun.
  18. Thanks, I know they're not the greatest but I tried to get perpendicular to the side of each case in both pairs of photos so you can see where they differ.
  19. Gen 6536/1 case+back is approx 7.81mm thick. Gen spec 6538 is approx 8.76mm thick
  20. Parts availability will be the death of our watches, not unlike the dying of vintage cars. Anyone have a layshaft for a Suffix "A" gearbox for my '63 Land Rover? No? Didn't think so. I once sent my ultra-rare Gigandet chrono to a well known watchmaker in Canada that used to haunt these halls. Someone had dropped it and broken a shaft. He hunted for a couple years for a watch with that movement that could be sacrificed, and finally gave up. In the end he made one with a lathe and sent it back working perfectly. Watching Adrian here offering 800 and 702 crowns and now 6204 case sets brings a glimmer of hope. I wonder if he'd be willing to work up some aftermarket reversing wheels for the 1030 auto-wind train? With mine on the way out, my gen sits in the safe.
  21. Nanuq


    The man... The legend... The human art form... JeffG!!! As I live and breathe, welcome back!
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